Audia-Craft Vanilla MindCrack Like New memberd wanted!

Audiatorix_'s Avatar Audiatorix_2/4/16 4:17 pm
6/18/2016 11:57 am
Matthew_W's Avatar Matthew_W
Welcome to AudiaCraft...

What is AudiaCraft?

AudiaCraft is somewhat similar to MindCrack, but open to the community.
We allow survival type gameplay if you want the plain Vanilla Minecraft
experience. However, we also plan to have many different events for
those who would like to participate.

What kinds of Events?

We plan to have all of the following events. They will happen about once
a month, depending on what the community wants and what we (the owners,
RogueBukkitDev (ZanderMan9 in-game) and myself, Audiatorix) are able to
plan and coordinate.

Arena Showdown: A PvP event in which players who wish to participate
will meet at an arena built by a chosen builder for the occasion. We
will have FFA's, TDM's, and small-team deathmatches. Some games, gear
will be given out; others, players are free to bring their own gear.

UHC: Ultra HardCore. This may involve teams or every man for himself.
See Server Specs for more info about how these will be run.

On the Border: A PvE event in which participants will be put in a world
with a small but slowly expanding border. They must live in close
quarters with each other and deal with limited resources while they wait
for the border to expand. See Server Specs for more info about how
these will be run.

If you ever wish to make a suggestion, contact the owners on Skype.

Server Specs

The server is up 24/7, with 2 gigabytes of RAM dedicated to the main
server. The "main server" is the server that survival will be done on.
It will run 1.8.1 (Mojang-provided). There will be another server up
whenever there is an event that can't be held on the main server, IE UHC
and On the Border. This server will either run 1.8.1 (Mojang-provided)
or 1.7.x (Spigot/CraftBukkit).

History -- Why AudiaCraft?

My partner, Rogue, and I have owned and helped many servers in the past.
We've seen them fail and we've seen them succeed. Over the months and
even years, we've learned what makes a good server. It takes a strong
community, a willing staff team, and the ability to not rely on money.
That is why our server is not a pay-per-month host. We never need to
worry about how deep our wallets are.


We are not currently looking for any staff. However, we are recruiting players. Fill out the form below:

In-game Name:


Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic):

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers:

Why You Want to Join:

You will be contacted via Skype once your application is reviewed. We will give you the IP if your application is accepted.

Thank you for taking time to read this, and we look forward to seeing you!
Posted by Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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06/18/2016 11:57 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Network
Matthew_W's Avatar
In-game Name:Sloss_Gaming


Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic):matthewwalden11

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers:I have been in the Mantis SMP, Golden SMP, Eagle SMP, To many smps xD

Why You Want to Join:I want to join a community and build and have fun playing with y'all
03/12/2016 10:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
StayThatWayy's Avatar
In-game Name: RawrRandiRawr

Age: 17

Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): kawaiipotato500

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: A lot, but I'd perfer a whitelisted server just because its hard to keep up with so many players when I want to be friends with everyone

Why You Want to Join Besides work, I'd like to game more and be active in the minecraft community!:
02/13/2016 12:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sandgeneral1's Avatar
02/08/2016 8:57 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Masterfartman. Your accepted
02/07/2016 9:44 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
ZeroUnleashed's Avatar
In-game Name: ZeroUnleashed
Age: 14
Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): vincent8899965
Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I have played vanilla with friends but not like mindcrack
Why You Want to Join: Servers now a days are boring, but vanilla is small and easy to talk to people.
02/07/2016 9:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Captianscifi you've been accepted
02/07/2016 8:56 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
Styxxien's Avatar
In-game Name: Lupuskleptus

Age: 13

Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): themadtreefrog

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: Lots of vanilla experience, and not many MindCrack-like servers. I mean, I've played on a private few but never for long.

Why You Want to Join: It sounds fun and this is something I've wanted to do for a while now. It just overall sounds like a nice idea and I feel like it'd also be a great opportunity to meet some new (minecraft) players and generally just be part of a community.
02/07/2016 8:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CaptainSciFi's Avatar
In-game Name: CaptainSciFi


Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): casey.konkol1

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I have played on a couple servers like this before. Don't worry I was never banned from them it always ended with the server going down due to lack of payments.

