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  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    April 16, 2024, 10:55 pm to Public

    No I will not give context, what kind of person do you take me for, smh
    ajthepeach replied to BookWyrm_'s comment below 2024-04-16 23:09:05
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    BookWyrm_ replied to ajthepeach's comment below 2024-04-16 23:08:47
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    There is no image lol

    Get trolled (didn't actually mean to trick people like that lmao)
    ajthepeach said 2024-04-16 22:59:59
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    i dont see anything ;-;
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    April 15, 2024, 6:10 pm to Public
    Life is confusing wut is real 😭
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    April 15, 2024, 1:46 pm to Public

    Good luck guessing wtf happened lmao
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared KaiOceansword's post
    April 14, 2024, 10:47 am with Public
    Idk how WoF infiltrated this site to such an extent but I am here for it
    KaiOceansword's Avatar
    April 14, 2024, 6:29 am to Public
    This isn't even Planet Minecraft anymore lol
    It should be called the Planet of Random Stuff

    Prove me wrong, there's:
    1. Transformers
    2. Art
    3. Digital Modelling
    4. Fantasy stuff
    5. Un-Minecraft related stories
    6. Arguments over waffles and pancakes
    7. Intense RP that can get you banned
    8. Music/Songs
    9. Extremely weird people
    10. Potatoes
    11. Quite a lot of WOF related stuff
    12. Pixel-Art
    13. GigaChads
    14. Posts of people leaving
    15. Blue's clones
    16. Movies
    17. FNAF
    18. The Amazing Digital Circus
    19. YouTube streamers
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  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    April 14, 2024, 10:44 am to Public
    I- ndjsnsksjjshdjwbjsbshehejbwjshhshshhdhudhudbdjdjdiiddhhfjdjudidJwjwjwjwjwjuwjwjajjajajajauahuwhwhwjwujwjwuwuwhhwhhwhwuhwhshshsuahusshshshswhwhwbsbshbshsjwbwhbwhwhhsuwuwhhwwuwhuwiiwhwuwhhwuwhwuuwuwhwhuwuwhwwhw8whbwihsuw
    BookWyrm_ replied to SnappNote's comment below 2024-04-14 17:54:42
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Ye, imma just not provide context and let everyone guess wtf happened lol
    SnappNote said 2024-04-14 14:57:14
    SnappNote's Avatar
    bookwyrm moment
    BookWyrm_ said 2024-04-14 10:45:02
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    It goes off the screen lmfao
  • The Original Bracken Pack: Adds Eleven Dimensions! [1.20.4]
    Minecraft 1.20 Extensive Data Pack
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    Brackenstrike's Avatar Brackenstrike 4/13/24 2:45 • posted 7/9/20 2:51
  • Evoker Charm - Functions Datapack
    Minecraft 1.20 Magic Data Pack
    16.8k 2.2k 40
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    Siscu's Avatar Siscu 4/12/24 5:18 • posted 5/16/21 12:12
  • Mechanization - Over 60 Machines to Automate Your World!
    Minecraft 1.20 Extensive Data Pack
    153.1k 24k 300
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    ImCoolYeah105's Avatar ImCoolYeah105 4/10/24 5:40 • posted 2/13/19 8:02
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared MOLTENONI's post
    April 8, 2024, 8:02 pm with Public
    I can see that, but as a 3d animator I can see at least one proper use for it that's already being used - as a replacement for traditional interpolation algorithms to help more naturally smooth movement between keyframes. This already exists in a program called cascauduer (might've spelled it wrong), and it works well too, it doesn't replace an animator, but vastly speeds up workflow, allows easy retargetting of animations to different models, etc. When most people talk of AI they mean generating shit from scratch, but it can be used for more, and truly be an incredible tool, for example an AI can be trained on fluid simulation data and produce realistic-looking fluid simulations in games and 3d software in real time whilst using significantly less resources, speeding up performance and rendering a ton. Overall AI has it's uses and jt's drawbacks, it's main use is as a more effective and performant replacement for older algorithms in software like blender and photoshop and stuff. I already explained blender, but for example in photoshop AI would be much better at identifying objects your trying to select than less complex algorithms. AI should not be used to replace artists obviously, but it can still have it's uses as an incredibly powerful tool. People said all the same things about digital art, 3d animation, etc. "It's souless" and stuff made using it is "not real art" (obviously fully AI generated stuff isn't but stuff made with a few tools that use nueral networks is still art, like if an animated show uses AI to generate filler frames and smooth out animation, that doesn't make the show any worse, sure it might not look quite as good if a perosn drew the filler frames, but it saves time, doesn't have much of an impact, and doesn't replace artists). And also it can indeed help with posing, there are tools that let you give a 3d scene or a 2d sketch to an AI as a reference if someone were so inclined, allowing complete control. AI should not be used to replace art but it is my firm belief that is still a useful tool, not to generate content for art, but to help improve existing content by replacing inefficient tools (improving automatic weights in blender bc weight painting by hand is hard af for example)

