A jam converted from a legacy contest


Converted Legacy Event

This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

ondemand_video PMC Spanish community! Vea el video de arriba en espaol

location_city Procedural Metropolis : Contemporary Edition Project Contest

Hello to everybody!

This contest aims at creating a city as a community effort with the members of PMC. It won't be a typical city, rather it will be powered by a self-replicating machine able to generate urban environments on any flat area of any minecraft world or server! No two cities will be the same.

Can you imagine what PMC members can achieve when we're working together? Let's find out.

In this contest you are asked to build a series of 6 small houses. If your submission follows the guidelines, I'll proceed to integrate your builds into a larger machine.
Your houses will be used in the city's generation process and my self-replicating machines will give shape to all your individual efforts.

The end result won't only be a world with the generated city, but a machine that everybody in the community can use in their worlds to automatically generate cities and towns with your builds included! In the generated worlds, the roads will grow towards the unknown and the buildings will rise to reach the sky. Others will explore these new cities which are always different and growing.

Far from here and now, somebody will probably look around for shelter in these cities and among all the options, they might choose a home you created!

What you build here may last forever in many worlds, servers and across the actual globe.

Good work,

Welcome to an experimental project contest where our builds will populate a procedural generated city powered by a custom edition of the Infinity Project by Gheppio! * removed direct link to the Infinity project to avoid confusion. You can visit his profile to view his past work.

First, let's get a grasp and glimpse into the bigger picture of what's going on. Here is one example of a generated town layout with city generation.

You can see Gheppio's machine creating footprints for buildings of various sizes and orientations above. Those are for the buildings we're going to design!

You'll also notice the roads are paved. For that reason and to keep us all on the same relative page, please choose an contemporary architectural building style for your entry. Essentially, keep in mind your buildings should make sense next to paved roads.

STEP 1: Download the starter map.


Building Rules

There's a reference rule book in a chest on the map itself but we'll illustrate the building rules here as well for clarity. If you have questions, please ask them in the official forum thread.

1. Build 6 plots on line 1

Build on all 6 plots of LINE 1 of the template map with a contemporary build style.
The varied plot sizes are measured in chunks (16x16 Minecraft blocks):
  • 1x1
  • 2x1
  • 1x2
  • 2x2
  • 1x3
  • 2x3

2. Lateral build boundaries

select_allBuild only where the grey terracotta is in each plot.border_rightDo not alter the slab border as it's necessary for house spacing in the final city generation.

3. Vertical build boundaries

vertical_align_bottomLower limit: You can replace the grey terracotta with other materials but do not go below that layer.vertical_align_topHeight limit: Keep the height of your builds below the glass roof.

4. Entrance placement

Put your building entrance only in the indicated location. You can consider the stone slabs to be the city's pavement.

After you start building you're going to notice something very special... what you build on line 1, is automatically copied and rotated into lines 2-4! Besides being incredibly satisfying to watch happen as you build, this is Gheppio preparing your entries for the grand master machine which will be released for everyone to generate entire cities from our community contributions!

If you are experiencing lag, you can toggle this feature at anytime.

grade Building Tips
  1. Keep your style varied but consistent. Remember that all your builds will belong to the same town.
  2. You don't have to use all of the building volume available for each plot. The key is variety!
  3. You don't have to only build houses or apartments, you can build shops, parks and other urban buildings with different functions.
  4. Don't build on Lines 2-4. You'll notice that the plot pattern rotates on those lines. However, Gheppio will take on the task of rotating your original builds for the final machine.

Example World
You will also find a teleport near plot 1x1 that will take you to an example world. This world has a few examples of how completed plots look. Feel free to check it out and come back to your own laboratory at any time.

Recap on how to participate
Download the special starter map with a laboratory and 6 build plots of various sizes. Your task is to create a set of buildings with a contemporary architectural theme of your choice. Basically, keep in mind that the city generator will create paved roads around our creations.

If you have questions, comments and suggestions visit our:

forum FORUM TOPIC for the Procedural Metropolis Project!

