Bass Crafters Solo Project Contest Discussion

Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz12/2/16 11:58 am
1 emeralds 1.5k 31
12/30/2016 11:28 am
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar CroatiaTheMan
The most recent solo project contest, "Bass Crafters Classic Solo Edition Project Contest" doesn't have an official starter map like all of our previous project contests. We decided that this theme in particular is a good one for everyone to simply start with their favorite seed and terrain generation settings rather than be require to start with a flat map or our own custom terrain. Many of the best fishing environments are found by exploring the world. While we

However, by not having an official starter map, there isn't a obvious place to post feedback or questions. This thread will provide that place.
Posted by Cyprezz's Avatar
Admin / Lead Developer
Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer

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Zael Chronicles
12/28/2016 6:09 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Zael Chronicles's Avatar
Nice work judges ! 10 judges and 2 downloads on my project ... Well ...

And next to it there are people who are finalists but we wonder why ...

Very good...
12/30/2016 11:28 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
I'm pretty sure that the choice of finalists is based on diamonds, not by judges, judges only judge the 50-100 finalists.
12/27/2016 5:33 am
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
Rhos's Avatar
I just saw this:

Judge Reminder: Do not disqualify entries that follow all rules but did not include a download of the map. Entries without a download are not eligible to make the finalists but they still deserve to be seen. When computing the finalists, the site will simply ignore entries without a download.

nowhere in the rules does it say anything about this, and now my entry is dq'd since i didn't include a DL and I can't edit the submission.

thanks guys
12/27/2016 11:58 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Try making a ticket about that. From my experience in judging, judges don't seem to have the ability to place a submission back into the contest once it's disqualified.
12/24/2016 9:13 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragon
rosedragon's Avatar
Thank you. I am curious how do I fare X) ... would be sad to be disqualified even before judging start haha..
12/23/2016 10:48 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Dragon
rosedragon's Avatar

I submitted a map for the feesh, but it was turned to 'mc edit schematic' on the page and I just realize now. Am I disqualified? XD
12/24/2016 12:43 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
No, it's just the way our project system works. It assumes uploaded maps are schematics, even though you are allowed to upload world maps. We'll be fixing that soon.
12/21/2016 3:31 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
jessy999's Avatar
Since I do not know whether this project is correct, I wanted to ask whether the screenshots and the map ansich is in compliance
12/16/2016 5:39 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
We pinned this application form on twitter to help find judges for the Basscrafters solo project contest and an upcoming, yet to be announced team friendly project contest.

I didn't select the judges but I do know it's not easy to fill all of the judge spots with members that are highly qualified based on a portfolio of work:
* Some members don't want to "formally" judge others work.
* Some qualified members would rather enter the contest than judge.
* Some qualified members are too busy to judge particularly around the holidays.
* There is not nepotism in choosing judges.
* There isn't a strict set of qualifying criteria to be eligible to judge and we do appreciate initiative.

As long a judge fairly rates all finalists based on their own standards, they are generally a good judge. My standards might be high for a particular judging attribute and I rate everyone accordingly. Someone else might have no idea what Minecraft is and they rate accordingly from a very different but valid perspective. As long as we are unbiased than it's fair and averages out.

Not sure if this will help or complicate things but here's an analogy of my own:
I have never forged an iron sword but I could judge swords based on how they look, feel and their ability to cut through various objects. I would feel unqualified next to a blacksmith but I am still capable of judging them. My ratings may be completely different the other 9 judges but if I uphold my own standards for each sword, I judged them fairly. Judges cannot see other judges ratings at any time. In the end, our ratings are averaged to ultimately decide the best sword as a group.

Ultimately, yes it would be great to have all clearly qualified judges. We strive for that but it comes down to us judging who would be a good judge, most of the time without them able to provide any prior quantifiable experience of judging Minecraft content.
12/15/2016 10:11 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Vxga: yes map should be about fishing The basic idea is to make a fun map to fish on. What that means to you might be completely different from what it means to someone else which is why you're seeing a variety of entries.

GarrusValkyrin : We selected judges.
12/15/2016 1:27 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
Alright but you still didn't describe the judge picking process?

I would like to know why there are certain judges that have not posted any content (or a small amount) to PMC and are now judging contests on a site they have never contributed to through their own work posted on their own profile page (or only slightly contributed to).

For Example Judge "Johnson J" has no content posted and only 18 forum responses recorded at this time.

A proper analogy to this situation would be "Like hiring an athlete to be a judge on The Voice" They have no prior major effect on this community, yet they are judging it for what it is.

Final Question: Is there nepotism involved in picking judges?

Definition of Nepotism: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs
12/24/2016 12:42 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Scapegoat Programmer
Paril's Avatar
I picked the judges this contest. No nepotism was involved, I opened a public form and weighed the portfolios of the participants. To be completely 100% honest, I don't know -any- of the new judges. Only two of the people who filled the form out were people that I have had contact with in the past. I also chose people that weren't on the same affiliated teams, so that there wasn't any build team crossover or judging the contest unfairly.

