New Server! Need Staff!

cissississ's Avatar cissississ5/17/12 11:19 pm
6/2/2012 11:04 am
tvs1's Avatar tvs1
i have had a new server made and i need staff!

Make ur own application but make it at least a paragraph long. I will answer as soon as i can! Staff can NEVER SWEAR!!! or removal
Posted by cissississ's Avatar
Level 15 : Journeyman Princess

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05/17/2012 11:24 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
ThePurplMonster's Avatar
I would like to be Co-Owner or admin. I could help you by making the server look better and help you with plugins and getting the server popular. I can help with all of the major builds. I can help manager the server(if needed). I can Manage the website(if you have one). I can help you work with plugins and work with worlds and permissions. I can be on all the time. I play Minecraft everyday. A lot. I know how to use almost every plugin out there. I am VERY experienced when it comes to servers and server management. I have been working with Minecraft servers for 2 years now and know almost everything that there is about them and how to prevent certain things.
05/17/2012 11:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
cptminecraft2's Avatar
May i please have Admin? here is my app:

Do i follow rules: Yes
Do i have any Mods: Yes but i only (i swear) use them in singleplayer
Will i be active: I will be as active as i can as i have to do some jobs before playing. on weekends i can play for like the whole day.
IGN: upgrade98

NOTE: i am not that great with servers and that. I just play computers. so i cant really help you update and stuff but i can help with major builds.
I never swear on Minecraft. i never have.

Thank you for reading this application.
05/18/2012 12:06 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast

Hello i'd like to tell you a little of what i'm able to do to help establish your server. First of all I am a unique, out-going, and innovative builder always seeking a worthy challenge. I've always been glad to assist in building a server wether or not i'll be granted a honorable rank, though most of the time I am given one. Secondly I am very active in the minecraft world, helping those in need and trying to provide. I am experiencing in coding and such so maybe soon, if you accept this application, you might have some custom plugins making your server that more enjoyable. Lastly I have a good amount of experience leading servers ad helping players with all sorts of problems, inluding if they need someone to play with. There are many other things I do that are beneficial but that would simply take to long to list. If we need to discuss this app further, then we'll pm eachother. What i am looking forward to is either co-owner or admin....but i would be more pleased with co-owner.

Hope to meet you soon!

05/18/2012 1:04 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
InvaderIan's Avatar
IGN: InvaderIans

Hello, cissississ. I'm here to submit my application to you. I would like to be a Co-Owner or Admin of your server. I am good at building, redstone, and dealing with people. At the same time, I am fun, and serious. I know almost every plugin around the corner and can decide what plugins are best for the server. I've been playing Minecraft for 3 years now and after a few months discovered the Multiplayer industry. A few months later I helped 3 servers to become successful servers. I also learned a little Java coding. I think choosing me for a co-owner or admin of your server will be great. I am available most of the day and try to make the best decisions possible. Remember that I still have school to tend to! I can't play Minecraft all day!. Anyway, I'm looking forward for your response ^_^

Signing out,
05/18/2012 1:47 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
ideogeny's Avatar
NEVER swear? That's weak :/ I'd understand no excessive swearing :L
05/18/2012 6:36 am
Level 30 : Artisan Archer
Titan_L's Avatar
I would like to be admin or mod. I could help your server a lot. I never swear and I am good at being admin and mod. I will get on the server when I get the chance if I get chosen. Hope you choose me.
05/18/2012 10:58 am
Level 28 : Expert Cake
Couger2313's Avatar
I would love to be Mod! I think this Good Staff= Good Server! So please allow me to be apart of your crew and make this server really awesome! My IGN is couger2313. Im on all the time usually 3:00-9:00 every day! All day of weekends! I really want to be apart of this server and I am SO ready to help you with a server =D plus we share something in common =D WE HATE SWEAR WORDS!

HEre is my application:
IGN: Couger2313
Age: 14
Gender: female
Time zone: U.S.A central time
Why do I want to be staff?: I love making servers grow and i think this will be a good server

Please PLEASE PLEASE consider me when you are making your choices
05/18/2012 2:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
XxGamerzTagzxXMC's Avatar
I would love to be a CoOwner/Admin/Mod

IGN: XxGamerzTagzxX
Age: 14
Current time zone: (+7) Bangkok
Why I want to be admin? My hobby is to help new servers grow. I don't swear thatmuch really.