Upgraded Prizes including first place receiving the Minecraft Board game, Builders and Biomes! * if available in your country
Scroll down to prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

Rules of the Contest

These rules may change between contests, so please be sure to read them carefully in case they are different from the previous ones! Failure to comply with these rules will result in the disqualification of your submission and/or being banned from the contest entirely.
    • Your build must be 100% original content that is not an old creation, whether of yours, your teams or someone else's.
    • You can build with others! We are not limiting this contest to 1 creator only. Gather your friends, build together!
    • One entry. If you're working with a team, we advise that you work out who is going to ultimately post the project into the contest before getting started. We can only award the account that enters the contest.
    • You must use the default texture pack in your images. This is a build contest, not a texturing contest. Judges will also be reviewing your builds with the default texture pack.
    • Presentation is important! Add lots of screenshots showing off your build, write something about your work, maybe write a description of your building process and in general take the time to present it to the community and judges to increase your chances of making it into the finalists.
    • You may not use any tools that produce an output for you. Building aides are allowed but don't let a program do the main work for you (3D model converters, Pixel Art Generation, etc).
    • Must build in vanilla Minecraft 1.15. No mods that add third party content! Judges will also be judging the submissions in vanilla Minecraft.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where's the starter map?
    Download the starter map HERE.

    Is this SOLO or TEAM contest?
    No. It's an open project contest. If you'd like to work with friends, you can. However, you will need to work out with your friends who gets to post it and ultimately who will get the prize should the group effort win. We don't want to discourage people from working together. We tried splitting project contests into team/solo and feel it's sending the wrong message.

    Which Minecraft version do I have to build in?
    Use version 1.15.x

    Can I build more than six houses?
    No, at the moment 6 houses, and one submission, per person is the limit.

    Do I have to build interiors too?
    Its highly recommended.

    Is there a specific style we should build in?
    The city generation will create paved roads, so anything "Contemporary" will make sense. We wanted to keep the theme as open as possible while ultimately generating cities that will make sense.

    Why are there slab borders and building limits in general?
    Slab borders are needed for house spacing, that's why you must leave them, and the air above them, as they are. They are on two sides only, this is correct; you can build up to the edge of the other two sides. It's suggested to fill the surroundings of the buildings with the same slabs because that's the city's pavement, in this way the builds are better integrated into the city layout :-)

    What about water, is it allowed?
    In some rare cases it may cause problems when houses are placed by the structure blocks; anyway, water is allowed. If water presents glitches in the rotated instances, it will probably glitch also in the final city! If possible. Try containing water pools only with solid blocks, and not with stairs or slabs only; they're the ones which glitch the most. If not possible, replace glitching water blocks with ice that it will melt down after your house is placed. If there are still some glitches or problems, they'll be corrected before their integration in the Infinity Matrix.

    Are we allowed to incorporate command blocks and redstone into our builds?
    It's better to avoid complex circuits, while they should work fine, I'm afraid that if too many people build complex circuits that "do stuff" in their build, than this will make the machine much heavier to run on low spec PCs.
    I don't want to risk that some people aren't able to generate their cities with your builds included because of this problem! If you want to do a special lighting system with redstone or a teleporting elevator with command blocks it's ok, but try to stay contained and absolutely avoid automatic machines! Your devices must be user-activated!

    What about the streets? How are they made? I'd like to make a parking lot or a building with road access.
    The roads are 7 blocks wide, 3 blocks per lane and 1 for the centreline. Roads are made of the grey terracotta already present in the building sites, at the same level, pavements are made of the same stone slabs of the 2-side border, at its same level.
    If you're building something that needs a road access (e.g. like a parking lot) place the road-sized entrance/access aligned with the "entrance here" passage for 1x1, 2x1, 1x3 and 2x3 plots. For 1x2 and 2x2 instead, put it on the middle of the left or right chunk. In this way I can reprogram roads so that they connect correctly to your car entrances when your builds are placed in the city!

    Are the items in chests, furnaces, dispensers, etc. saved in the Infinity Matrix too?