Existing judges do help pick new judges for future contests, but all judge applications end up going to the contest manager and they are the ones who decide it, so whether a judge has a personal preference or not doesn't matter as the contest manager will be the one checking their profile out.

Johnson J runs a channel where he showcases builds, and based on his experience in that field I felt he would be a great choice to judge builds. He obviously knows the aesthetic that people like to see, while he may not be a builder himself I feel he can do the job nicely.
12/27/2016 8:36 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
Once again, these are PMC projects with rewards that focus heavily around a user's profile, so if anyone is going to be judging our content then I feel it should be an individual who is high in the community, our levels say enough of that. If not, what is the true point of views, subscribers, download,s favorites, and comments if they wont get you anywhere in the community?

See the thing with like Minecraft Forums is that they are very subtle in that field, you can level up, but its really just focused around how many times you post and if your really active, but it does not focus around who has the highest level or most subscribers. That is the problem, you said you went ahead and reviewed the forms, but what about those high here that applied and were just shrugged off by someone like Johnson J who has done nothing to forward the popularity of this community. If it weren't for the high leveled users like us with the very popular content, your website wouldn't be nearly as popular, if even in existence anymore.

I demand a change in your process, prioritize those who show exceptional talent in this community. One thing is for sure like myself i didn't get 235_ subs, 40,000+ views, and 4,000+ downloads from just posting little to no work that is low-quality. In this case it is about quantity over quality, because in this case the more your level in this community, the higher your quality rating is shown by the thousands who looked at your content on the way. PMC contests should be an internal affair, restrained to high PMC users only, and there will be no unfairness there because ANYONE can get to ANY rank by just showing some effort!!

One last thing, for the judging process make it WAY more public! We barley ever hear anything from the mods directly from this site anymore, everything is either sitting in the Discord or twitter, move all that information to the homepage or the forums every time! You guys moderate and own PMC not Discord, not Twitter, so start utilizing it, start posting patch notes, upcoming features, a goddamn wiki if you feel like it. The community just wants more interaction so they feel more heard!
12/13/2016 7:10 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Terraformer
WorldCreations's Avatar
When does the judge picking process end, and please describe the process in which judges are picked for this contest?
12/11/2016 3:37 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Archeta's Avatar
I don't really understand what will we send. Just make thing about fishing is okay ? I just saw other entries and they are really different from each other.
12/09/2016 9:26 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Yes, starting with a flatworld is fine.
12/08/2016 5:18 pm
Level 28 : Expert Mountaineer
kette442's Avatar
using a flatworld and building the map from ground is fine too?
12/07/2016 11:44 am
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Feel free to use worldpainter, voxel sniper, MCEdit to create your own custom terrain for this contest.

MHF heads:
It's best to avoid using MHF heads. I realize MHF heads are dedicated to maintaining the texture for the foreseeable future and are available in default MC, but ultimately it feels like a loop hole that would need to be officially addressed if MHF heads were used as primary building blocks in a contest build. I'm tempted to say use them sparingly but it's a slippery slope that is best to not slide down. So, no but good question.
12/07/2016 3:33 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
Bloo's Avatar
Are we allowed to use MHF heads, as well as other player heads?

Apples, oranges, etc.?
12/06/2016 8:32 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Mountaineer
Plinkster702's Avatar
Do we have to use default generated worlds? Or can we use WorldPainter to make a custom one?
12/06/2016 3:18 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
jessy999's Avatar
Is WorldPainter allowed?
12/05/2016 6:53 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
JasonKingBW's Avatar
A question regarding the terrain, what's the limitations on it? I know we can load our own seed and cant use premade maps, but I was wondering if we were allowed to:
1) Use Voxel Sniper or other ingame tools to create terrain?
2) Worldpaint our own terrain which can be put into a vanilla world, providing it is made by yourself and during the contest duration?

12/05/2016 7:11 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Modder
Bdogs15's Avatar
You are allowed building assist such as voxel sniper/world edit and also you can use worldpaint from what I got from contest description
12/04/2016 2:54 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
12/04/2016 7:10 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Ludicrous's Avatar
I believe so
12/02/2016 11:41 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Baconator
SergeantGadren's Avatar
Does the project have to include Fishing Rods? Or can it just be about fishing
12/02/2016 6:00 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
Are HD default packs allowed in screenshots?
12/03/2016 8:40 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Ludicrous's Avatar
I believe not. Judges will be judging the contest entries with the default texture pack. So best to use that.

Pocholo The AwesomeDoes the project have to include Fishing Rods? Or can it just be about fishing

Not really. Just as long as you can explain (or if it is self explanatory) how it relates to the theme of 'fishing'.
12/02/2016 4:23 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Any recent version will be fine. What version you build it in doesn't matter much since anyone can load the map in 1.11 to fish it.
12/02/2016 3:51 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Modder
FyronFD's Avatar
Does the map have to be in 1.11 or can it be any recent version?
12/02/2016 12:46 pm
He/Him • Level 71 : Legendary Cyborg Programmer
Cyprezz's Avatar
Yes, worldedit is allowed.
12/02/2016 12:19 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Waffle
Simpson478's Avatar
Is worldedit allowed?
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