Windows 10 is reaching end-of-life soon. I use Linux-based desktops. Ask me anything.computer

Hebgbs's Avatar Hebgbs5/11/24 7:57 pm history
5/21/2024 7:18 pm
Zitzabis's Avatar Zitzabis
So, i recently made this blog post talking about Linux stuff and what you can do as an end-user if you dislike the direction Microsoft had taken Windows, and while I would be keen on answering any comments there, discussion about this stuff may prove to be better in a forum thread.

While I cannot answer every question, I can answer most questions regarding system instantiation basics and how to improve your general computing by not using something that's going to be jam-packed with ads and scraping of your data without your consent. It's one thing to have it done by an AI on the Internet — you did implicitly consent that by opening your web browser and using web services but it's a whole other thing when your operating system is doing it.

So feel free to toss your questions here, and I'll answer them. But allow me to preempt some of them;
Q: I don't have a question, I just don't care about this stupid Linux crap and dislike people like you even exist.
A: That's fine honey, just go back to playing Minecraft. Bye-bye! 💋

Q: Can Linux run all of my games?
A: Absolutely not. Most anti-cheats will refuse to even acknowledge Linux as an option because making something Linux-native just takes more effort, and open-source advocates also squeal with hate at the idea of corporations adding kernel-level anti-cheat into their precious Linux kernel. For obvious reasons, as Genshin Impact users were uhm… impacted by MiHoYo's mhyprot2 anti-cheat which had a proof-of-concept malware delivery method using it disclosed, demonstrating that mhyprot2 could be used to bypass software protections and enable execution of code that would compromise use of your computer.

Beyond that, Steam (in association with CodeWeavers, WINE Project and other volunteers) are working to improve library compatibility, and most of the games either without an anti--cheat or have Linux support in Epic's EasyAntiCheat enabled will work with minimal additional configuration through Steam Play, absent a native Linux-compatible binary.

Q: Does Minecraft in Linux have tangible performance improvements worth a damn to consider it?
A: While it depends on hardware configuration, it is generally observed that instances using the Linux kernel can run Minecraft using OpenJDK with substantially more frames rendered than in Windows. This was a personal saving grace of mine which enabled me to play Minecraft on an older laptop equipped with Intel's second-generation Core i3 — an old, decrepit and still-functional Dell N7110.

Q: Can I run all of my Windows software with Linux?
A: With WINE, more accurately, and no; absolutely not. You may need to adjust workflows to use cross-platform tools for whatever doesn't work out of the box. Fortunately, you can toss your money at BlackMagic rather than Sony or Adobe for their DaVinci Resolve editor, OBS (but not StreamLabs' OBS) can be installed to go live on open-source platforms without the need to use FFMpeg in the command line, and to incorporate certain 3D effects you can finalise your video in Blender which can also be used as a video editor in the absence of software like DaVinci Resolve. GIMP can be used for 2D image editing, Inkscape can be used for scalable vector graphics, tools provided by your desktop environment of preference can provide basic functionality you seek and more; you get the idea.

Q: But all of those suck!
A: Not a question, not nice, and not good of you to exhibit your skill issue. Bye-bye! 💋

Q: What OS do you use?
A: Linux distribution, and the answer to that is EndeavourOS — an Arch-based Linux distribution billing itself as "Terminal-centric." I've modified it to give a damn less about the terminal, which I will write about in due course. I use to be all about Ubuntu, and Linux Mint is still nice to use, but I cannot be arsed to give a damn about anything of or adjacent to Canonical, especially since I can just use the Arch User Repository (AUR) to build software so my instance functions almost exactly how I want it.

…Not to say it's impossible with anything else, but it's not as nice to use for doing certain things with software that are somewhat out-of-bounds.

Q: …Isn't Arch Linux hard?
A: Hard as making stuff happen with a server instance of Debian or Fedora where there's no graphical interface. You play video games that challenge your brain yeah? Don't see me asking why you play hard video games…

Not only that, there are ways to make it dead-easy, too. I'll happily tell you how.

