SKIN JAM's Avatar
Journeyman Collective
Level 13
SKIN JAM is a community event where you're given 24 hours to create an original skin from scratch!

Wall Posts

  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    September 26, 2023, 4:50 pm to Public



    Do check out the submissions present in this volume!
    Here are the participants of Volume 4; hosted from Sept. 23rd - Sept. 24th.

    1. Cranio - The Love Club
    (This art-piece is best viewed in 3D!)

    2. BlueBoyBuilds - immortality

    3. kickonly - Kanye West

    4. Zypher Solina - For The Incurable Stagnation

    Thank you to those who've partaken, as well to those who've attempted to flesh out works in 24 hours!

    Until next time! \ ˚▽˚ /
    Nitgo said 2023-09-26 16:58:48
    Nitgo's Avatar
    The last one is the best tbh
  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    September 23, 2023, 10:52 am to Public
    (We're approaching the first hour!)

    Until Sept. 24th - 10AM EDT (24 Hours!), you may create to your hearts content- alone or with your peers!
    Be sure to submit your works during the 24 hour period, & not after!

    Refer to the [+thread+] in-case you've forgotten some details.

    Looking forward to seeing what's ahead!

    LET'S GO (!!!) (‐^▽^‐)

  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    September 16, 2023, 3:39 pm to Public


    Saturday - Sunday

    Sept. 23rd. - Sept. 24th.

    10AM EDT - 10AM EDT

    Interested in partaking? Here's the current [+Thread+] containing additional information + event updates.

    See you soon!

  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    September 9, 2023, 3:43 pm to Public
    SKIN JAM : VOLUME 4 !!! - :// [​24 Hour Event]

    Saturday - Sunday

    Sept. 23rd. - Sept. 24th.

    10AM EDT - 10AM EDT

    Check out the current [+Thread+] for additional information + event updates.

    Welcome to Volume 4!

  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    November 7, 2022, 5:08 pm to Public
    Hello! We'll be uploading the skins from SKIN JAM : Volume 3 in about an hour! We'll see you all then :)
  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    November 5, 2022, 11:22 pm to Public
    This post serves as a reminder that you have a less than 11 hours to submit your work via the form.

    Additionally, if anyone is having problems with the form, please let me know via messages or in stream server (if you're there) We've had some issues arise & sorted out within such a short time, it's important that we can eliminate problems asap!

    Again, you have less than 11 hours to submit your work! Good luck everyone, can't wait to see what's in store!
  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    November 5, 2022, 11:11 am to Public
    As of 1 hour ago, SKIN JAM : Volume 3 is officially in the green, go & create something beautiful! GO! GO! GO!

    You have a little less than 23 hours left to submit your entries! Good luck everyone :)

  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    November 4, 2022, 3:13 pm to Public
    TOMORROW we run it up yet again for SKIN JAM : VOLUME 3!

    - STARTING : November 5th / 10AM EDT
    - ENDING : November 6th / 10AM EDT

    IMPORTANT - Be sure to submit your skin via. the +submission form+ within the 24 hour time-frame for your entry to count!
    (The form will also be located in the rules/info panel on the group page)

    If anything remains unclear be sure to ask questions before we begin!
    Prepare yourselves for the weekend, & we'll see you then! :)

    CosmoX45 said 2022-11-04 21:12:29
    CosmoX45's Avatar
    Includes great shading skinners?
  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    October 29, 2022, 4:42 pm to Public
    Hello again!

    Wondering if you plan on going solo? Or perhaps connecting with your peers to form a collaboration?
    Or even a super-group if you're ambitious enough? Anything is up in the air for this possible lineup!

    Looking forward to see who'll be partaking a week from now! We're almost there!

    This post serves as a reminder that there's a little less than 1 week until SKIN JAM : Volume 3 begins.
    During this time I'll be adding the submission form & encouraging everyone to ask appropriate questions if a lack of understanding remains before the event starts.

    See you then!

    Zypher Solina replied to LogMaiden's comment below 2022-10-29 22:11:45
    Zypher Solina's Avatar
    Be looking forward to it! :D
    LogMaiden said 2022-10-29 18:29:37
    LogMaiden's Avatar
    Solo! Trying this out for the first time. :)
  • SKIN JAM's Avatar
    SKIN JAM post by Zypher Solina's Avatar Zypher Solina
    October 22, 2022, 5:48 pm to Public
    Hello everyone, I hope your days are going swell!

    For new faces, if you are unfamiliar with our event & it's results, here are the previous volumes from over a year ago!

    VOLUME 1.
    VOLUME 2.

    Additionally serving as a reminder, there's 2 weeks left until volume 3 officially begins, giving everyone enough time to prepare & figure out what they're going to pursue. There will be more reminders as we dwindle down, so be sure to use your time wisely!

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