[New Earth][100 Slot Server] Official Need Lots of Staff

Xylan's Avatar Xylan10/3/12 11:01 pm
10/10/2012 6:28 pm
Xylan's Avatar Xylan
Servers Dead or atleast that one is here is new one

Posted by Xylan's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Explorer

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10/03/2012 11:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Ranger
ChuckNorrised's Avatar
Skype: I have one, and a cam, and a mic, but my comp can't support them, I have support with my other comp, but I can only browse the web on that one -_-
IGN: pulseb96
Why: I enjoy helping others, I am very mature, I take my time when I build stuff, I am good with plugins and commands, I own my own server and mod 2, pm me for the IP's. I am very skilled with WorldGuard and WorldEdit, and I look forward to every build
How Often Are You On: 6 hours a day, around there.
10/03/2012 11:10 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Looking forward to it Accepted Will Post IP Tomrw
10/03/2012 11:17 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
rn_apple's Avatar
Skype: RN_Apple
IGN: RN_Apple
Why: I'm mature and responsible. I know all the minecraft commands. I am an amazing builder. I have had countless hours in business and leadership training. I am amazing at World Edit / World Guard. I am the owner of my own server. I love helping people and having a good time. I am amazing at building! I just think this will be an awesome server (I can tell from the name)!
How Often Are You On: A Lot (That's the most specific answer can give you)
Position: Admin
10/03/2012 11:41 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Electrician
kirbyquerby's Avatar
Skype: kirbyquerby
IGN: kirbyquerby

Why: I am an expert redstoner, have been admin on 2 servers, am co-owner one one, and have been mod on 3 server. I am also head-mod on 1 server. Unlike the liars, I actually did have these positions and can post ip's and server owners. I don't just want to be admin so that I can have fun with the power-I want to help the server grow fun and popular. I am reliable (check my clean ban record), smart and trustworthy. I can do pretty much anything you need. I am also a very good builder, can manage plugins, advertise, and create an animated banner. I am very experienced and can use most plugins including worldedit. I can learn new plugins easily, also. I can provide more info if you need it-thx!

How Often Are You On: Atl least 3 hours a day.

Position: Admin (or head-admin if you really like my app)

Thanks for reading this app!
10/04/2012 8:23 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Would you like to be Head Mod Add Me on Skype There are only 3 Head Positions left open at the moment il let you pick one but not Head-Admin Hes one of my Close friends that helps me with my server crap
10/03/2012 11:55 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
exotic14's Avatar
Skype: Exotic1.4
IGN: Kronixz_diamondz
Why: Well I would really like to become head mod because I love to help server as much I can, I believe I have to potential to help maintain a server and keep it protected from x-rayers griefers and anything else that is against the rules. I think that I am skilled at moderating serves, And I also think that the best should lead the way for the new moderaters and teach them what to do, and I would enjoy that
How Often Are You On: I am on when ever I get a chance which usually comes to
2-7 hours a day
10/04/2012 12:15 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Narwhal
Da5id's Avatar
Skype: GriffsPDA (im on steam more often - {CMC} Scoots

IGN: trollzors

Why: I used to admin a server called Monkeystrike
gaming (which i will link) but as of recently it is shutting down. Without an
admin/mod position i feel kind of bored. I can also advertise, i wrote the post for the Monkeystrikegaming server, you can look at that on my profile too.

How Often Are You On: 4-6 hours, there abouts

Here are some references!: I'm not promising anything but I THINK I can score a channel vent/teamspeak3 server.

I also want to say that i can donate 3-6 hours of my time to your server

Here are some references!
the forum for monkeystrikegaming- Monkeystrikegaming.com/forum/

the owner and tech guy of Monkeystrike- doggiemanispoor on Skype - RalphORama on steam
10/04/2012 12:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Whatuppp's Avatar
Skype:Normally I'd give you it, but it's been acting up lately and won't show new requests/invites which is really stupid because then I can't add anyone D:.
IGN:My IGN is delaney195.
Why:I love to help out new servers and contribute what I have. I have been playing minecraft for close to 3 years now. I have been moderator and admin on many servers before. I have been co-owner on a few servers as well, and have owned 2 of my own servers. I have a lot of experience being staff. I have good building skills and have built many things such as spawns, mansions, castles, theme parks with water slides and roller coasters, and more.
How Often Are You On:I try to get on as often as I can, but as I have school, I'm usually on in the late afternoon, daily.
Position:I am applying for admin.

10/04/2012 12:45 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Narwhal
Da5id's Avatar
10/04/2012 12:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
Admin/Head Mod
Skype: I use skype often, And my Skype is Cutielaurenie.
IGN: Cutielaurenie.
Why: I am a kind member, And I enjoy helping servers out. I am also a good graphics maker. During most of the time I try and stay calm and figure problems out. I can give you some more info.

I am mod on a server.
I am admin on a server.
I co-own a server.
I host my own server, That I plan to make public.