Q: What Minecraft launcher do you use?
A: ATlauncher. It works; it isn't sandbagged with controversy like MultiMC and its various forks, nor saddled with advertising like GDLauncher, nor crap to use like CurseForge. Try it!
Posted by Hebgbs's Avatar
Level 48 : Master Archer

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05/21/2024 5:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
BigFatPotat's Avatar
This feels like shilling to Linux, to be honest lol. EOS for an operating system really isn't that big of a deal as long as you practice decent internet safety. Not to mention, Windows just has superior compatibility. Sure, Wine exists, but that's no where near as efficient as just running the program on Windows. Windows 11 is pretty bloated and looks like a MacOS ripoff, but you can always install a custom ISO like Tiny 11 or Atlas OS and tweak the visuals to look closer to Windows 10. Not to mention that they run far superior compared to stock Windows, and you get the security patches.
05/21/2024 6:21 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
True; I mentioned as much. But what Microsoft is doing goes beyond EOL — they're basically saying We gave you support for free, of a Windows instance you never paid for, and if you do not feel like upgrading to Windows 11 as a matter of convenience for yourself, we'll quit giving you updates until you pay us for them, and we're going to do this for a limited time.

Excuse me what? Nah, I'm not falling for it. Regardless whether it is within their rights, I will not bend the knee for anti-consumer horsecrap when open-source platforms people most often recommend never do this. There are people who don't like what Microsoft did to Tango Gameworks and Arkane Studios, yet still buy Xboxes and use Xbox Game Pass for playing select titles on PC. Speaking with one's wallet is a lot like modern-day privacy; if you really care, you'll excuse excise every bit of a brand which goes against your ideals.

This is quite hard with Google, especially if using a Chromebook that might be locked down, with Google's online services and Microsoft's following suit with them off the same cliff face. but with Microsoft" It's dead-easy — stop playing their games, stop supporting their products in lieu of open alternatives and stop giving them the light of day. They ask too much for a limited experience, goad people into setting up OneDrive, then extort them once they hit their free limit as their money-making strategy. I'm not keen on representing that.

if it wasn't for the fact Microsoft acquired Mojang Studios I wouldn't be using any Microsoft products, period.
05/21/2024 7:18 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Your first paragraph is under the assumption that quitting updates is a bad thing. I would rather fight a bear than continue to support v1.0 of the software for the company I work at. We are already running 11.01e and 12.01j and it gives us nothing but headaches. For the past 2 years we have been working to unify the versions and we still aren't there yet. Closer every day, but not there yet.

EOL is a natural part of a software lifecycle and saves a dev's sanity. It has to end one day.
I take your point though, Microsoft cuts support for a version and makes you pay for a new version. That being said, the same happens for phones all the time, along with MacOS. The same happens to game consoles from Sony and Nintendo. Microsoft is hardly standing out from the crowd. Still a scummy thing to do, but Microsoft deserves no targeted criticisms for it. Better to talk about the overall industry and how they need to stop doing that.

If you want to boycott Microsoft for the reasons given, you better start boycotting Apple, Google, Nintendo, etc. A boycott is effective when it is done based on a principal. But when boycotting a single company while many others do the same thing, you kind of lose the effectiveness of the boycott. The company knows they can ignore you because everyone else is getting away with it.

Your thing about OneDrive sounds like a bad word-of-mouth experience. I have never felt goaded into it and always dismissed it.
If someone did fall for it, then I think there are bigger concerns than what the operating system is. It sounds like they would fall for many other things companies offer.
05/21/2024 4:31 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
You mention Windows end-of-life in the title but don't mention it again in the body of the thread.
It will reach EOL October 14, 2025. That's over a year away.

I fail to see the correlation between Win 10 EOL and why you should use Linux. Windows XP has been EOL for years, but that's not a reason to use Linux.
I am a very comfortable Linux user and will always advocate for it because I believe in FOSS. However, an OS' EOL and one's dislike for new things, are not valid reasons for why people should switch to Linux.

