†Dimension Craft† Looking for mature and experienced staff.

iMiles's Avatar iMiles8/7/12 3:08 pm
9/4/2012 6:49 pm
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar Dawn_Slayer_1
DimensionCraft is a 169 slot server looking for staff:
We are currently in need of staff. Please look and read everything. Our website is
http://dimensioncraft.enjin.com/ Dimensioncraft is owned by Sunyshoremon and Caboose_RvsB.


- Administrator (1-2 Slots Left)
- Head_Moderator (0 Slots Left) (Dawn_Slayer_1)
- Moderator ( 3-4 Slots Left)
- Head_Emperor (1Slot Left)
- Emperor ( 2-3 Slots Left)
- Head_Developer (1 Slot Left)
- Developer (3-4 Slots Left)
- Leading Website Developer (1 Slot Left)
- Website Developer (2-3 Slot Left)
- Website Engineer (2-3 Slots Left)
- Website Administrator (1-2 Slots Left)
- Website Global Moderator (2-3 Slots Left)
- Website Moderator (3-4 Slots Left)
- Leading_Architect (0 Slots Left) (zFuture)
- Architect (2-3 Slots Left)
- Donators (As much as possible)

- Administrator [Keeps the server
running, helps the staff, and helps
donate to the server.]

- Head_Moderator [Keeps in-touch
with the moderators and helps monitor
the server.]

- Moderator [Helps users and
makes sure nobody breaks the rules.]

- Head_Emperor [In-Charge of all the
major building projects]

- Emperor [Helps build large structures
or projects.]

- Head_Developer [Experienced with ALL types
of encoding and is able to put it in use to help
the team of developers with plugins, voting scripts
for the enjin website.]

- Developer [Experienced with all/Most
types of encodingand is able to put it to
good use to make plugins and etc.]

- Leading Website Developer [Helps create
banners, voting modules, and etc for the
ENJIN website. Also leads the website developers.]

- Website Developer [Helps create
banners, voting modules, and etc for the
ENJIN website.]

- Website Engineer [Helps the Web. Devs. with
encoding for html scripts.]

- Website Administrator [Monitors everything going
on with the website. Has to also pay monthly for the

- Website Global Moderator [In-Charge of all of the
forum posts.]

- Website Moderator [In-Charge of a section of the

- Leading_Architect [In-Charge of planning
huge building projects and works with

- Architect [Helps plan the big building projects
with the Leading_Architect.]

- Donators [Will be given special perks
and more items than other regular users.]

- MUST BE 14 or older to have a job.
- MUST have none or at the maximun of 1 ban
from mcbans.com (I will check).
- MUST have a ton of experience. Please list.
- MUST be responsible.
- MUST follow directions that you are given.
- MUST NOT abuse your rank or there will be
savage consequences.
- MUST be respectful to the users and the staff.
- MUST be dedicated to this server.
- MUST be contributing to the server is any way.
- Help advertise.
- MUST BE good at WORLDEDIT and Voxel Sniper.

What are you applying for?:
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?:
What are you going to do for the server:
Coding experience:
Can you donate if the server needs you to?:
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?:
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career:
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?:
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:
What is you favorite TV show?:
When did you start playing minecraft?:
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
Posted by iMiles's Avatar
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter

Create an account or sign in to comment.


08/07/2012 3:35 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Pony
ThunderCookie1's Avatar
Is that a lot to ask?
And, I'd love to be a moderator even though I am 11
08/07/2012 3:53 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
videogame11's Avatar
EH, can im12, People say i act like an 15 year old =D tho can i still apply?
08/07/2012 5:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Sorry. but that is the required age. Bump.
08/07/2012 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chestertherabbit's Avatar


What are you applying for?:admin

What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: have had alot of expereince as an admin and am fair to all players
Experience:i have been an admin on 3 servers and owned 1