Why You Want to Join: I wish to join your server for many reasons. First is I love to do community activities such as UHC. Also I want to be able to be on a server like MindCrack and be able to hang with friends. I would like to build houses and buildings for others to see without fear of a griefer destroying it. I also really want to meet new friends from all over. I hope you enjoyed reading this. And I hope that you pick me to join and if not thanks for just reading this.
02/07/2016 8:17 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Myst you were accepted
02/07/2016 7:35 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
In-game Name: Myst1411

Age: 15

Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): keithr2311

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I've played on loads of Towny servers where you are able to create prospering towns, and fun communities. Although, I've rarely ever found SMP servers, Vanilla ones specifically that are any good. I'm hoping this server will be the one to put that case to rest!

Why You Want to Join: I would like to join because I honestly think it would be an extremely fun experience! Lately with the stress of school and other things in my life, I feel that being able to play on this server without any worries and to just build, chat with other players, and have fun would be an amazing time. I'm a very sociable person, so I'll always be chatting it up with other players on the server, as well as communicating with others to host events in a town, and other cool activities for the community to enjoy. But anywho, I wouldn't want to ramble on forever so I'll end my app here!
02/07/2016 7:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Applications still open.
02/07/2016 9:51 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Sand general and augsome you both were accepted
02/06/2016 11:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Augsome69MC's Avatar
In-game Name: augsome69


Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): (facebook:shogunruaufc) < thats the skype

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I'm very mature iv'e been playing minecraft for about 3 years and very experienced.

Why You Want to Join: I want a quite vanilla server to do a series on and I like the peace:)
02/06/2016 10:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sandgeneral1's Avatar
In-game Name: SandGeneral


Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): sandgeneral1

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: Ive been in 5 Cube like smps that have all fell down because of inactive players and well it would just me be on for a week thinking of when any members will get on. And two of them had monthly UHC's..

Why You Want to Join: I really want a ACTIVE smp that has a cube and mindcrack feel to it and hang out and have a great time. These days its so hard to find a "good" MIneCraft SMP and I hope that this one is the one for me.
02/05/2016 1:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
I've sent you a request.
02/05/2016 1:12 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
DB the greatest. What is ur Skype name?
02/05/2016 12:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DBtheGreatest's Avatar
I need you to resend the skype request please.
02/05/2016 10:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DBtheGreatest's Avatar
Send it
02/05/2016 10:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DBtheGreatest's Avatar
Send me ip
02/05/2016 9:32 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
02/04/2016 6:14 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Yutz You have been accepted
02/04/2016 5:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Yutz's Avatar
In-game Name: Yutz

Age: 14 ._.

Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): OlliedMC

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I used to play a few, they quickly became overpopulated and so a white listed and/or private server I think would do be better

Why You Want to Join: Looking for new people to play with as i've been with the same guys for some time, I've also not played a straight vanilla SMP for a while and think i'd really enjoy the experience.

*edit* would also love to record on here as i've just started a new channel.
02/04/2016 5:38 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
DBtheGreatest You've been accepted
02/04/2016 5:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DBtheGreatest's Avatar
02/04/2016 4:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DBtheGreatest's Avatar
Not saying skype anymore
02/04/2016 4:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Audiatorix_'s Avatar
Nootch_MC Welcome aboard! You have been accepted
02/04/2016 4:28 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Nootch_MC's Avatar
In-game Name: Nootch

Age: 19

Skype Name (Skype is required, but you do not need a mic): NootchMC

Experience with Vanilla and MindCrack-like Servers: I have joined 1 of them, having to be shut down because the owner has not been able to keep the fund up. I have also been on another one, which I still play today.

Why You Want to Join: I wanna join because these kinds of servers are what create lifelong friends. I want to be able to join the experience of it. I will also wanna use your server for a new youtube series! I know my app is not much, but I really wanna join you guys. It looks like a nice-well handed server!!

Thanks ~Nootch
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