Windows 7, often seen as the golden Windows version, is very different from XP. It looks nearly the same to Vista, but performs so much better. Things change, people complain, people get used to it. Change is not always bad.
Obviously major changes like Win 8 removing the start button, those can be bad. Change is not always good. It depends on what that change is.

You make the argument that a web browser scraping your data is one thing, because you consent. But an OS doing this is not the same.
I'd argue that you're wrong there. If you looked at the OS' terms and conditions, they are required by law to state if they are scraping your data. You are consenting by using the service. If you don't consent, don't use the service. The same rules apply here on PMC. You agree to the ToS and Site Rules by using the site. If you don't agree with them, don't use the site.

If you are worried about an OS scraping your data, you're going to have a heart attack when you hear about what our phones and smart devices are doing. Our phones hold way more personal data than our computers.
I agree, data scraping is not good. I am by no means justifying invasion of privacy, but there are bigger concerns out there than a computer OS. I'd be looking at iOS and Android.
Plus, AI data scraping is no different than what they are already doing. It scrapes your data, that's all you need to know. What you need to question is how much data are they gathering on you.

Every OS and flavor of Linux has its place. I don't like Apple as a company, but I respect MacOS for the tools it provides with digital media creation.
Windows offers a good ecosystem for office work and developing in .NET libraries. I wouldn't dare attempt performing my job on Linux, despite all of its positives.
Linux is better suited towards being ran headless and being highly flexible. That's not to say the UI is bad, but that's not where it excels. And Linux flexibility comes at a cost. Kernel panic is no joke and I've fought it before.

Linux distros also have their own EOL systems for versions. EOL is also not as scary as people think. Yes it is the end of official support for an OS, but typically an OS is still good for a while after. The only issue might be security patches. But a good anti-virus, firewall and only browsing trusted sites will keep you safe enough for a year or two after EOL. A company won't admit that due to legal reasons.

My point being, I don't think you've really given any solid reason for bringing up Win 10 EOL. Or for that matter, Windows at all.
You wrote good stuff on Linux and how it isn't as scary as people think. But don't drag Windows down for no reason if it isn't relevant.
I've seen many a Linux fanboy bash on Windows and Mac, Mac fanboys bash on Windows, and Windows fanboys bash on everyone else lol. All because they want their OS to be the superior OS. Unfortunately that's just not a thing.

An OS is a tool, not a way of life. Use the right tools for the job. If you don't need a tool for a job, don't use it! But don't hate the tool because it isn't the tool you needed/wanted.


15-20 years of experience with Linux
20+ years experience with Windows
Double BS in Applied Computer Science, and Computer Information Systems
7 years of working in the programming and cloud industry
5 years as lead web engineer for a property management software (PMS) company
And I feel like I have only scratched the surface and there's so much more to learn. All of those credentials and years experience mean nothing.
05/21/2024 6:01 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
I agree with many of your points you present, and you're right — I am being a little bit emotional about it, but that's because I am trying to appeal toward emotional people and use the emotion as an impetus to explain there is more than just Windows out there.

Of the concerns in the OP FAQ you brought up, I'm producing a straw-man of the person who would say Ewww, Linux! Linux is trash! Linux is awful! Fsck Linux, nobody should use it! and presenting a counter-argument in a condescending tone against the straw-man, because I believe people who already think this way wouldn't listen to reason if you tried because they may literally have no time for you. It's a little bit of kayfabe schadenfreude which is meant to entertain the readers while at the same time telling people who actually think like that there is no time of day anybody should give them.

Of the overall tone from the blog this thread is linked to, I'm not re-doing it because the intent is to cause some concern and be a little… sensational with it as a means to provoke conversation and exchange of ideas. This very fact compelled you to post, which I consider a success as more people will see there are others that use Linux, and — while not necessarily fanatical — use it habitually as a viable alternative to Windows for people who wish to do work with their computer. My angle is anything other than the mainstream choices are OSes without ads for people who already know what they want, and I am presenting that to an audience whose vast majority genuinely knows no better, and genuinely does not know what they want.