I hope you can consider. I am more experienced than I look and I am willing to do what I can to help the server.

I can make a few graphics if you want, So and so. Hope you take me into consideration.
How Often Are You On: Well, Because its the holidays and its nearly over, About nearly the entire day. But since School is nearing, I may only be able to be on for 4-6 hours.
10/04/2012 1:07 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
youlef1999's Avatar
Skype: youdef00
Why: so I can help and vote for this server I am truthful and I like to chat with owners on Skype
How Often Are You On:2 h et day
10/04/2012 2:04 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
nightaye's Avatar
What's the stats of the server? ;s
10/04/2012 8:15 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
You will know this when it is fully released AkA when i have complete Staff.
10/04/2012 8:15 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
youlef1999's Avatar
Dude I made an app
10/04/2012 8:24 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
I realize that but it was not accepted Sorry.
10/04/2012 8:19 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
XSLinKsZ's Avatar
*Applying for Admin OR Head mod
Skype: Hacking_Isfun
IGN: xSLinksZ
Why: I am VERY experienced with staff positions. I used to own a server, fairly popular..so i know all the statistics. I can bring hard and dedicated work. As well as a growing and fulfilled community. I also have been staff on servers in the past.
How Often Are You On: School days= 2-3 hours. Friday night+weekends= ALOT
10/04/2012 8:32 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Valthrok's Avatar
Skype: Darkan379, No mic a Katy broke it

IGN: Serbitaar090

Why: Because i am dedicated, if the server is medieval i would only join then or if it was fantasy because these are the only two styles i build in. I can build very well, not as good as Myrinthia Academy Tutors or FryeUK but i am better than average.

How Often Are You On: Depends on what i am doing that day, should be usually 5 hours, at least 4 hours.

Links to Builds:
(1) http://i.imgur.com/2LXAx.jpg
(2) http://i.imgur.com/3zQjB.jpg
(3) http://i.imgur.com/6hFT9.jpg
(4) http://i.imgur.com/nvqlL.jpg
10/04/2012 8:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Great Builds For The Most Part Your In as A Builder And Add Me on Skype its Xylan.
And Is there anyother way you can get a mic
10/04/2012 8:33 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Valthrok's Avatar
Could i ask, also who is accepted and how do we know if we are accepted?
10/04/2012 8:38 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Valthrok's Avatar
i sent u the request on Skype mine is Darkan379, not really. I could try my Xbox headset don't know if it will tho.
10/04/2012 8:49 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
more_awesomer123's Avatar
Moderator Application

Skype: Sorry don't have it

IGN: more_awesomer123 (PMC name)

Why: I just want to help out! I believe I would make a great staff member for these reasons:

- I will always keep to the rules AND make sure players are keeping to these rules
- I will be an active and friendly staff member - always happy to help out and benefit others
- I will NEVER abuse my power in any way possible and will consider my every action
- Also, I have a vast knowledge of bukkit plugins such as

World Edit

How Often Are You On: I am on quite a lot on weekends (2-4 hours) but will probably not be on very much on weekdays
10/04/2012 9:22 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
ImAwlo's Avatar
Skype: fluxyyy1
IGN: CGMagic
Why: I Own my own server, i am GREAT with plug-ins, i am good with redstone and building, i am very responsible.
How often are you on: 5+ hours a day (im a nerd)
10/04/2012 9:22 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
youlef1999's Avatar
Co-Owner Application:
Age: 13
Ign: youlef1999
Build Skill 1-10[Dont Lie] 7
Redstone Skill 1-10[Dont Lie] 9
Why Do You Want To Be Co-Owner: I want to be a co-owner on the server in order to further enhance the players experience. My main goal is to provide the best server atmosphere possible for the players, and I will stop at nothing to ensure a fun, awesome server for all.
Can you donate [ For co owner needs to be a yes whenever you can] : I may be able to donate, yet if so, not a huge amount.
Have You been Co-Owner Before If So Why: I have been a co-owner many tmes before, once on a friends server, as well as on the Swordcraft server. I have also owned my own server! proof can be provided if needed!
Do You Like To Help Others:
Why Should We Choose You Over Everybody Else: I am very intelligent and will stop at nothing to make sure this server is the best of the best. I'm very hardworking and trustowrthy and feel I have what it takes to co-own this server.
Are you willing to help me advertise and pay for the server whenever i need help: Yes, I definitely am!
Are you a fair player:
Do you make right decisions: Yes. I'm very mature and know what to do in specific situations. I am stable and can perform under preasure.
Any Other Comments: Thanks for reading, and have a nice day! Please consider me and get back to me with further information!
10/04/2012 10:01 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Enough STOP
10/04/2012 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BoLT_RvrT's Avatar
for admin or mod
becuase i would like to help out with your server becuase i have a lot of xp as mod admin and even head admin
good at judgeing griefers/hackers
How long can you be on:
5 to 7 hours
10/04/2012 10:42 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
Phantomaus's Avatar
App For Chat or Head Chat Mod
Why:Im mature,kind and like to protect the chat and stop bullies
How Often are you on:2 or 3 hours a day
10/04/2012 2:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Get Skype and your In
10/04/2012 10:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dr_Icy's Avatar

Skype: My skype is Walterkindblad

IGN: Dr_Icy

Why i should pick you as Admin? I would fit as admin cause i have lots of Experience and i know my way through commands. I know the most of the commond plugins, i also have lots of sources where i could advertise the server.

