Not active anymore, but I still have access to my account. If you DM me, I might reply a long time afterwards. Don't worry about my posts, as they are all just skins I made for no reason!
I made my own Modpack today and since Modpacks are not an official category in PMC I'll just link to it here! The Modpack is essentially just a QOL pack that doesn't make the game 10x easier. It runs on Fabric 1.21. It has some extra fun things inside of it, so do what you will with it. It also happens to have a bunch of optimizations inside of it, although the game is still quite laggy (boo sodium). I'll link it here. Just unzip it and drag all the mods to your mods folder!
🧶 Fabric 1.21 ⚠️ Runs poorly on Potatoes (That includes Mac) 🤩 QOL Modpack that doesn't ruin the game 😝 A little extra fun things! 💡 No shader mod because it made my game crash but you should try it yourself.
When its summer i might use the "At the beach for an bay cation today" skin and then next summer i will make a summery version of my skin for once... so this summer would be the first ever time of me having blond hair in a block game until next next summer basically a pattern of two skins until i get bored.. lol (btw i do play everyday i just play during random) if you were wondering and if i want i'll make a skin while playing aka being AFK for a little while.. sometimes even leaving the game if it looks ugly, That was the true answer.. and thank you for letting me know something seems sus! :D i mainly do play with Kuic147 anyway. O_o