Of the condescension in my tone, I could improve upon that. There are too many people already who address things in this way, but I am not going to lie about it; this is everywhere in the Linux space, as much elsewhere. But the one thing I will never insult anybody for is what they are using; a vocal minority of Arch Linux users want to rip users of derivatives to shreds. A Debian minority are still ever-spiteful for how Canonical massacred their boy with Ubuntu. There's likely a Fedora minority who doesn't take GloriousEggroll's Nobara project seriously. and it's all just so stupid but it's a reality that has coloured my commentary, and I do apologise for that.

The version EOL for Linux distributions is not nearly as bad compared to Windows. They are not the same. Where Linux distros typically add features, do the occasional programme swap to something better-supported or adjust their live images to be at-parity with what a user should get when they install their Linux instance; Microsoft tends to take away from the end-user or figure out some way to shove more crap into the system which bloats it up and wastes our precious limited time.

Microsoft would no sooner cut their nose to spite their face if it means another billion in their coffers, and what had happened to Tango Gameworks proves just as much. So the other angle I am presenting with my writings is an abolition of Windows as a matter of speaking with one's wallet, which is where the "OS bashing" comes from. Not using Windows means not supporting Microsoft, and the few times you must use it certainly has options; I have an AME-modified Windows instance — Atlas OS for Windows 10 — on an M.2 device I use as a Windows on-the-go instance, which operates just fine at 480 Mb/s. That doesn't mean I want to use it, but I am not that blinded with hate as to absolutely ignore it when my Linux solutions fall flat for my gaming needs with friends.
05/21/2024 7:00 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Typically when presenting an argument, a straw-man is something you steer away from. I'm hearing you on why you take that approach, but it is generally considered ineffectual as it creates hostility and directs the attention away from your main point. This is seen as a logical fallacy aimed to distract the reader/listener.

I highly recommend giving this a read:

It was required in my first year of college. We spent 2 weeks on it, in what was essentially Programing 101 (class had a different name). We had to learn logical fallacies before we even touched logic gates.
I still hold to the idea that any programmer who really wants to be good at what they do, needs to also know their logical fallacies. An OS isn't a lifestyle, but adhering to sound logic is lol.

3rd paragraph:
You can view my engagement as being caused by the "sensational" title I suppose. That was what caught my eye. But only because it was entirely irrelevant to the body of the thread. Just because something is sensational and created engagement, does not mean you created the engagement for the right reasons.
I engaged because it wasn't logical or relevant. That's not a good place to start engagement from.
Secondly, I don't think you give PMC users enough credit.
"I am presenting that to an audience whose vast majority genuinely knows no better, and genuinely does not know what they want."
I highly recommend engaging with people as peers, and not from the approach of "You don't know any better, let me tell you what you want". History has shown this does not go very well.

4th paragraph:
Glad you acknowledge that. It is important to read the room and the context of where you are posting. On Reddit or Linux forums, your tone might be acceptable and required to get your point across. But this is PMC, we try to be chill here. We are all here for one reason, because we like Minecraft.

5th paragraph:
I agree, EOL for Linux distros is not as bad. However you begin to deviate from your main point by getting emotional about Windows. Microsoft adding/removing/changing stuff is not relevant to what an EOL is. They are the same. It is end-of-life for patches for an OS. Nothing forces you to move to a newer version, that's on you.
Same applies for Linux. They end support for a version, but you are not forced to move to a newer version. That's on you.
If you want to talk about what Microsoft is changing in new versions, that's a different topic. EOL is then only relevant in the sense that if you want to remain up to date, you will need to...well...update to avoid EOL.

6th paragraph:
You don't need to be ostentatious, you can just say that you use Windows when needed. Details of how you are doing it isn't very important.
However, good on you for pulling that off! It is impressive, but not relevant.

A lot of what you are saying is exactly what I have witnessed in both myself and said younger brother. I went through a Linux phase at one point and hated Microsoft. My younger brother actively contributed to the distro Solus for many years and refused to touch Windows again. We both now use Windows for our main OS, but still actively use Linux on other machines.
I can heavily relate to where you are coming from and your current stage in using Linux. For this reason, I am trying to offer advice on what I learnt along the way for myself and the changes I witnessed in my brother.
Equally, I have witnessed many a Windows vs. Linux debate online at this stage. And they all sound the same in the end. Both parties don't like what the other OS is doing, they think they are opening the eyes of the other person, and both people are still going to use what works best for them.