How Often Are You On: I would be able to be on 4-6 Days a Week around 2-3 Hours.

Experience: The experience of Admin i have is on 4 different servers where i was owner on one and Admin on 2 and Head Admin on 1.

10/04/2012 2:55 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
What happend to your owner status? Why?
And I dont need people to advertise my server for me.
Thats my Job.
10/04/2012 3:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dr_Icy's Avatar
I shut the server down a few weeks ago. Cause we stopped getting more players and we had like 4 players left on the server though once it was a great server. So it was no idea having the server up anymore and i payed unecessary money.

BTW I sent you a skype request
10/04/2012 3:52 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Whats your skype name ive only got one request. I Dont Think That It Was You.
10/04/2012 4:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dr_Icy's Avatar
My skype name is Walterkindblad
10/04/2012 3:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
XhomesweetholeX's Avatar
Still need mods/headmods? if so i will be more than happy to fill out an application
10/04/2012 6:32 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Electrician
FilUnderscore's Avatar
Skype: I can't use since it keep crashing even when i install it or reinstall
IGN: Miner_Fil
Why: To help the server and improve the staff also improve the server and help everyone i have help 200 players 5 per day
How Often Are You On: 7 - 8 Hours Daily
Age: 15
10/04/2012 7:18 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
more_awesomer123's Avatar
Wait did I get the moderator position?

If not could you consider me for a chat mod?
10/04/2012 7:40 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Mike9789's Avatar
Why: I want to make sure their are more fun servers without cheaters and hackers I want to be admin because I feel I am responsible enough for the job
How Often Are You On: I am on a good amount of time, but I do have school.
Age: 15 I am sophmore in High School

I understand if you think i am to young or not right for the job but plz pick someone who you really know will do the right thing
10/04/2012 8:04 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
RealShield's Avatar
Skype: If I am accepted I will PM it too you, I don't have a mic but I can listen. I also type a nice 80 WPM.
IGN: iReactionFX
Why: Because I enjoy helping players out, I have yet to find a server I enjoy. I am good with World Edit, World Guard, and a lot of other plugins. I have owned a server before so I know what it's like.
How Often Are You On: 2 - 4 hours.
10/07/2012 6:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
You sound cool bro add me on skype and weall talk about it. its
Skype: Xylan.
10/07/2012 6:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
10/07/2012 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
slidersam27's Avatar

Skype: none

IGN: slidersam27

How often am I on: 5-6 hours daily. 3-6 days a week

Why: I am a wonderful player. I do not swear, grief, or steal. I am on most days. i enjoy minecraft and seeing other players enjoy it too. I am friendly and formal.

Age: 13
10/07/2012 7:41 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
SneakyMuffin7's Avatar
Head Admin/ Admin

Skype: jakehorsfall1

IGN: SneakyMuffin7

How often am I on: 2-3 hours in the week. 5 hours at weekend.

Why: I wish to be Head Admin because i'm a funny, decent and trustworthy guy willing to help anyone with any problems they may have. Taking up positions of responsibility has always been something I am proud of doing, and am always committed once motivated. Also, I am experienced as a leading staff member. I would love to be part of this server because it looks very professional, and has potential.

Age: 15
10/07/2012 7:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
real_life_man's Avatar
Why:So i can help and HAVE FUN
How Often Are You On:3 to 4 hours a day
Age:14 almost 15
10/07/2012 7:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
mickey_diz's Avatar
Admin/Head Mod
Skype: mickeydiz
IGN: ninjachickaroo
Why: because I can play around and have fun but I'm not afraid to tell people how it is and man up when the time comes. I'm very responsible and I like to keep things orderly.
How Often Are You On: almost every day for a few hours at a time
Age: 13 (14 in January!)
10/07/2012 8:04 pm
Level 27 : Expert Dragon
DAP's Avatar
Position: Admin
Skype: DaAwesomePwner
IGN: DaAwesomePwner
Why: I enjoy playing Minecraft, but I hate spammers, griefers, and hackers, and would like to make a difference with that.
Experience: I have been Owner on 2 servers, Co-Owner on 3, Admin on 8, Mod on 5, and Op on 6. I know all the server commands, and the most popular plugin commands, I know how to set-up permissions, know how to install and configure plugins, and know when to kick or ban a user for breaking the rules. I am an expert server staff, and would be able to benefit you a lot.
How Often Are You On: Every day, 2-3 hours on weekdays, 4-6 hours on weekends.
Age: 16
10/10/2012 6:28 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Xylan's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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