    Basically tldr AI is a really complicated algorithm that can be trained on data to replace inefficient tools in software with ones that do their job way better, and with better performance, especially physics simulations for example (at the cost of accuracy but oftimes the difference is practically unoticable)
    MOLTENONI's Avatar
    April 8, 2024, 4:27 pm to Public
    yknow, every time i see people talking about how ai should be just another tool in an artist's toolbox i just know what theyre talking about.

    im not even gonna talk about how its immorally trained, that topic has already been covered to hell and back.
    what i mean is like, the people who sing praises about ai or try and discuss in favor of it are all like.. either really novice artists (no hate towards them, theyre figuring stuff out), people who don't know anything about art (or flatout dislike art in general) or just scammers.

    like really, as an artist, i can't see a place for ai thats not covered by other better things. like, lets go over it..
    anatomy studying? ai isn't gonna help there, too innacurate and doesnt help with showing how muscles and stuff like that actually work.
    posing? you'll have mor control with mmd, blender, or litterally any game that let's you pose your character.
    learning colorwork? lighting? shading? inconsistent.

    honestly, its just a tool made by scammers for other scammers.
    you won't learn anything from ai. ai isnt going to help with your workflow or anything of the sort. hell, its also basically useless to anyone who wants to establish themselves in any way as an artist.

    it's just plain souless.
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    SnappNote said 2024-04-08 22:27:04
    SnappNote's Avatar
    Well said.

    I think there’s a big misconception where when someone mentions that they used ai in something ppl immediately think they just put a prompt into midjourney and that’s it. Where in reality AI is much more diverse in terms of applications, like the ones you’ve mentioned.
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared MiloNotTea_5398's post
    April 7, 2024, 11:43 pm with Public
    I am book man, reader of books
    MiloNotTea_5398's Avatar
    MiloNotTea_5398 posted to guest book of BookWyrm_'s Avatar BookWyrm_
    April 7, 2024, 11:16 pm to Public
    I always think of you as “the book man” on PMC
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    BookWyrm_ replied to SnappNote's comment below 2024-04-08 15:48:09
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    SnappNote replied to BookWyrm_'s comment below 2024-04-08 13:18:53
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    BookWyrm_ replied to SnappNote's comment below 2024-04-08 12:06:39
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Bookity book books book book book book book bookity books
    SnappNote replied to BookWyrm_'s comment below 2024-04-08 10:39:42
    SnappNote's Avatar
    oh no he's speaking the ancient book language-
    BookWyrm_ replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2024-04-08 00:17:25
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Book bookity book book books
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  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 2:48 am to Public
    Going to bed now but HOLY FUCK I'VE BEEN GIVEN TOO MUCH POWER.

    It's so Joever for y'all when I wake up.
    ScotsMiser said 2024-04-01 03:46:32
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Too much power (like too much money) is a 'problem' only 'other people' have…
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 11:42 pm to Public
    Had a thought and wrote a thingy:

    "One small step for (a) man, a giant leap for mankind", words that once seemed to herald the start of a new era of humanity's advancement, and yet mankind has yet to take even one small step on another planet, seemingly content with but a few brief walks on what amounts to naught but a big shiny rock, still close enough to be clearly visible with only the naked eye. Is this truly the extent of our ambition? Is this the most we're capable of? Some of the greatest minds of a generation, working together to do what has never been done before, sending a man where none have ever set foot before, all in under a decade, only to give up on the infinite expanse? The forever and final frontier? If this is to be our greatest accomplishment, than humanity's extinction is not only assured, but deserved as well.
    BookWyrm_ replied to RiverCosine8492's comment below 2024-04-07 18:04:40
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Accurate, I can go longer tho

    takes deep breath
    RiverCosine8492 said 2024-04-06 05:47:38
    RiverCosine8492's Avatar
    POV: The shortest deepest shower thought
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared Rob333's post
    March 31, 2024, 11:39 pm with Public
    Digital rights are something that really needs way more attention tbh, too many companies and governments simply ignore most basic rights on the internet as if they don't exist, especially the right to privacy, there really needs to be a lot more attention brought to stuff like this tbh, I could literally write like 10 pages or more but I won't bc I sleepy.
    Rob333's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 11:29 pm to Public
    Discord still has my account restrained but...

    I scheduled a new Texturepack for tomorrow!!! I finally come back to work after 2 years!!! :D

    Mojang should hire me, with my work rhythm they'd make me the director of the company!
    Mojang, hire me rn!!!

    Oh and finally, to my community, if you like my mc content (datapacks, resourcepacks and texturepacks), you can support by sharing this post to make more people know about this huge new, because it is not all! Tomorrow we'll finally get the new update of the Cursed Minecraft Datapack! The cursed minecraft datapack has been one of the most important ones, ik that I don't have many datapacks, but that one and the Shooting Stars are the most important ones thanks to the support given to us, thank you all for that! <3 and thanks to the youtubers who recorded videos about it for doing so! your work as youtubers is appreciated, I have a channel myself, and ik how tiring it is to be youtuber even if i am not pretty active! so i wish the best for you, youtubers seeing this! and i hope that your channel keeps growing!!!

