Completed Finalists Jam for Skins
Create your roleplay character as a skin

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  • sweaterduck's Avatar
    sweaterduck posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    January 15, 2024, 5:52 pm to Public
    how did i know CrystalRuby's skin would win after i remembered this jam and saw the name x-x
  • fan dei beatles's Avatar
    fan dei beatles posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    December 7, 2023, 4:44 am to Public
    Rimettete la skin beatle
  • LeafpoolCat2009's Avatar
    LeafpoolCat2009 posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    December 2, 2023, 11:47 am to Public
    I have never judged a jam before, how do I judge/rank the skins?
    StormWatcher replied to StormWatcher's comment below 2023-12-08 10:17:36
    StormWatcher's Avatar
    I retract my previous statement
    StormWatcher replied to LeafpoolCat2009's comment below 2023-12-08 00:11:42
    StormWatcher's Avatar
    Really late it occurred to me to try and look it up instead of fumbling about everything, but I've come to the conclusion that the rating may not be set up. Found a Jams group which goes through it (It's just called Jams group).

    I might be wrong, though. I'm honestly a little confused.
    LeafpoolCat2009 replied to StormWatcher's comment below 2023-12-06 13:14:10
    LeafpoolCat2009's Avatar
    Yea.. me too lol
    StormWatcher said 2023-12-03 21:47:05
    StormWatcher's Avatar
    I was about to ask too, same thing. Glad to know I'm not the only one...
  • IGEBM's Avatar
    IGEBM posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    November 28, 2023, 5:34 pm to Public
    gonna leave this jam bc I realized that my character already has a skin lol

    and I can't motivate myself to make a skin in 3 days for the life of me
  • fan dei beatles's Avatar
    fan dei beatles posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    November 10, 2023, 12:03 pm to Public
    Now and then
  • fan dei beatles's Avatar
    fan dei beatles posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    November 4, 2023, 8:26 am to Public
    -ghost- said 2023-11-07 01:33:34
    -ghost-'s Avatar
    That kind of thing is off-topic for this jam.
  • StormWatcher's Avatar
    StormWatcher posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    October 26, 2023, 11:23 am to Public
    What do you mean by "you'll be added anyway"? Do you mean just to the jam, to the story, or what? And if I were to join the jam, is there any general guidelines story-wise that I'd need to follow, or would I need to make it capable of standing alone?

    This sounds interesting, but I don't want to intrude in something which already has something dedicated (if that makes sense) to/for those already in it.

    Sorry if it's obvious, and I may if it's fine at some point try something for this, if there's no issues with it (or may not, not sure-different factors).
    StormWatcher replied to -ghost-'s comment below 2023-11-01 10:02:21
    StormWatcher's Avatar
    Thanks, I appreciate it!
    Seems a lot is going on, but I think I get the gist of it.

    I think I will actually make something (I'll probably put some story for it too, or some tidbits of one, just because). Hopefully it will suffice.
    -ghost- replied to StormWatcher's comment below 2023-10-31 23:38:35
    -ghost-'s Avatar
    If you're short on time, I maintained this blog for a while, which summarizes the main arc of the story until things started to decentralize.
    StormWatcher replied to -ghost-'s comment below 2023-10-31 21:38:24
    StormWatcher's Avatar
    Thanks for responding (and apologies for my late one).

    If I do end up doing this, I'll try to make something decent (and limited to one---also since I'm not sure entirely how to fit it in, I'll try to make it stand-alone, for now anyway).

    Thanks again for clearing up my questions.

    I'm going to try to understand a little bit of how the stories are played out on this thread (I assume that is where it is right?).
    It seems interesting so far (I know I've said this but still).
    -ghost- said 2023-10-27 02:06:50
    -ghost-'s Avatar
    If your entry gives sufficient context, I'll be able to add you to the roleplay. Its group is here, and contains more information, including links to the main forum threads. Regarding story, there's no requirement for that; the most that's needed here is the character's occupation/role, and preferably a name.

    Anyone is free to join, as long as their character fits within the limits of a medieval world, so there's no obstacle to your entering the jam in that respect.
  • Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
    Panda Gocarts3 posted to guest book of PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest's Avatar PMC Kingdoms Skin Contest
    October 2, 2023, 5:04 pm to Public
    Alright guys get your wellies on because <CENSORED> <CENSORED> THIS <CENSORED> !
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