Slideshows not showing the most popular anymore

Letiliel's Avatar Letiliel6/25/11 4:11 pm
7/16/2011 4:44 am
Cipher_Punk's Avatar Cipher_Punk
Are you working on the code for the Popular stuff slideshow ? At the moment, none of them show the actual 8 most popular project / texture pack / etc.
I'm not against giving visibility to less popular stuff but... none of the top ones ?

I've just updated my pack so I hoped for some highlight.

PS: Btw, what about increasing the number of things shown in the slideshow ? Could be 10 at least.
Posted by Letiliel's Avatar
Level 88 : Elite Farmer

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07/16/2011 4:44 am
Level 80 : Elite Grump
Cipher_Punk's Avatar
halucidI'm sure there are great skinners out there that wish my Yeti would just fall off the reel, so they'd have their chance.

Me me me me me!

halucidBUT WHAT IF the reel was recoded to showcase 8 of the 16 most popular sumbissions at random. This would keep the people who have earned the spot on the reel happy, while the runner-ups stand a fighting chance.

What if, instead of the reel being "OF ALL TIME" - the reel shows the most popular skins created in a specific timeset (say, a month) - and then skins that make it into the reel are added to a separate, "Hall of Fame" collection linked below it? That way, new work that's great gets the views they deserve, and old work that's great does not get forgotten.
07/15/2011 6:39 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
YelpingLlama's Avatar
halucidAlso, my opinion is that your system will be better recieved if it only affects the number of views, not the popularity overall. Getting views is pretty easy (especially with links from those aforementioned external sites). But downloads are EARNED. That's where our pride is.

I agree. I posted a skin a while back, "Creeper Hunter". I didn't like how the default head was in the original Creeper Hunter skin by zane441, but I loved the head of the Jolicraft Creator, andrejolicoeur. So I got the Creeper Hunter body, drew the jolicraft head over, by hand, and published it, thinking I'd get maybe, 30 or so views. I got a lot, like 2,000 or so, but only 60 downloads, and 8 dislikes. It got on the reel, and it is (today) the 2nd most popular skin (once again, today). I don't think that deserved to be on the reel, I think something with Very Good Ratings, and lots of downloads should be on. But I agree with the time limit. The Dwarf Red Beard is a very good skin, but it's cliched, because of Honeydew. (But he's changed it now, look here! http://www.minersshoes.com/?id=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5taW5lcnNzaG9lcy5jb20vZ2V0X3NraW4vaW1hZ2VzL0hvbmV5ZGV3LnBuZw== )
07/04/2011 10:39 pm
Level 90 : Overlord Pixel Painter
halucid's Avatar
Yes I was just talking about skins and packs.... I see your point, if the same system was used for all types of submissions, such a thing would not work. I guess that goes to show, downloadable content should be coded differently
07/02/2011 8:37 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Zaralith's Avatar
The problem with the download metric (unless you are only talking about skins and packs) is that not everything has them (I speak of projects) like the fact that there is almost no chance that I will offer Moria as a download because it is the focal point of my server for a long time.
06/27/2011 8:01 pm
Level 90 : Overlord Pixel Painter
halucid's Avatar
I'm completely cool with this as long as there's a time limit to the effect. Like say a week or so goes by, and the submission is still receiving the appropriate number of views/downloads, it can then begin to increase it's own score my the same increment.

Likely, once a project falls off the reel, it will stay off... but this way, if a project is truly worthy enough, it will have a chance to return to the reel well after other submissions have had their chance.

Also, my opinion is that your system will be better recieved if it only affects the number of views, not the popularity overall. Getting views is pretty easy (especially with links from those aforementioned external sites). But downloads are EARNED. That's where our pride is.
06/27/2011 9:25 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
I did tweak the code the other day but I've reverted back. I will be implementing a way to gradually make it harder for a previously featured item to be featured again and again. There is a natural snowball effect when you're featured as well as when you get covered by multiple external sites linking to your project, skin, texture pack, etc. While these submissions are always going to be awesome, others need to be able to compete.