To be extra clear, I am not saying you shouldn't highlight the flaws with Windows. But you should highlight them as facts, and with sound logic.
If you want to achieve the goal of educating others that there are other operating systems out there, especially those with a more limited set of experiences, then the best way to do that is present facts.
Think of it as a review. People trust a negative review when they give firm statements of fact, for example "The tuna was undercooked and we had to wait 30 minutes before being served".
You don't trust a review when someone says "Terrible restaurant that is just money hungry and only want tips". You write it off as someone who is just emotional, cheap and unable to provide evidence or grounds for why it is terrible or what made them think staff only wanted tips.

If you truly are aiming for an audience that is emotional, well...I don't know what to tell you. It seems like it would be a futile attempt for one emotional person to try and speak "reason" to another emotional person. I've never seen it work.
05/21/2024 5:08 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
And instead of me commenting on all your blogs, I have a few quick comments here.

A company promoting their product is perfectly acceptable. Don't want it, don't use it. I agree, they are aggressive in pushing Bing and Edge, but they are within their rights to do so. Apple is no different in pushing their products and services. Same goes for Google.

You say the following:
"when you're some normie who just wants to use their computer without the pop culture fluff, software advertisements recommendations and lack of control because Microsoft lost the plot; misunderstanding the idea of consent wherever Microsoft could get away with being so forceful of their decisions."
These is an extremely emotion driven sentence. Be objective in your criticisms. Non-stop hurling of insults towards an OS is not going to get people to listen to you. Neither will calling them normies.

This leads me to my overall comment. You appear to be very condescending in your writing about operating systems and their users. Examples:
"...not good of you to exhibit your skill issue. Bye-bye! 💋"
"I'm keen on helping you adapt to change being encouraged by Microsoft as they ignore your preferences and tell you to just get on with the AI-riddled, privacy-invasive, e-waste generating disaster which is Windows 11."

This is the most ironic quote:
"No reason to cast insults and express your skill issues through various acts of verbal brutality."
I'd say the same thing about operating systems. Be objective, not emotional. Don't commit verbal brutality with long sentences hurling insults at a company/OS or OS user.

To be clear I'm on your side, Linux is great! But the tactics you are using do not create a very compelling message.
That's why I am bothering to take the time with these explanations. You've got a great message, and I appreciate you creating guides on PMC to help people play Minecraft on Linux. But if I were you, I'd adjust the tone. People like it when you admit the positives of something, and then express why your suggestion is better. If you only have bad things to say about something, then people will assume you are biased and dismiss your take.
05/18/2024 5:04 pm
Level 23 : Expert uwu
Taeko_Yasuhiro's Avatar
ive been using windows 8 until like last month bro and its been fine lmao
05/18/2024 5:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
I cannot knock you for doing that. if you are responsible with your computer usage, then you will encounter no issues, or at least nothing catastrophic where you can't roll your changes back. But it goes deeper than that;

Before, with the transition from Windows 8 to Windows 10 (and later iterations which made it feel less like some Microsoft fever dream knockoff UI, as they came to reason and made it look like Windows again) there wasn't anything major about the new shift of interface aside from it's different and that was that. Oh, inconvenient system reboots outside of active hours as if everybody's schedules could be so predictable as to interrupt unsaved work while not minding their computer elsewhere, and Microsoft continually insisting you use their Edge browser but aside from those issues, there was no big deal.

With Windows 11, there's a major push for AI, machines with neural processing units (NPUs), later versions of trusted platform module and later CPUs that if people do not know any better will be cause for people to toss out perfectly good hardware because Microsoft will had successfully made these users feel inadequate without a shiny new machine that Windows 11 is happy with, whereas the machine being de-commissioned could had been perfectly fine for another decade by not accepting Microsoft's rhetoric.