What are you going to do for the server:help build and keep order

Coding experience:i do not have experince coding

Can you donate if the server needs you to?: yes i could donate 100 not all at once
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)

What can you build?:i can build large scale buildings

Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: only in faction servers that allow it

Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?:no

Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):modern

What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:world guard

What is you favorite TV show?:walking dead

When did you start playing minecraft?:about a year and a half ago

Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career:[size=150]i have played for a decent amount of time on many servers and have over 100$ invested in one i have been known to be helpful and listen to rules
08/07/2012 5:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Pretty nice re-written post. I will debate on which rank you will be given. Please feel free to hang around in our server ( and our website http://dimensioncraft.enjin.com/
08/07/2012 5:22 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar
Name: Kevin



Timezone: Eastern (FL)

Applying: Admin or Head Mod or Mod

Experience: I was Admin in at least a couple times and mod in many others. I also owned my own thats now shut down.

What Ill do to help: Build and keep server under control

Coding: I know a little. My friend did this,

What makes me deserve this more than anyone else: I have been admin in the Server Best-Rpg(Now shut down) and mod in many others. If you choose me I will be on this server everyday and A Lot during weekends.

Donate: If I was Admin or what I applyed for probably.

What can i build: Anything you want me to
Screenshots: Sure

Ever Grief: No. Im a very fair player

Ever get banned: Once but thats when i just got the game and i didnt know the rules. it was only for a day.

Style of building: Mansions and modern houses

Favorite protection plugin: World Guard

Favorite TV show: Burn Notice

When did I start playing Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.8

Summary: I started playing minecraft when a friend showed it to me. I was immediatly interested and started playing multiplayer. After i noticed my potential I started branching out to help servers. I still enjoy the game just like when i first got it
08/07/2012 5:24 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
What are you applying for?:admin
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: have had alot of expereince as an admin and am fair to all players
Experience:i have been an admin on 3 servers and owned 1
What are you going to do for the server:help build and keep order
Coding experience:i do not have experince coding
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: yes
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?:i can build large scale buildings
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: only in faction servers that allow it
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?:no
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):modern
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:world guard
What is you favorite TV show?:walking dead
When did you start playing minecraft?:about a year and a half ago
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career:i have played for a decent amount of time on many servers and have over 100$ invested in one i have been known to be helpful and listen to rules

How much can you donate? And please repost this with a better format. With things like bold and etc. Please include screenshots of your builds.
08/07/2012 5:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Dawn_Slayer_1Name: Kevin
Timezone: Eastern (FL)
Applying: Admin or Head Mod or Mod
Experience: I was Admin in at least a couple times and mod in many others and owned my own thats now shut down.
What ill do to help: Build and keep server under control
Coding: I know a little. My friend did this,
What makes me deserve this more than anyone else: I have been admin in the Server Best-Rpg(Now shut down) and mod in many others. If you choose me i will be on this server everyday and A Lot during weekends.
Donate: If i was Admin or what i applyed for probably.
What can i build: Anything you want me to
Screenshots: Sure
Ever Grief: No. Im a very fair player
Ever get banned: Once but thats when i just got the game and i didnt know the rules. it was only for a day.
Style of building: Mansions and modern houses
Favorite protection plugin: dont have one. sorry
Favorite TV show: Burn Notice
When did I start playing Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.8

Summary: I started playing minecraft when a friend showed it to me. I was immediatly interested and started playing multiplayer. After i noticed my potential i started branching out to help servers. I still enjoy the game just like when i first got it

