Hi, my name is Instel and I play mostly Minecraft Bedrock Edition. (no judgy plz)
I joined this platform 3 years ago but I didn't realize I made an account until now. Nor was I ever active until now. (again plz no judgy)
I joined this platform 3 years ago but I didn't realize I made an account until now. Nor was I ever active until now. (again plz no judgy)
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Hello there, and welcome to PMC!

Unfortunately you started with bedrock edition which keeps you tame and suppressed. Switch to the Java edition and within a short time you will become a master

G'day. As a Minecraft lite player, I do judge your choices tho.


👋 Happy deleurking
plenty of br types here as well
(although not me)
plenty of br types here as well
(although not me)

Welcome! I play mostly on Bedrock too, so no worries.

Oh also I made my PFP to be seamless with my banner.