Chasm Point

ChasmPoint2/4/25 1:24 am
2/6/2025 9:16 am
Hey guys! Glad to be here! I have a little project that I am working on, the map is 64.5 mb... I am quite unsure on how to upload it at the moment, but im sure there is a post that goes into bigger map uploads... I tried .rar but it is still almost 5mb over even compressed. It is on my realms server, but i wont post that until i read all the rules.

Happy mining!
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Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

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02/06/2025 9:16 am
He/Him • Level 25 : Expert Creeper Architect
Hello and welcome!
02/04/2025 8:19 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
The 15MB limit is on uploads to PMC, larger maps need to be hosted elsewhere…

In addition to those mentioned by GalacticSpike, MediaFire.com is also fairly common on site.
Any file sharing service that will allow suitably sized uploads will work, but the various services have different circumstances and you'll need to do a bit of research to find one that works for you.

Two things to look out for are:
those that require a user have an account to download (something I've encountereed with google although I don't know if there is a way around that)
the file hosts policies WRT ads (a number of file sharing site seem to tend to hosting 'adult' materials and the ads they show can reflect this)
02/04/2025 10:10 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Thank You so much for the advice! The Map has been uploaded successfully!
02/04/2025 5:23 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
Glad to see it up…
Perfect chance to drop a link Chasm Point Beta V0.85

Any plans to port the finished version to java?
02/04/2025 5:46 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
That is another one of those things i have no idea how to do yet, but absolutely yes! Would you say Java or Bedrock is more popular?
I will take any pointers you can offer as I learn how to navigate all these processes.
02/04/2025 6:05 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
There a a couple of ways to insert a link, the easier ios to use the button that looks like two links of chain (just toteh right of the S [​strikethru] button):
This will bring up a dialog box with a place to paste the URL [​http etc] one can copy from the target page and a second space for a description.

Altermately, one can simply paste the copied URL like so https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/chasm-point/ (but this doesn't look as good).

One can also use the <> button (towards the right end of the toolbar to open a window that allows one to enter BBCode [​Bulliten Board Code] directly).
This is a more advance option, and relatively few of the BBCode tags are implemented on PMC.
q.v. How to Use BBCode: A Complete Guide for a reasonable intruductory tutorial if interested.

RE Java /Bedrock
Which is more popular/better is an ongoing 'religious war' 🙃
I'm a java 'only' player, but have picked up a smattering of br knowledge here and there…
In terms of porting a map, differences in things like redstone functionality/ commands (each version has some exclusive targeting options for one example)/ and mob spawning are likely points of difficulty (management opportunites)…

Given the likely amount of rework needed for a port, I'd focus on getting the map finished and see if the reception is rewarding enough to justify doing a port rather than trying to advance two versions through development.
02/05/2025 10:12 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
So i actually did mess around with porting this map over to java yesterday, I had no idea what i was doing, but i did the world to load, but the base was nowhere to be found... I would be willing to send you over any files if you wanted to mess with it. This entire map is a donation so I'm going to see if i can get and exemption for people to make it their own and upload it as their work as long as they don't claim the base map itself.
02/04/2025 8:09 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
The base’s size is what helps these secrets stay secret, no trickery quite yet, just design. It is meant to be on the easier side for all ages. It might be an easy port at this stage.
02/04/2025 1:54 am
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator Procrastinator
Look I'm no map creator so take my comment with a pinch of salt, but I know map creators tend to use external links for the download source, be it curseforge, google drive, patreon (I've seen these both free and paid), etc... So I'd assume the size limitation is only applied to PMC.

Now if you instead preffer to cut down the maps file size, I think you can use stuff like world painter or mceditor to delete unwanted chunks or edit existing ones to be less resource heavy, so you could also try that.
02/04/2025 11:04 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Thank You so much for the advice! The Map has been uploaded successfully!