This is a decent written application. I will consider it. Feel free to check out our server ( while I debate on your rank.
08/07/2012 5:28 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
MaxL4D's Avatar
What are you applying for?:Admin.. Builder... Helper.. Whatever!
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: Im a very very good builder and very helpful
Experience: 3yrs:D
What are you going to do for the server: Build Awesome things and Help people
Coding experience: None..
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: ya:/
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
Screenshots: want some??!?
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career:Yes:(((
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: Yes!! 4 times because they said I was greifing while I was freaking building!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAD seriouse
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Anything... IM GOOD
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: factions.. towny.. its all good
What is you favorite TV show?: Lost.. Jericho:))
When did you start playing minecraft?: 3yrs ago
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: I have admined on a server.. I am trusted on very many servers.. people ban me for stupid reasons
08/07/2012 5:50 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Is this a fucking joke? I do not accept fucking applications like this one.
This application is like this to me:
Name: Markus Persson
IGN: Notch
Age: 90
Timezone: South pole
What are you applying for?: Owner
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: Nothing. I just want it.
Experience: I griefed like 1 server
What are you going to do for the server: grief it
Coding experience: nope
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: nope
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: nothing
Screenshots: dont have any
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: yes
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: I griefed and got banned
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): I like breaking stuff
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: Nocheatplusplus a force-op plugin
What is you favorite TV show?: Team Avolition
When did you start playing minecraft?: 1.3.1
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: I just started minecraft.

I mean comeon. If you are going to apply, have some experience and do it with pride.
08/07/2012 5:37 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar
Thank you IMiles for considering me. Also i am 99% positive i can donate i just need to get some more money
08/07/2012 5:55 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar
Miles do you want me to make my application like that and do it over agian?
08/07/2012 5:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Like what? Your application seems fine. Chill bro.
08/07/2012 5:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
I need some developers. Any?
08/07/2012 6:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ibivins9's Avatar
Name: Isaac Bivins
IGN: GassyOverlord
Age: 15
Timezone: Eastern
What are you applying for?: Administrator/ Moderator/ Web site Dev
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: I have owned 4 servers, obtained the trust of the owner and OP status on 2, and been staff on 3. I know how to handle a server, and myself.
Experience: See above.
What are you going to do for the server: Pretty much anything that needs to be done. You name it, I do it. On the long haul, Any server would benefit from my help.
Coding experience: HTML and VERY BASIC java.
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Mmm... Probably.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: Semi-Complex redstone machines, modern(ish) homes, small castle builds, basic grounds work (yards, lawns, founatins, etc...)
(More can be provided upon request)
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: No.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: yes, I got banned once on an MCBans server, but the ban was removed because I did nothing wrong (admin was one of my friends, he thought It would be funny to hear my reaction in ts3 when he banned me)
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Eh...both
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: I know the ins and outs of Worldguard. Its my favorite because It does not require a MySQL database, and is fairly easy to use considering it integrates well with WorldEdit
What is you favorite TV show?: That's tied between Warehouse 13, White Collar, or Eureka
When did you start playing minecraft?: 0.30 Survival Release
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: I have seen it all, build almost everything there could be built, and I have impeccable knowledge on every plugin that is commonly found on a bukkit server, as well as the associated permission nodes for PEX/ other permissions plugin.
08/07/2012 6:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
For html can you do a voting module for enjin? Like this on obsidiancraft at the site there: http://obsidiancraft.com/
08/07/2012 8:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ibivins9's Avatar
Eh.... I dont know how to import the APIs into the HTML. Well, not for something like this anyway. Im more familiar with stuff like Joomla.
08/09/2012 5:39 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
08/07/2012 6:22 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
globdom's Avatar
Are the staff positions: Admin, Head_Vanisher or head-mod still open?
08/07/2012 6:29 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Yes they are. I will update them constantly.
08/07/2012 6:39 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Anyone else wants to apply?
08/07/2012 6:47 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
globdom's Avatar
Name: Jake
IGN: globdom
Age: 14 and i have an older brother who is 16 years old but we both play as globdom.
Timezone: Eastern
What are you applying for?: Administrator/Head_Vanisher
What Makes You Have This Job More Than Anyone: I have been staff multiple times. I have been an owner 2 times, a co-owner 5 times, an admin 9 times, a mod 6 times, a head-admin 5 times, a V.I.P. 4 times and a tech-guy/dev 8 times.
Experience: I have been a successful staff member on multiple servers. I have never let any server down.
What are you going to do for the server: I will patrol the server 2-7 hours per day. I will build, lead the staff, make sure there aren't any griefers and any other work i am needed for.
Coding experience: I am not very good at coding although i can help you set up perms and ranks with pex.
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Maybe..... One of my skills are getting donations from others. I once gor 1 guy to donate 20 dollars and 2 RAM per month
What can you build?: Basic Redstone circuits. I am very good at building massive things, i have built: towers, spawns, cities, mansiona, homes, villages, statues, you name it
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: No.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: I got banned once for not talking to a guy on skype one day. Yes, they were power abusers.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): I prefer modern. I could build medieval if needed
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: I love /tptoggle because then no one can teleport to you and ruin your work.
What is you favorite TV show?: Probably Deadliest Warrior.
When did you start playing minecraft?: I started playing since 3 years ago.
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: I started off as a rookie, not knowing all of the commands so i searched it all up. This was very vital in my staff career because without that researching i wouldn't have become a mod in a server for the first time. After i got the hang of all of the commands i researched new plugins and i went for a bigger role: an admin. I had gotten the job as an admin and then i researched some more about pex and then i took my game to the next level as a co-owner. I got the job as a co-owner on a friends server not because we were friends but because he knew he could trust me. I took my final leap as an owner/host of a server and i got the role. All of those other staff roles varied in the years. I am happy about the way this all turned out.

