Completed Ranked Jam for Skins
A competition to create the new Miners Need Cooler Shoes mascot.


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1) Skins must be submitted as CC-BY-SA 4.0.
2) Any editor can be used to create the skins.
3) Steve player model only. NeedCoolerShoes has not implemented Alex player model support yet, and I'd like the skin to display correctly on the site.
4) Any other skin parts that you did not create yourself, used in the skin, must be correctly licensed, and attributed in your description.
5) No skins of existing characters. We want this mascot to be unique to NeedCoolerShoes, we dont want Pikachu or Steve. Steve-adjacent "smiley beard" style faces are allowed, as long as the character clearly isn't Steve. (Same goes for Alex etc)

Winning artist will be contacted to confirm that their skin is licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0, and also to determine how they would like to be attributed on the site.

While not a rule, it would be nice if the skin payed homage to the original mascot in a way. Another nice-to-have is an iconic face, as the face of the skin will likely be used as the site's icon. Cooler shoes are also another plus.
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