Minecraft, But ????? || Event Conclusionadd_box

Bertiecrafter's AvatarBertiecrafter4/16/21 10:43 am history
22 emeralds 1.2k 11
4/26/2021 3:51 pm
Venator_'s AvatarVenator_
After more than a month, the "Minecraft, But ?????" has come to an end. It has been fun to see the large variety in the submissions. One might argue that compared to the 221 implementations of the Lucky Block Event the 15 submissions of this event are nothing, but all those implementations were provided by just 12 submissions. So with the increase in submissions and the effort that is put in, I consider this an absolute win =)

Event Submissions
Let's have a look at a couple submissions. Click the image to view the submission. These submissions are by no means the best out of all, they just stood out to me.

Minecraft, But It's Pay-To-Win

This was the very first entry to the event by Chimerabot. It's a well thought-out data pack that makes collecting resources for Inventory DLCs actually fun. When this scenario becomes active, your inventory gets locked up and your items are deposited. You'll have to collect resources to get more slots.

During development of this pack, the Data Pack Checker did not provide interactive dialogs yet, so you had to manually specify the paths. Understandably, this was a little too complex to use resulting in a large amount of feedback discussion. In the end all comments including optional ones were resolved, which is appreciated!

Minecraft but you're an Enderman

This is Vellariya's first data pack and the second most diamonded submission. She even came back to add more features 3 times. When this scenario gets enabled you better make sure to get out of the water or you'll be teleported randomly. Since endermen seem to teleport without any common sense, any ender pearl will have to be thrown blindly. Also rain poisons you, yikes!

Minecraft but you lose your mind occasionally

A very cool data pack by One_Nose. When this scenario comes up, you randomly decide to do stupid things (like jumping in lava), making you question if you've lost your mind. The mistakes are quite sophisticated and to me the whole technical checking and executing seems like pure magic.

Minecraft But... Everything can be a Target!

I never knew there were so many blocks with targets on them. However, if you find one while this scenario by flashteens is active, you'll get fun rewards! It's a unique mechanic and it just baffled me that the data pack even takes the offset center of the target on the fletching table into account.

Minecraft, But You Need To Run

A simpler, but equally fun data pack by Yomna. This is also their first data pack and when this scenario becomes active, you'll have to run for your life. This submission shows that the introduction of the Data Pack Checker did not prevent novice data pack creators from creating submissions for this event.

These are just a few of the 15 submitted data packs. Thanks everyone for putting effort into these data packs. All data packs can be found here.

To everyone who submitted a valid entry, you're free to delete any comments related to the feedback I gave now the event is over. Also I put together a bit of BBCode that you can put at the top of your submission. Just click the "code" button while editing your submission and insert the code below.
[table background=material][tbody][tr][td][h2]Mix & Match![/h2]This data pack can be installed and scheduled alongside others. The [style b color=#e74c3c]required [/style][url=/events/minecraft-but-community-data-pack-event/entries/]framework data pack[/url] will make sure to alternate randomly between data packs instead of allowing all data packs to be active at once. Make sure to read the instructions on the framework submission page.

[b]Discover several compatible data packs submitted to the related event [url=/events/minecraft-but-community-data-pack-event/entries/]here[/url].[/b][/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]

Mix & Match!

This data pack can be installed and scheduled alongside others. The required framework data pack will make sure to alternate randomly between data packs instead of allowing all data packs to be active at once. Make sure to read the instructions on the framework submission page.

Discover several compatible data packs submitted to the related event here.

If you want to make a data pack using the framework yourself (even outside the event), you can find the instructions and download here.

The future of data pack events
Data pack events are still quite new to Planet Minecraft and that's why it's good to reflect back on the organization of the event and improve if necessary. Since the last data pack event (the Lucky Block event) I developed the Data Pack Checker. A bit of software with fully configurable and dynamically loaded rules that analyzes data packs. This event was a trial to see how the Data Pack Checker gets received and compared to the previous event I feel like the feedback cycle was shorter and less painful on average, but not by much. It did save a lot of time on my end when it comes to reviewing the submissions though.

Another change is that the framework is not embedded into implementations and submissions don't have to be merged. This saves time and results in traffic/credit/diamonds appearing on the pages where they belong, which is beneficial for both the framework submission and all other data packs that took part in this event.

In future data pack events, I'd like to keep the framework aspect to boost collaboration and the Data Pack Checker aspect to keep the feedback process as short as possible. However, it's not just up to me, I want you guys to let me know what you'd like to see for future data pack events.

Comment down below any feedback you want to share!