The thing which sucks — and likely, the reason why you were using Windows 8 until recently — is that eventually nothing you'd want to use will work by Microsoft's mandate or by industry peer pressure and you must upgrade your hardware, even if it's perfectly fine for why you are using it right now. Forsaking Windows isn't just about being counter-cultural, it's about ignoring the corporate noise from Microsoft in favour for a smoother jazz that assures you everything is going to be alright as things are, right now; no pressure, no fuss; just you, your computer and the things you want to do with it, for gratis, for good.
Papa Enny
05/18/2024 4:57 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Sounds like something that would Creeper(guy) would write lmao
05/18/2024 5:02 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Of which; what, and where?

I also do not know who this dude you speak of it but he seems rather cool by default.
Papa Enny
05/18/2024 5:03 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
he is obsessed with linux too lol

It seems that there are more like him
05/18/2024 5:33 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
And for good reason; open-source operating systems provide end-users who wish for it, more capabilities without an obnoxious paywall for stuff that should had — and use to — come free with any Windows instance.

Plus, there's zero commitment and you can run it alongside your current Windows instance, so there's almost zero risk to your Windows instance unless your media is soon bound to write its last and quit working due to a major disk manipulation event.

tl;dr: We know what we want and we've learned how to get it legally for free.
05/15/2024 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc5022557's Avatar
05/15/2024 3:07 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Ayyyy good on ye. More of an Arch guy myself these days, especially because certain software I use to fetch from PPAs no longer work out-of-the-box without going too far back in time to have a sane Ubuntu instance, but if your personal choice is what works for you, then there's nothing I can say against your decision.
05/12/2024 9:11 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
Ww2guru73's Avatar
Isn’t Linux the penguin guy
05/12/2024 11:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Linux has had two mascots, actually. You might know Tux better, and the cute chubby penguin has a fun story behind it as well being a more corporate-friendly, inoffensive mascot everybody can relate with, but an alternative previously considered as part of a mascot competition early after Freax became Linux was Xenia. Not to be confused with Microsoft Xenix; Microsoft's UNIX-compatible competitor in the early DOS days, Xenia previously was a male fox in the Linux canon until a trans-gender person and advocate changed his narrative to be a trans-gender woman and the trans-gender Linux sub-community had gravitated toward that mascot as their representative since.

Apologies if the above had offended anyone's sensibilities; the tech world is full of weird and peculiar people — especially in the open-source space, but also almost practically guaranteed to exist in various closed-source projects and everybody eventually relies upon each other in some way, small or large. As computing of all varieties relies upon being a global platform, it's various infrastructure which enables both your personal computer's hardware and our inter-connected world is made possible by all kinds of persons.
05/18/2024 5:56 pm
Level 28 : Expert Cookie Chef
MistFaller's Avatar
Interesting... I originally thought Tux was the only mascot
05/18/2024 6:15 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Well, officially it is. But the also-ran had also been popular in open-source circles for MOGAI spectrum persons as their representative for a good long while, even if she isn't official.
05/13/2024 7:28 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Just in case the way I phrased Xenia's character is misunderstood; the fox was always called Xenia, there is no dead-naming going on here. Notice how I said this;
Xenia previously was a male fox in the Linux canon until a trans-gender person and advocate changed his narrative to be a trans-gender woman[.]

Male pronouns are in the past tense. In present tense of any context, I would use female pronouns to describe Xenia, but because i never used pronouns after that, I didn't bother to use female pronouns.

I am aware how sensitive trans-gender and trans-adjacent MOGAI-spectrum communities are about this stuff. There's nothing else to see here.

05/15/2024 11:57 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
Ww2guru73's Avatar
Oh wow…Ok! :D
05/12/2024 12:57 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Dragon
StalkerNugget's Avatar
I read all of this on my Windows 7 laptop 2020 model
05/12/2024 3:47 am
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Well, it is my great hope you can consider setting up a Linux instance as part of a dual-boot setup and seeing if it's worth a damn. Double-check what partition table format is in use and act accordingly; diskmgmt.msc will reveal much of what you need to know.
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