The Cat Council's Avatar
A council of cats
New Council
For any cat lover, big or small


This is a group of all kinds of cats, from the smallest domestic to the largest feral. Our main purpose is mostly just roleplaying wars, though we are welcome to anyone who would like to just stay out of it and post cat content.

Rankings -
---------Kitten (0 birds needed)
You are just starting out. You can't fight yet, but you are prepared to defend.
Members in this rank
crowedd (2 B), IGEBM (1 B), anonpmc4226404 (0 B), Katfoo10 (1 B), WhisperOfTheWild (0 B), CrownDeluxe (0 B), katress (0 B), MaltyOtter (0 B), Arianwyn (0 B)

---------Armored Kitten (10 birds needed)
You can finally fight, and are quickly growing in rank.
Members in this rank

---------Apprentice Warrior (30 birds needed)
You have thrown your first axe, and are soon to see a battle.
Members in this rank

---------Warrior (65 birds needed)
You have seen the battle field, and are nearly ready to take an apprentice.
Members in this rank

---------Battlemaster (100 birds needed)
You have an apprentice, and are quickly approaching the top of this mountain.
Members in this rank

---------Low council member (150 birds needed)
You have reached every kittens dream, and joined the council. You have many duties now.
Members in this rank

---------High council member (230 birds needed)
You are the overseer of many, and answer the other members needs. You are one step away from the very top.
Members in this rank

---------Overlord (450 birds needed)
You have reached the top of the top, the tip of the mountain. You are deeply respected now, and many fear your blade. (You may now apply for group admin.)

Members in this rank

Birds are obtained by being active in the group.

Ways to get birds and how much you get
Wall posts : 1
Blog : 3
Mob skin : 3
Skin (Low Quality) : 2
Skin (Medium Quality) : 3
Skin (High Quality) : 5
Map : 5
Mod/Data Pack : 5
Texture Pack : 5

A mod will comment paws on your post to let you know you have received your reward.

Ranking system stolen from inspired by TheCrypteral, and his group, The Forge
Planet Minecraft


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