    Can I use paintings, banners, custom player heads etc.?
    As a rule of thumb, if something appears correctly also in the rotated instances, then it can be used.
    Paintings and item frames sadly can't be used for now. Banners and custom player heads work flawlessly.

    Does the front door have to function, or can it be an open glass door?
    It doesn't have to necessarily be a door! It's just a constraint that sets where the front of the building is, so that the engine makes your builds facing towards the roads correctly. More like a "the door should be here" indication, intend it as "people will access this area arriving from here". After that you can put the entrance you want, of even something else! For example, in the largest plot, you could even put two small buildings on the left and right side and a small plaza in the centre, that would work too!

    Will my builds appear together in the final city?
    The city will contain as many submissions as possible from participants, so there will be houses/buildings from different people close to each other, a city from the PMC community!
    Any generated town will be different and potentially infinite, in some of them your builds will be closer, and in others more distanced, and every building integrated in the Infinity Matrix will have a defined probability to appear during the generation Process. Consider all that is being created here as a single neighbourhood!

    Did Gheppio design the procedural Infinity engine by himself?

    Contest Process & Judging

    During the entry period, entries will be judged by a panel of your Planet Minecraft peers. We'll be assembling a team of individuals to judge; don't worry if there aren't any yet, they will be added soon!

    During the first phase, judges will be reviewing builds, disqualifying entries that break the rules and diamonding posts that they like. Remember that judge diamonds are worth a lot! The community is also viewing, diamonding, reporting and influencing which entries will make it into the finalists. Once the build period is up, the contest will enter phase two.

    The second phase consists of 5 days of review; the judges will go over the entries and find any missed rule breakers. Everyone will have this time to diamond and view more of the entrants before the site will calculate the finalists.

    The final phase involves the judges judging all of the finalists, which are calculated based on an aggregate score of activity and votes.

    You will be judged on the following aspects, on a 1-10 inclusive scale:
    • Concept & Originality : Fresh, new ideas and crazy concepts! Try to do something new, differentiate yourself from the status quo and show us what you're made of.
    • Technique & Execution : Color, shape, texture - be sure your build flows together and represents what you are trying to accomplish.
    • Presentation & Experience : Presentation of a build can really help to make an impression. Be sure you've got good screenshots, spend some time on the post!

    Step 1: Create a map and have fun! You have a little over 3 weeks to build! You do not need to immediately post a downloadable map with your submission. You may post it any time before the entry deadline.

    Step 2: When you're ready to post, head back to your Minecraft saves folder and zip the map folder. Windows users can right-click and Add To > New Compressed Archive; you may also use a third party program such as WinRAR or 7zip.

    Step 3: Go to the Create New Project page on PlanetMinecraft and upload your map as normal! Be sure to take many screenshots to show off the interiors.

    Contest Prizes

    1st Place

    • Minecraft: Builders and Biomes Board Game * plus $50 Steam Credit gifted to your Steam account.
    • A Contest Themed, Gold, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
    • Builds included in final city generation community machine.
    * If the Minecraft: Builders and Biomes Board game can not be shipped to your country from minecraftshop.com, we will increase your Steam credit to $100. In addition, if you prefer to simply have Steam credit, you can opt for that instead.

    2nd Place
    • $50 Steam Credit gifted to your Steam account.
    • A Contest Themed, Silver, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
    • Builds included in final city generation community machine.

    3rd Place
    • $20 Steam Credit gifted to your Steam account.
    • Contest Themed, Bronze, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week+.
    • Builds included in final city generation community machine.

    • A special pixel art finalist medal in your profile trophy case.
    • High chance to be included in final city generation community machine. We're going to try to include as many as possible and may even release more than one depending on entries.

    • A special collectible pixel art participant badge in your profile trophy case
    • Chance to included in final city generation community machine. We're going to try to include as many as possible and may even release more than one depending on entries.


    Legal Terms

    By participating in the event, participant agrees to be bound by these Official Rules and regulations and the decisions of Planet Minecraft are final and binding on all matters pertaining to this event.

    Planet Minecraft


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