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  • About Me

    Little background on me:

    I've played MineCraft since waaaay back in the day, (2010 or 2011ish), however I am just NOW learning about all of the cool things you can do with it! I have also only EVER been on maybe 2 servers in my lifetime.

    When COVID first hit last year, my girlfriend and I were stuck inside. Fortunately, I had a dusty old Xbox 360 and a copy of MineCraft to boot.

    While we were playing, I was learning all about the "new" mechanics of the game that were not around during the decade that I had first played.

    Because of this, I was reading up on the MineCraft wiki and stumbled across a pretty little item called a Command Block. Reading up on the functions that the Command Block was capable of absolutely blew my mind; it completely changed how I looked at MineCraft.

    I absolutely needed to get my hands on the Java version again to play with this new information. (By the way, it took me a LOT longer than I'd like to admit to figure out that Bedrock Edition just meant "console version".) Thankfully, I could still eventually access my Mojang account I made back in 2010 and re-download Java Edition for free!

    Now, a little more background on me:

    I am heavily infatuated with Python, and have been since I started learning about it also around 2010-2011ish. I just enjoy creating programs to make my life easier, and I am now at the point in my Python hobby that I truly believe you can create anything through programming; with the only limitation being the cleverness of your own logic.

    That being said, after experimenting with Command Blocks and getting familiar with some of the commands that MineCraft had to offer, I eventually created a Python program that could generate a structure made up of random materials, or materials of your choosing. It was basically a glorified auto-typer that would type commands into my game so I wouldn't have to spend hours to make one house!

    After posting a video demonstration of it on Reddit, I was introduced to the glory of Datapacks.

    Holy cow! I didn't even need to make a Python program to type for me! I could just make a Datapack to instantly execute commands! After learning about this, I also learned about functions and predicates. What an amazing world this is!

    This brings me to my current state. I am presently working on a Capture the Flag Datapack that would enable anybody to create a custom, functional Capture the Flag Map/Minigame. I'm really excited that I found this website (largely through Googling questions I had when learning about commands and such) and to have a place to actually share the stuff I make with other players, and hopefully get some feedback on them.
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