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    • 17oClokk
      August 6, 2024, 11:34 pm to Public
      Several months later and I am back. I have decided to end development on Ranch Craft 2. But instead will focus on Ranch Craft 3.

      I plan on releasing the map in it's current unfinished state, so at least all my hard work won't be for naught. I just hit a wall with the map where it became too linear.

      The new map will be entirely in SURVIVAL. No adventure mode. Ok, SOME adventure mode, but only surrounding built builds and traveling merchants and the like.

      Survival mode, meaning an entire map build by me using commands and manual terraforming.
    • 17oClokk
      March 9, 2024, 12:50 am to Public
      I'm finally taking a break. Forcing myself to take a break for a while. Been working on the map for the past week, and it is taking a tole.... But rest assured, I've got ideas for my return.

      I've got a list of things that still need done.

      • 13 sections of beach cliffs
      • the cave
      • several mineshaft exits (Including the entrance leading from the cave)
      • 2 bridges (1 big, 1 tiny)
      • The second layer of cliffs. Doubling the height of the cliffs they are now, a whole several tasks on its own.
      • Missions. Each and every section of the map will be explored. Collecting things, farming things, ranching things, breaking things, killing things, scavenging things, ect. I want each city dweller to have their own line of story missions to complete, some only unlocking after completing some of the different missions for other people.

      However, the map will be strictly adventure. You''ll sometimes get tools that cna break certain blocks, but for the most part, the map remains intact. In the future, maybe a Ranch Craft 3, I want to use world painter to make a custom map, with quests and such, but this time entirely in survival so you can truly build what you want, craft your own farms while completing quests for people across all the lands. One day. I estimate Ranch Craft 2 will take only a few more months (breaks included). Maybe june is when I'll finally be done with it. When I get done, I plan on going full marketing. I want to make trailers for it, post on different minecraft reddits, post stuff on planetminecraft. I just want my baby to finally greet the world.
    • 17oClokk
      March 8, 2024, 4:54 pm to Public
      I decided to take a detour and work on the GIGANTIC beach. The beach runs the length of the entire valley, though isn't that wide out, but you'll have a good sized area you can explore on the beach and the ocean. But past the part you can explore, it is MASSIVE to give you the illusion that the ocean goes on forever. Plus I had to try and accommodate 32 render distance players with the ocean distance. It'll be huge.

      Next thing to do is add coral all along the ocean floor... Then build the cliffs for the beach area and then build the cliffs around the entire valley way up into the sky.
    • 17oClokk
      March 6, 2024, 3:51 pm to Public
      I think I've got the main part of the map complete now... A bit more for the cliffs, then the beach, and then add in the villager trades and functionality with the tools for adventure mode... Then for complex maps in the future, I gotta learn a whole new things isnce they have gotten rid of NBT data for components.
    • 17oClokk
      March 6, 2024, 3:50 pm to Public
      Been a while since I've updated here. I've now finished the main circle of cliffs around the valley for Ranch Craft 2. Next comes building up the cliffs to be larger and make the valley appear even deeper than it is already. Really give the world some depth. Apart of me wishes that I had used a map with actual terrain so I could have the player be in survival instead of being forced to be in adventure, but maybe for another map I can do that :)... Ranch Craft 3 maybe?

      Next map for sure will be using the latest snapshots to include the new blocks, wolves, and more.
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