Please consider me? :]
05/18/2012 2:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MinecraftMooshrooms's Avatar
I would like to be Mod

IGN: Magman2000
Age: 13
I want to be mod because i will help you make your server great and im a good builder to so plz consider me
05/18/2012 3:25 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Freshoto's Avatar
can i be co-owner, i am good at everything, believe me, just make me co-owner
05/18/2012 3:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Freshoto's Avatar
Sorry i forgot to say, my username is freshicedcoke and im 16 years old
05/18/2012 3:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Miki96GTS's Avatar
IGN: Miki96GTS
Place Wanted: Admin or Co-owner
Why : Well first of all I'm the kinda person you can trust. I am
really friendly with player's ,(im moderator in 3 servers),I am helpful to new players ,i build awesome stuff from medieval era to future and etc...I know to work with plugins, so u can count on me I also have a lot of experience.
How can you make our server better? I can create amazing structures that gonna make server more beautiful, i can suggest some cool plugins (like custom music) and etc..
I can suggest u ideas about district's like (Farm where players can build there farms,Market district where players can build shops and etc)
05/18/2012 3:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ProjectMC's Avatar
I want to aplicate for Builder
why no higher ranks?:I love to build creative or non creative !
My building experiences:I helped on 6 servers building their spawns including three big ones (250 slots)
What can i build :everything but im really good in villages (especially medival ones)!
I play at least 2 hours a day and i am very active
i will never swear i will never break any rules i will ALWAYS help others
and i am playing minecraft since alpha yes i have skype
05/18/2012 4:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
fatbacon64's Avatar
Hi i would like to be admin on your server. I can play and stay on the server for large amounts of time. I have been admin on 10 different servers. I am currently admin on two of those servers.Im am 13 years old. I really h4ope you take my submission into thought and make me a admin on your server.
IGN: fatbacon64
06/02/2012 7:54 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
cptminecraft2's Avatar
is this person still checking?
06/02/2012 8:05 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
Nngag's Avatar
GN: ningag2
Position: admin
Why Do you want this position?: i want to help the server by keeping it clean from greifers and hackers, enforce the rules, help anyone who needs help, make sure everyone is having fun, i don't ban for no reason, i don't op anyone for no reason (not even if their my friend),i'm not a greifer like those idiots,i had my own server (i'm good at running servers) i have been admin on 9 servers and mod on 10, i know all sorts of commands (i'm always learning more), i'm a great builder and i'm really helpful
i have skype also
How will you help our server?: i want to help the server by keeping it clean from greifers and hackers, enforce the rules, help anyone who needs help, and make sure everyone is having fun
Timezone/country: india
Age: 16

Pm me if im accepted
06/02/2012 10:52 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Shadycraman's Avatar
IGN: Shadycrazyman
I want this postion beacuse thats what i love to do is build. I can build real structurs but i love to use redstone. im pretty good with it to, or well i think i am =P. Even though it's just the humble rank of builder i can still help "moderate" anyone can stop an arugment.I can help the server by building a server is nothing with out a spawn. Lastly, i have alot of ideas that can make a server great and i think that i could convey some of thouse in your server with the other builders and toghter we can create one of the best servers in minecraft.
06/02/2012 10:59 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Goblin
legohead452's Avatar
rank wanted admin or builder as long as creative mode had lots of exprience ign: legohead455
06/02/2012 11:04 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Narwhal
tvs1's Avatar
Minecraft Name; tvs1
Skype name: I will PM you (It is not aloud to post here)
Age: 13
Personality: good humor, serious and always happy
Time zone: +1
Expirence with servers: I have been playing on a lot of different servers through the time, i started playing minecraft at early alpha
Plugins/commands you know: I know most standard plugins but I'm not so good with permission
Are you a good builder? I think I'm quite good
How many servers have you been Moderator/Admin on: 3
Maturity rate(our of 10): 9
Are you patient: Yes
How do you react with Griefers: I get so sad and angry :/
How do you react with hackers: I get so sad and angry :/
How do you react with spammers: I get so sad and angry :/
Can I trust you? Yes.
How long do you play Minecraft a day? 4 hours on normal days

I hope I'm what your looking for

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