08/09/2012 5:41 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Maybe a Vanisher.
08/07/2012 7:54 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar
Miles. I just wanted to know when would be a good time to come back on for the position. Thanks
08/07/2012 9:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Bump. I need a banner maker.
08/08/2012 12:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ibivins9's Avatar
I could make a banner In photoshop, or at least give it a try. I'm pretty decent at Photoshop.
08/09/2012 12:41 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Make one and let me see
08/09/2012 12:53 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
zFuture's Avatar
Name: Michael
IGN: zFuture
Age: 21
Timezone: EST
What are you applying for?: Lead Architect
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else
?: Very experienced with large builds, worldedit, voxel, world painter, builds teams, and time lapse builds. I've built every kind of style. I was aprt of Minthritia academy and one of their top builders.
Experience: 4 years of buildings. Used to run a buisness selling spawn builds.
What are you going to do for the server: Design everything that amazes people and will keep them on the server.
Coding experience: 5/10
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Depends on alot of things
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: I've done every style from nordic to Modern

Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: On griefing servers
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: No
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): All
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: Worldguard
What is you favorite TV show?: Pawn stars
When did you start playing minecraft?: Beta
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft

Used to build and make youtube videos as a part time job. The best builder youll find on the PMC forums.

Message me on here or add my skype mikek280838
08/09/2012 5:23 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Very nice application. This is what I am looking for. Accepted
08/09/2012 1:10 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
iElite1023's Avatar



Timezone:Central time USA.

What are you applying for?:Head Moderator.

What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?:I think I deserver the position more than anyone else is because I am respectful and I listen to everyone on the server. I will help when I need to be called and I will always be on.

Experience:I have been an admin on 2 servers and a mod on 1.

What are you going to do for the server:I am going to help the server where ever it needs help with.

Coding experience:I was dev on one server. Im alright.

Can you donate if the server needs you to?:I will try my best to donate if they need me.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)

What can you build?:I can build huge Medieval buildings.

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/DX05i

Did you ever grief in your minecraft career:I only grief if they allow it in the server.

Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?:No.

Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):Medieval.

What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:WorldGuard.

What is you favorite TV show?:The Walking Dead.

When did you start playing minecraft?:Since beta.

Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career:I pretty much find a server that I like and I play on it untill it gets boring or it gets hacked.

