Entered in Mythological Creature Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Monster in the Closet Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Arctic Creatures Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Original God & Goddesses Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.

Ranked 16th for Twisted Reality Skin Contest
with a score of 10.150 out of 15 from 10 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Creativity & Uniqueness | 36th | 3.050 | 3.050 | 5 |
Technique & Execution | 13th | 7.100 | 7.100 | 10 |
Overall Score | 16th | 10.150 | 10.150 | 15 |
Entered in Sci-Fi & Outer Space Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Life on the High Seas Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.Entered in Emotions Skin Contest
No ratings were cast on this entry because it did not make the finalists.

Ranked 51st for Circus Characters Skin Contest
with a score of 5.750 out of 15 from 10 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Creativity & Uniqueness | 33rd | 2.550 | 2.550 | 5 |
Technique & Execution | 67th | 3.200 | 3.200 | 10 |
Overall Score | 51st | 5.750 | 5.750 | 15 |

Ranked 45th for Desert Skin Contest
with a score of 7.333 out of 15 from 9 ratings.
Criteria | Ranked | Score* | Raw Score | Max |
Creativity & Uniqueness | 49th | 2.667 | 2.667 | 5 |
Technique & Execution | 47th | 4.667 | 4.667 | 10 |
Overall Score | 45th | 7.333 | 7.333 | 15 |