Creative Skinners's Avatar
Apprentice Party
Level 7
A Group for any type of Skinner!

Wall Post by Creative Skinners

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  • Creative Skinners's Avatar
    Creative Skinners post by _Grace's Avatar _Grace
    June 29, 2022, 7:43 pm to Public
    We are going to be changing the Group a bit!

    There has recently, been some strange bugs, and the images aren't
    popping up correctly, so we've thought to change the style up a bit!
    It's probably best to stay off the page while we fix things around, because you
    might visit the page, and see everything is in the wrong place, this is because
    we may be trying to re-organize the page, of course, it's completely safe to be on the page though!

    If you are wondering "What bugs?", well, it isn't actually like PMC bugs, it's our own
    problem with the images, the Group will look better after it's re-designed, and organized.

    "How long until it's finished?", You may ask, well, I'm not gonna start right this
    second, I need to figure out what I'm going to do, or else, it's going to look like
    a mess, I might re-do the layout of the Group, but once it's finished, we'd love to hear your thoughts,
    and feedback about it, and if you would like anything to be added to it, removed from it, etc. :)

    What about the celebration for 10 members?

    I've been working on some other things, and due to lack
    of ideas, I've been having a bit of a struggle with what to do.
    But, there will be a little something, but with the whole re-designing
    the Group thing, it might take a little while, and at the same time,

    making a little skin, or something special for the 10 member celebration
    would be easier, than re-designing a whole Group, and also, I might be
    going a little over-board, on the re-designing the Group, not that I wont.

    But, that how I'm saying it might seem like a whole HUGE thing,
    so don't expect the Group to look like something totally different,
    we wanna keep the same vibe, and plus, it would be strange to have a Group
    not even look like what it's called, because our Group is called "Creative Skinners"! :)

    I want to join, why is nobody responding?

    I highly doubt this will happen, but, just to be sure what's going on...
    if nobody is responding, that's likely because it doesn't
    give me the notification that someone has commented on my Guestbook
    in the Group, it only gives you notifications that someone has commented

    on your Guestbook on your profile page, so I do hope maybe
    PMC will make Group notifications, now, that's just a suggestion, and
    putting that out there, but the point is, it doesn't send me the notification,

    The second reason is, I'm not as active right now, because I'm
    on Vacation, and I only have so much time during the day,
    I have a LOT more time at night, so expect me to respond/invite you
    at more night hours, keep in mind, I'm in CST time zone. (Central.)

    Update Log

    There's currently nothing here,
    but I'll be updating this wall-post
    to put updates about the Group, I'm also
    feeling like maybe I should have a skin in

    the submission gallery, and the description will
    be the update log, and I'll update the description when I put
    new updates there, but that's just an idea, here is the update log: (For now.) :)

    Update Log: 🔧

    -Update #1

    -Update #2

    -Update #3

    Thank you!

    Just a big thank you to all of our Group members!
    Here's all the Group members! :)

    Overlord_Aqua_2 |First Member, and Friend|

    A1yssa |Second Member, and Sister|

    Darth_CWC |Third Member, and first to be in the role; "Beginner Skinner"|

    The rest of the Group Members:

    Eshii |First person in the role; Advanced Skinner|

    ruietto |Experienced Skinner since 2018|

    Spongie |First person in the role; Simple Skinner|

    LugiaGal- |Pokemon lover since 2016|

    00O3 |2 Year PMC member|

    SouthDakotaGirl |Only person in the role; Realistic Skinner|

    anonpmc4072473 |Simple Skinner|

    snowyvulpixes |1 Year PMC member|

    SuperGamer7777 |Brother, and First person to be in the role; Learning to Skin|

    Cirxett |Lovely Page artist|

    GreenGarden |Simple, and Pretty Skinner|

    Angelonasher |Friend, and Manager|

    Thank you to our amazing staff as well!

    Angelonasher, and A1yssa (Inactive :c),

    I thank you for your help, and support, here at
    Creative Skinners! Keep continuing to support us! :D

    Extra: We also thank all of our Followers, they have followed us
    and supported us! Here is all of our followers, but not the ones that
    are in our Group, because we already have pinged them, and mentioned them!: (But, you're still just as special! :D)

    creeperbruh |Creeper Fan|

    Rakkitatoru |Supporter|

    BeyondTheCrystalSea |Crystal :D|

    PsioPsia001 |Supporter|

    Oh, hi! I'm glad you made it down here, you-you, didn't
    just-just, scroll all the way down to see how long it was, right? You
    read the whole thing, right? Did you? I'm giving out these free slushies, and
    if you read the whole thing, comment that you did, and you get a free slushie! :D

    Iced Tea Avatar by Kezzi-Rose
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    creeperbruh said 2023-10-15 04:54:56
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    can i join
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