Hope I can get accepted!
- iElite1023
08/09/2012 5:28 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Head_Moderator is already taken. Please apply for something else. Thank you.
08/09/2012 1:38 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect
zFuture's Avatar
Also i tooki 4 years of visual communication and design, so logos and banners are no problem for me
08/09/2012 2:38 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Toast
Gafloff's Avatar
Name: Hector
IGN: Gafloff
Age: 15
Timezone: I dont really know the time zones... But I live in finland
What are you applying for?: Admin
What makes you deserve this position more than anyone else?: Im good at building and I stay mature I can pixel art and much world edit. I have many plugin ideas if needed, I know when to ban when to kick and when to jail (If you have a jail)
Experience: (This is much since I joined in 1.1 (not beta)) Admin 25 times Owner 6 times co-owner 9 times Mod over 30 times and trusted ALOT
What are you going to do for the server: As I said in What makes you deserve this position more than anyone else...
Coding experience: A small small small Coding exp :/
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Maybe...
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: Pixel art, Castle statues, Etc
Screenshots: I dont take screenshots of my buildings /:
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: Well In Grief servers (Where I was a normal player) And a server I thought was Grief (I have bad memory cant remember rules)

Oh btw I may have more than 1 ban in mcbans but they are from bugs :/ Hope I can get accepted anyway!
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?:
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:
What is you favorite TV show?:
When did you start playing minecraft?:
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
08/09/2012 5:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
This might not make it to admin, but you can apply for Architect.
08/09/2012 5:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
RicRox's Avatar
Name: Ricardo Scaringi
IGN: RicRox
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT (Great Britan)
What are you applying for?: Architect/Builder
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: Well... Saying that I Know that I am not the best builder in the world but I Will try and work with the other builders and arcitechts and adapt my own style into the server builds. I am a confident builder and will try my best to build with the rest of the Team
Experience: I am currently Admin on Two Servers (Ask me if you want the ip)
What are you going to do for the server: I Will help build with the rest of the team whenever I am needed to build A Creation. I will also help moderate the server if you need me too.
Coding experience: None. Sorry ):
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Nope. Sorry ):
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: I enjoy building Airships Fortresses, Eleven Towns and floating island creations.
Island Builds
Server Builds
Single Player Fortress And More Server Builds
(Sorry if a picture popped up more than once)
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: Nope I dont think so. You Can Check the Records If I Did. If I DID Greif It was a long time ago and that I am sorry for
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: Yes I got banned for cursing when I Was accussed of greifing a cave But it was about a Year-2 Years ago And I Have Matured Since Then.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):My Main Style is Medievil/Roman
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: Factions Safezone
What is you favorite TV show?: Modern Family
When did you start playing minecraft?: I think i started playing between Minecraft beta 1.7-1.8.
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: Well I Started by playing a game that was somewhat similiar to Minecraft called Total Miner. I First got intrested with minecraft by seeing the yogscast and other famous youtubers play it. So I Started playing on minecraft Classic. Soon I Got the game in beta 1.7 And started playing. I Made some OK Creations and played on my freinds server. I only started getting intrested in building in servers about 10 months ago. I was in another server before i was admin on my current one but they wouldent give me reccognision for my builds of spawn wich i spent countless hours on and a server admin started swearing at me everytime i talked to her =S So i changed the servers where i became a builder and started by building a pvp Arena. Soon I Was Admin and freinds with the owner. Now this is where i am now looking for another server to build on.
Sorry if that was Long =S I Just wanted to tell you about what i done.
Thanks For Reading-Ricardo
08/09/2012 5:26 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
You might be accepted. Your application is a 5/10. I am still debating on this.
08/09/2012 6:08 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Superdp's Avatar
Name: Brandon
IGN: Futuredp
Timezone: Australian Eastern
What are you applying for?: Head Moderator , Admin
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: i have Been Respectful Staff, Past the Couple of Servers i was a Rank. and i have Great Experience with a lot i think the server needs Help with.
Experience: My Experience was Really Good and very instresting i had a lot of good, past Experience i can Bring to this Server as Being a Rank.
What are you going to do for the server: a lot of Stuff i can In prove Suggest Plugins, Builds .etc and i am a very good Helper, and Staff
Coding experience: I can Code just a Bit, Not that Much Though
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: I can try, if Needed Depends How Much.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: Pixel Art, City Hotels, Modern Houses, Ancient Themed, a Trap Game in Ancient Theme, Spleef Arena, PVP Arena, Spawn, Founatian, Warp Station, Statues and Way More.
Screenshots: i would, have some but i never take them
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: I greified sometimes if i hate the server.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: i dont Know how much i was Banned and, i got banned from Cow Craft once for Nothing i was Admin and he started greafing me then he kicked me then i kicked him then he banned me, and he was Temp i was Official.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Medival, Modern, Ancient, Lapis,
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: iam not Good that much, with Plugins so i have to say I don't Know.
What is you favorite TV show?: Breaking Bad
When did you start playing minecraft?: 1 . 5 Years Ago
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: i Started minecraft when my friend found it and he was building a big castle and he had a cool zombie skin on i helped him later like 2 months i was bored on the .net and all that. i was Playing Happy Wheels and but i got Bored, and i started look for Popluar Games on the .net when i found MC so i payed for it and got it i started building a big Temple in my First world then i was going to servers, to build for others and ya i enjoyed it and i like Being with others.