In the near future, when the site is considering what to feature, it will reduce the popularity score by 1%-2% for each unique day a submission was featured in the past. So if a submission has a popularity score of 1000 but it's been featured 5 days before, it's adjusted popularity score would be 1000 * (1-(5 days/100)) = 950. The score will only be adjusted when considering what to feature.
06/26/2011 3:00 pm
Level 88 : Elite Farmer
Letiliel's Avatar
halucidBUT WHAT IF the reel was recoded to showcase 8 of the 16 most popular sumbissions at random.
Or just increase the number of projects in the reel to 16 (or 20, or whatever number that will allow all the good things to get exposure at some point), it's already displaying in random order.

Skins are a particular topic because of the amount of submissions and because usually you don't want to have the same skin as everyone else.
06/26/2011 10:23 am
Level 90 : Overlord Pixel Painter
halucid's Avatar
No no, I get it. The idea is great. It's the application of it that needs to be adjusted. There are tons of wonderful projects here that never get exposure. Sometimes it is because they are diamonds in the rough, buried under piles of sub-par submissions... (especially on the subject of skins, where literally hundreds of them are uploaded daily with only 4 or 5 of average or higher quality)

I feel that the point of this adjustment was to give potentially popular projects a shot at making it to the reel. I can only speak for myself, but there has been many a time where a skin I uploaded ALMOST made it to the reel. And would have made it if it wasn't for that damned _____ skin wasn't hogging the slot since it made it to the reel months ago. I am guilty of that too, I suppose... I'm sure there are great skinners out there that wish my Yeti would just fall off the reel, so they'd have their chance.

BUT WHAT IF the reel was recoded to showcase 8 of the 16 most popular sumbissions at random. This would keep the people who have earned the spot on the reel happy, while the runner-ups stand a fighting chance.

What say you?
06/26/2011 4:06 am
Level 88 : Elite Farmer
Letiliel's Avatar
Well I'm a bit frustrated to see my pack being replaced on the reel by packs like SimpleCraft that took like 100 times less work than mine to create, that has a ratio of downloads/view around 1%, and a negative score...

You really need to stop according so much importance to the number of views btw, the number of downloads is MUCH more relevant to express the quality and interest of people for the entries.

ZaralithItems that are on the featured reel are checked over 24 hours and it is planned (if not already in place) for items on the reel to have a multiplyer attached that decays how much the last 24 hours are worth, until it is not possible for the item to be featured any more.
Sounds a bit strange to me. When you open up a section, it shows the list of Latest entries by default, which is fine. But most visitors are mainly interested in seeing the best stuff, so the reel is the place where they expect to see this best stuff. If half of the time (if I understood correctly) the most popular things are not there, it misses the point.
So either the reel is used to show only the very best things again, or they should be listed prominently somewhere near (maybe at the top of the right bar).

In my opinion, the reel should show the Today's most popular stuff, but just more than 8.

PS: the thread could be moved to the Feedback section now I guess
06/25/2011 8:10 pm
Level 90 : Overlord Pixel Painter
halucid's Avatar
Bye bye Yeti! Your reign has come to an end.

So I guess this will allow less popular projects to... appear popular by weeding out the ones that have earned staying power.

I like the concept of this because often times my projects are eclipsed by others of lesser quality, simply because their gimmick is popular (i.e. Creepers in suits, Ghosts with transparency). However, I predict the result will leave more to be desired. As far as the subject of skins goes, I forsee new crappy creepers up daily, and rarely a quality submission.

Let's face it, until issue of transparent skins is solved, those submissions will always have the highest initial burst of views/downloads.
06/25/2011 7:35 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Zaralith's Avatar
Items that are on the featured reel are checked over 24 hours and it is planned (if not already in place) for items on the reel to have a multiplyer attached that decays how much the last 24 hours are worth, until it is not possible for the item to be featured any more.
06/25/2011 6:16 pm
Level 90 : Overlord Pixel Painter
halucid's Avatar
Yea, I noticed this too. I logged on to see how my new skin was ranking... At the moment of typing this, I do have a skin on the slide... but it's not my most popular skin of the day... nor is it my second most... My THIRD most popular skin of the day is featured on the reel. Go figure.

Oh well...
06/25/2011 5:08 pm
Level 88 : Elite Farmer
Letiliel's Avatar

Arggh I'm flooding !
06/25/2011 4:19 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Beret's Avatar
hey you! Im using your texture pack! i love it
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