Better late than never.

Rossky's Avatar Rossky9/6/14 12:57 pm
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9/6/2014 2:33 pm
Rossky's Avatar Rossky
Hello forum-reading PMC community!

After 958 days of having an (somewhat) active PMC account, I thought it was about time to write an introduction to... basically say hello and explain a bit who I am...
Great timing, right?...

Obviously, this is not the first post I make on the PMC forums and hopefully not the last one. I already have a short info about myself on my profile but decided to write something bigger than just that.

Let me just start off with the "physical me" :
I am a 18 years old midget ( 169 cm / 5.54 ft <- I got that from google ) currently living in Germany - very close to the french border. I hate my glasses and the fact that every kind of hair style doesn't look good on me. Most of the people talk to me as a "she" which is not ... entirely.. correct, but it's okay if someone does that kind of mistake.

Here is a bit about my personality and past.
Currently living together in a chaotic family with a stepfather, my mom and my (half)brother and his girlfriend AND my grandparents... a horse, my dog, 2 cats and a lunatic guinea pig, it is needless to say that I think that I am just as crazy as everyone else here.
I think about myself as an overly emotional person who is easily manipulated and changes his mind about things and persons quite quickly which pretty much explains why i feel lonely most of the time. The majority of the people I stay in touch with are (former) minecraft players that I met on servers - especially last year. On a good day I spend most of my time writing short stories and blog posts, but also on a book which i started this year. Writing has pretty much replaced minecraft as a form of letting out my creativity, explaining why I am not uploading as much content as before, but it is still a great thing for me to do and i like it a lot.
I prefer dogs over cats and think that "with bacon?" is a redundant question in Burger King even though I only eat there like... once a month.

I am accursed with having a serious crush on a girl which I got to know almost 2 years ago and still have not confessed to her ... we meet 5 times a week in school.
( 'was never really a brave person )

A classmate randomly introduced me to minecraft when he started playing it on his laptop in school. First I wasn't sure if the game would be interesting enough for me to start getting into it, but I started loving the freedom and possibilities of the game right away after playing it myself. There were days on which I played minecraft for way more than 10 hours, especially on weekends but recently lost the time and motivation to build something large enough to proudly present it on this website [That is also why I don't build in teams or do builds for others] so I tried out the forums - and I love it!
Steampunk is my favorite theme to build in but I am also very confident building nordic and medieval projects and can also do the terrain for my builds using worldedit and voxelsniper.
I love airships and everything that floats in the sky or on water... or lava, depending on who the captain was.

Most of you might have noticed that my English isn't that good, I hope this little introduction is somewhat readable

TL;DR : Hello everyone!
Posted by Rossky's Avatar
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin

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09/06/2014 2:33 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
Ashfur4everwelcome! I wish I could read your stories

If i ever reach the point where I am happy with the stuff I write about then I might put some on a blog
09/06/2014 2:16 pm
Level 46 : Master Princess
OreoVal's Avatar
Ashfur4everheheh good luck

btw, try 4 years then get brave enough to confess and what did I get?

"haha, wolfs eat cats" seeing as he's the 'wolf' and I'm a cat... mph. Good luck


Late welcome, OP!
09/06/2014 2:13 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
welcome! I wish I could read your stories

yay depressing story about crushes; 4 years then get brave enough to confess and what did I get?

"haha, wolfs eat cats" seeing as he's the 'wolf' and I'm a cat... mph. Good luck
09/06/2014 1:11 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
BossJordan_g's Avatar
Welcome! I'm not brave enough to ask out the girl I like either haha!
09/06/2014 1:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Scribe
Poshtoffee's Avatar
What kinds of things are you writing about if you don't mind me asking?
Also cats are better.
09/06/2014 2:01 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
Most of the things are simply outlets or "rants" as you might call them, everything that happens or not happens to me IRL which I find interesting enough to convert into a short story.
The book is fantasy and gets a lot of inspiration from my own every-day-life
09/06/2014 2:04 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Scribe
Poshtoffee's Avatar
Well I'm not that interested in rants myself but the book sounds rather interesting, good luck with that.
09/06/2014 2:09 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Paladin
Rossky's Avatar
It's rather unlikely to become a true author with that, i started it as a hobby to improve my english
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