Btw if you have Skype heres my Skype: FutureDragon10
08/09/2012 5:48 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Maybe accepted as Moderator.
08/09/2012 6:11 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Superdp's Avatar
SuperdpName: Brandon
IGN: Futuredp
Age: 16
Timezone: Australian Eastern
What are you applying for?: Head Moderator , Admin
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: i have Been Respectful Staff, Past the Couple of Servers i was a Rank. and i have Great Experience with a lot i think the server needs Help with.
Experience: My Experience was Really Good and very instresting i had a lot of good, past Experience i can Bring to this Server as Being a Rank.
What are you going to do for the server: a lot of Stuff i can In prove Suggest Plugins, Builds .etc and i am a very good Helper, and Staff
Coding experience: I can Code just a Bit, Not that Much Though
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: I can try, if Needed Depends How Much.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: Pixel Art, City Hotels, Modern Houses, Ancient Themed, a Trap Game in Ancient Theme, Spleef Arena, PVP Arena, Spawn, Founatian, Warp Station, Statues and Way More.
Screenshots: i would, have some but i never take them
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: I greified sometimes if i hate the server.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: i don't Know how much i was Banned and, i got banned from Cow Craft once for Nothing i was Admin and he started greafing me then he kicked me then i kicked him then he banned me, and he was Temp i was Official.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Medieval, Modern, Ancient, Lapis,
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: iam not Good that much, with Plugins so i have to say I don't Know.
What is you favorite TV show?: Breaking Bad
When did you start playing minecraft?: 1 . 5 Years Ago
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: i Started minecraft when my friend found it and he was building a big castle and he had a cool zombie skin on i helped him later like 2 months i was bored on the .net and all that. i was Playing Happy Wheels and but i got Bored, and i started look for Popluar Games on the .net when i found MC so i payed for it and got it i started building a big Temple in my First world then i was going to servers, to build for others and ya i enjoyed it and i like Being with others.

