Hello Minecraft players I and my Friends made a realm Here are some pros of my realm
Hardcore survival with extreme challenges, tough mobs, and limited resources.
hardcore with a bit of a twist. You can get revived sometimes get kits from admins if you join the discord. Code is YYinqYR8YWncs6K Discord is https://discord.gg/M6ZADxcU I hope to see you soon!
I made a hardcore realm and I would like to have more player I am in need of some players BAD I only have 1 person on always and you could make it better u4qxSprrzgkkMqY is the code please join also I have a discord add at idkwhatsusernameishelpme or join the channel at discord.gg/783gCdHQ
You can join now! Also try to pick the right one you want THERE ARE GOOD THINGS AND BAD THINGS WITH THE ROLES!!! If you choose the wrong one you need me or an admin to give you an orb of origins to reset your roll