    PD: I'd also want this to be shared to make conscience about how unfair the Discord restraining accounts system is, it is the only app that i knew that blocks you from sending texts even in DMs! but my brother told me that Facebook also does it, so I think that only those 2 do it, and Facebook is know for their unfair restrictions as well and the polemics, in my case, I got all these blocked in Discord: Friend requests, uploading files to messages, sending text messages in servers (this makes you unable to send messages even in your own servers!!!) and sending text messages to DMs.

    Seriously Discord!? I can neither use DMs to my best friends nor to my partner just because your unfair system and because of your mistaken punishment to me!? There was literally no reason why they restrained me, they only sent me that I broke the community rules and Discord blamed me for extremism, extremism that I never committed, extremist that I hate by myself and completely disagree with, and extremism that doesn't exist in me even after you check all my recent Discord activity.

    What I want to tell you is that Discord (and Facebook) have not the right to block your DMs, that's something that only the people you chat with can do, and if someone else does it they are vulnerating your digital rights (they exist, google them, if you know them and read the terms and conditions of all services and apps you use, you can appeal better in case of any controversy you have with them, like me, who also knows the most basic Human Rights and also read the terms and conditions of Discord, and can use all that against Discord), so, be careful and stand against any injustice, the way Discord blocks you from sending texts in literally everything that exists in their app is a major censorship and a vulnerability to the Human (and also digital) Right about freedom of speech, I got restrained until tomorrow, but what if someone got a sanction that lasts more time? What if there was a 1 month sanction?, some after a sanction like this that lasts longer might even not want to use the app anymore, I consider that Discord should either remove the restraining system because WE, the people, the common people, the users, are who have in OUR hands the power of administration of Discord servers, if you think of it like this, Discord doesn't have as much power as it seems, WE, the common masses, create the servers and administrate and moderate them, WE are who see for community's safety by establishing OUR own rules for OUR own good as community in OUR different servers! And all what Discord do is to unfairly sanction accounts to get a better reputation in the world's market in terms of security! Making that if you do something bad in a server, instead of getting punished there or getting banned from there, you get punished in all Discord, and also leads to get unfair sanctions and makes it easy to annoy someone by fake-reporting, because once my friend GoldenScientist found out how bad the Discord moderation work when you are reporting someone who is fake-reporting, and if their moderation works like that, it might lead to many problems, and it might cause unfair restrictions to accounts, restrictions as unfair as mine!

    Discord users of all countries, unite! Revolution shall live forever!
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    Rob333 replied to BookWyrm_'s comment below 2024-04-01 18:01:56
    Rob333's Avatar
    Yes, I like the idea!
    BookWyrm_ replied to Rob333's comment below 2024-04-01 02:47:46
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Ye, maybe sometime after april fools day
    Rob333 said 2024-04-01 00:00:26
    Rob333's Avatar
    Yes, I could also write about them, we should write about them, maybe not rn, but some time, to give more visibility about the digital rights!
  • Mrblueyeti's Avatar
    March 28, 2024, 4:01 pm to Public
    Borzoi sitting down and giving a paw.
    I'm making a new version of better dogs that gives the dogs more personality by adding smoother and more lifelike animations.

    This pack will serve as a full release continuation of the optimized beta of better dogs - that means this pack will give you much more FPS compared to the regular better dogs resource pack.

    Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-03-28 16:08:30
    Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared Silabear's post
    March 27, 2024, 11:50 pm with Public
    Yeah, I actually found PMC from the back of the official minecraft redstone guide bc it's linked in all of those little books, if anyone remembers those things, I have them all.
    Silabear's Avatar
    March 27, 2024, 1:16 pm to Public
    oh wow this is sick
    its even linked to an official link
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    SnappNote said 2024-03-28 01:56:09
    SnappNote's Avatar
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    March 27, 2024, 11:47 pm to Public
    Wow I haven't completely dissapeared for months yet, that's new.

    Anyways have some of my random sleep-deprived thoughts I wrote down:

    "We consider ourselves so intelligent, so advanced, and yet we allow ourselves to be driven by a desire for currency, something that is, ultimately, worthless and useless in the truest sense of the words. Controlled by the collective and consensual illusion that meaningless trinkets and digital numbers hold any semblance of value."
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared DreamWanderer's post
    March 26, 2024, 10:41 pm with Public
    Absolutely demolishing that button as fast as I can move
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    March 26, 2024, 6:24 pm to Public
    Me if I was given the choice XD. I would ditch IRL to live my life in the fictional world of my choice in a heartbeat :P
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  • [24w12a] Custom Stack Sizes
    Minecraft 1.20 Quality of Life Data Pack
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    AmericanBagel's Avatar AmericanBagel •3/20/24 9:45
  • BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    BookWyrm_ shared IGEBM's post
    March 10, 2024, 11:54 pm with Public
    Pretty sure it's the first Godzilla movie to win an oscar too. Completely deserved it, that was an amazing movie
    IGEBM's Avatar
    March 10, 2024, 11:21 pm to Public

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    IGEBM said 2024-03-11 06:54:07
    IGEBM's Avatar
    it is lol

    and it certainly did
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