Btw if you have Skype heres my Skype: FutureDragon10
08/09/2012 4:58 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Pokemon
Dawn_Slayer_1's Avatar
Miles pick RicRox. I had time to know him and he'd be good for the job.
RicRoxName: Ricardo Scaringi
IGN: RicRox
Age: 14
Timezone: GMT (Great Britan)
What are you applying for?: Architect/Builder
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: Well... Saying that I Know that I am not the best builder in the world but I Will try and work with the other builders and arcitechts and adapt my own style into the server builds. I am a confident builder and will try my best to build with the rest of the Team
Experience: I am currently Admin on Two Servers (Ask me if you want the ip)
What are you going to do for the server: I Will help build with the rest of the team whenever I am needed to build A Creation. I will also help moderate the server if you need me too.
Coding experience: None. Sorry ):
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Nope. Sorry ):
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: I enjoy building Airships Fortresses, Eleven Towns and floating island creations.
Island Builds
Server Builds
Single Player Fortress And More Server Builds
(Sorry if a picture popped up more than once)
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: Nope I dont think so. You Can Check the Records If I Did. If I DID Greif It was a long time ago and that I am sorry. for
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: Yes I got banned for cursing when I Was accussed of greifing a cave But it was about a Year-2 Years ago And I Have Matured Since Then.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):My Main Style is Medievil/Roman
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: Factions Safezone
What is you favorite TV show?: Modern Family
When did you start playing minecraft?: I think i started playing between Minecraft beta 1.7-1.8.
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: Well I Started by playing a game that was somewhat similiar to Minecraft called Total Miner. I First got intrested with minecraft by seeing the yogscast and other famous youtubers play it. So I Started playing on minecraft Classic. Soon I Got the game in beta 1.7 And started playing. I Made some OK Creations and played on my freinds server. I only started getting intrested in building in servers about 10 months ago. I was in another server before i was admin on my current one but they wouldent give me reccognision for my builds of spawn wich i spent countless hours on and a server admin started swearing at me everytime i talked to her =S So i changed the servers where i became a builder and started by building a pvp Arena. Soon I Was Admin and freinds with the owner. Now this is where i am now looking for another server to build on.
Sorry if that was Long =S I Just wanted to tell you about what i done.
Thanks For Reading-Ricardo
08/09/2012 5:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
Snurf_Goggler_1's Avatar
Age:13, I will be turning fourteen in a month, but please take into account the my age does not affect my building skill in no way what so ever.
What are you applying for?: I'm applying for head emperor.
What makes you deserve this: I'm not as stupid as most minecrafters, and I know when somethings a bade idea or not. I am a very good designer and builder and incorporate various styles into my work. I place my self in the top 10% or less of all minecrafters in terms of building. Another thing that you will value in me, is my good grammar and fast typing, as well as my activity. I'm on for 4+ hours a day.
position more than anyone else?:I don't quite grasp what this is asking me.
Experience:Frankly, I have not really built very much, when I do it's more than someone can ask for. I'm not the kind of minecrafter that would build 50 hotels, or something and say I'm good at building. (I say that because minecrafters always want to build hotels, and they are always crappy.)
What are you going to do for the server: I would like to bring my skill and intelligence to this server. As I stated earlier I know when something's a bad idea or not. This does not apply only to building. (In detail on the intelligence)
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Sadly, I cannot. I might eventually.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: I can build almost anything, but I don't really like this question very much.
Screenshots: Sadly, I do not have any screenshots, but nevertheless I will not disappoint you.
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: I have never griefed anything professionally made. I say that because I have a habit of playing faction servers, where griefing other players is allowed.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: I have, but the only times I have been banned are for crappy reasons. Infact whenever I have been banned, that admin who banned me, has done more things against the rules than I.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.):
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?:Definitely factions.
What is you favorite TV show?: Modern Family, Doctor who, etc.
When did you start playing minecraft?:1.0
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career:I have built various faction bases of great design and have been trying to get a place on a server to build, but every server I try never gets off the ground and my work ends up never being seen, which wastes hours of work.

Please accept me, I will be a valuable asset to your server!
08/09/2012 5:25 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Screenshots please. Buildings you created with Worldedit or Voxel Sniper?
08/09/2012 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
James239711's Avatar
I dont mean to sound rude or anything but when i went on your server i read all the signs and i still got lost. Also it seems all you care about is the people who can donate...
08/13/2012 2:07 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
sunyshoremon's Avatar
lmfao add us on skype and well speak to you
yeah the spawn isterrible atm
08/09/2012 5:39 pm
Level 23 : Expert Artist
Snurf_Goggler_1's Avatar
Like I said in the application, I don't have any as I only really do builds in faction server, as for how do you know I'm even a good builder, I guess you just have to trust me. I have one build screenshotted, But it's small and not nearly up to par with my skills today.