Example questions I'm curious about
How did you experience the event?
Do you prefer the framework + DPC style or would you prefer to have individual submissions?
What would you like to see improved on the DPC?
Do you have any suggestions for future data pack events?


What would you like to see for the next event?

A) With Framework and DPC. The framework can do the heavy lifting while you focus on the fun stuff. A future event would give the framework a bigger role (similar to the Lucky Blocks event). A framework also unifies data packs, enabled data packs will all be activated/used the same way. This avoids confusion and chaos for the end user. Also the DPC ensures quality for the data pack users. Of course, this comes with more rules.

B) Individual submissions. Compared to option A, individual submissions would have less rules and more freedom, although it does not have the same community feeling and everyone will likely have to spend time on building the same foundation.
Posted by Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Retired Moderator
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer

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04/25/2021 9:51 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
Really hard to decide. I'd have to say that individual datapack creation would be cool, but at the same time, an overarching theme that has to be followed is always nice.
04/24/2021 4:05 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Added a poll =)
04/24/2021 11:51 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Venator_'s Avatar
Hello, thanks for making a datapack event :)

I have several comments:
- Framework + DPC is an interesting concept. But I've seen a lot of Minecraft But outside the event probably because it makes participation less accessible. I think we should alternate the events between Framework+DPC and individual submissions

-I have a suggestion for a Framework+DPC event: Participants will do a Boss Fight (against a boss mob) and the Framework would allow a boss summoning ritual, which would be randomly chosen among the different scenarios installed. (Maybe make the bossbar in the Framework)

- The conclusion of the event seems too short. It could be nice to propose a compilation of submissions. For example: Challenge series with : Minecraft, But You Need To Run, But You have to remember to breathe, But only nearby mobs are visible and Our Eyes Controls Your Gravity!
And propose a compilation to one or more youtubers/streamers to have fun trying the challenge and show the result of the community event. ( I think some PMC members are youtuber or streamer )
04/24/2021 3:56 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Thank you for the feedback!

I feel like mixing Framework+DPC with individual data packs would create clutter in the submissions list. It would be difficult or impossible to say "For all compatible data packs, look here" or compose a big data pack from all submissions. Perhaps individual submissions would be an option, but I do see great potential in bringing the community together to create several data packs with common interaction/usage.

The boss fight has been mentioned before, but it would be quite difficult to realize. There would need to be some entity (aka "boss") with complex hooks to make attacks feel unique. I feel like creating the framework and implementing attacks would be too difficult, because I suck at creating entities with natural behavior and I'm not sure what kind of framework hooks data pack creators would expect while keeping it simple.

I did a quick search and there seem to be no YouTube videos on these datapacks (yet).
04/26/2021 3:51 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Venator_'s Avatar
Making a boss may be too complex, but making a new simple mob is much easier. And there are some Mob generators who can help. How handle the textures for news mob is the difficultie. Maybe make a commun resouce pack. The mob making event is just a suggestion ^^

The Lucky Block doing a random effect, why not make an item with the Framework who summon a random new mob :)
04/26/2021 3:38 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Venator_'s Avatar
A single Framework+DPC event mixing individual datapacks is not a good idea. But you can (for example) do 1 Framework+DPC event per year and 1 other "individual data pack" event per year.

I like the idea of Framework+DPC to do a community event, and I also think it's natural if less people make submissions for this kind of event. People need to learn and understand how the Framework works, so it's more difficult.

I hope that for the next community event, some people will make cool videos with our community event datapack :)
04/18/2021 3:48 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragonborn Hero
One_Nose's Avatar
A funny idea I just came up with - a boss framework where every participant adds another attack?
04/25/2021 9:52 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
Absolute nightmare fuel, I can just imagine this thing spewing sand all over the place while at the same time bellowing "wololo" to everyone within a hundred-block radius
04/18/2021 2:56 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragonborn Hero
One_Nose's Avatar
Thanks for featuring my data pack! It was pretty fun to participate. Honestly it didn't really matter that the framework wasn't included in the submission, because in the end both times we used a framework so I think this should matter more for the ones who download the data pack (more complicated). The machine was kinda messy and it better be avoided if possible. Anyway, it was pretty fun!
04/18/2021 3:54 am
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Thank you for your feedback! Apart from the need to spawn a structure, I feel like it's simple enough to download multiple data packs. But yes, it's best to keep usage as simple as possible =)
04/16/2021 4:53 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
Cool! I still can't believe my entry got so many diamonds. It's far from my best project, but I guess that's just how things go...