08/09/2012 5:59 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Maybe accepted as Architect 4/10 chance.
08/09/2012 5:47 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
Staffe's Avatar
Name: Staffan, i think it will be for the best if you just call me Staff
IGN: Staffe
Age: 17
Timezone: GMT +1 / GMT +2
What are you applying for?: Head emperor, Emperor, head architect, architect
What makes you deserve this position more than anyone else?: I would say that I am a good leader, creative and a good builder. I always take projects with great enthusiasm and when i have a project before me i do my best to get it done to perfection.
Experience: Alot. Not much more to say really
What are you going to do for the server: I will provide the community with a soul willing to help others. I am also a quite good builder which I guess would provide the server something.
Coding experience: A little, not much though
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Yepp
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: Everything
Screenshots: I rebooted my computer not long ago, so i dont have any builds :/
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: I griefed my own house, does that count?
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: Not that i can remember.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Mainly Medieval, sci-fi works too though ^.^
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: World Guard i guess.
What is you favorite TV show?: Naruto?
When did you start playing minecraft?: 2 years ago
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: I started of playing sole survival, I loved it, though i always dug underground which made me a bit depressed, sounds funny i know but it's true ^.^ Anyways that's when i started building and the creativity started to flow, I have actually never experianced such an urge to build new things before. Anyways here i am, looking for someone to build with
08/09/2012 5:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Maybe Architect may be good for you.
08/09/2012 5:49 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
bobotheredmonkey's Avatar
Name: bobotheredmonkey
IGN: None, sorry
Age: 13 (Please still take this spplication into consideration.)
Timezone: Eastern USA
What are you applying for?: Head Moderator
What makes you deserve this
position more than anyone else?: I am good with lots of plugins (World Edit, WorldGuard, Essentials, Chest Shop, and many more.) I will ban temp. ban or kick people for breaking any rules.
Experience: I own my own server so I have a lot of experience with being a staff member. This was also the first multiplayer server I ever joined. (About 7 mos. ago.)
What are you going to do for the server: Mainly I will build. I can also work with most plugins you throw at me. I am probably best at building PvP Arenas, wooden cottage like houses, and towns.
Coding experience: I do not have any coding experience.
Can you donate if the server needs you to?: Its not a definite no or a definite yes.
(Admins are required to. And Head_Web. Dev.)
What can you build?: I can build towns, wooden cottages, arenas and almost anything you ask me to.
Screenshots: http://imgur.com/x4GY3 http://imgur.com/yxExm http://imgur.com/sXLVi
Did you ever grief in your minecraft career: I have only griefed on a server where it is allowed.
Did you ever get banned? If so, Why?: I have been banned from 2 servers, 1. ObsidianCraft banned for language, I am on mcbans one more time from my friends server who abuses mcbans.
Style of building (Medieval, Modern, etc.): Modern
What protection plugin do you favorite the most?: World Guard
What is you favorite TV show?: Mythbusters
When did you start playing minecraft?: About 9 months ago.
Give me a brief summary of your whole minecraft
career: Well I started playing Minecraft in survival single player. I got lots of good critique from my sibling and friends so I moved to SMP. DarkSuny (DimensionCraft I am just so used to calling it DarkSuny) was my first multiplayer server where I was actually welcomed and greeted. And then I became more involved in the game, I now own a server make my own skins and my friend and I are thinking about making a plugin even.

* I know I may not reach the age requirements but I really hope you look this application over.


08/09/2012 5:51 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
iMiles's Avatar
Sorry Head_Moderator has been taken.
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