Konnichiwa! He he he sorry I’m learning Japanese on Duolingo! I know how to SAY more than hello I just can’t type it (*-w-) ANYWAY! HI, I love to draw! Especially Kawaii~Chan, I also drew my profile picture! I live In Texas so It’s usually like 100 degrees outside! (*´ー`*) I LOVE Sanrio It’s THE BEST! LuckyKim is my sister you should go check her out!!! I have a skindex account my use name is CuteKawaiiChan! My Pinterest account is CKCisCuteKawaiiChan or +* Kawaii~ChaR +* I would appreciate if maybe you could follow! I play Minecraft Bedrock on my switch I’m Usually on Hive or Live Boat! I hope I can see you on there! BTW sorry I can’t accept friend request on Minecraft. I hopeyouhave a great day!!!
Welp today is September 11th and I just want to give my repect and condolences for those who lost family members or a loved one during that tragic day 23 years ago. Never Forget, Always Honor: 9/11/01
wdymmmm ok do i need to give you a step by step guide? because i will! (okay here it is lol: so first you download the skin you want to wear like on bedrock, then you go into the launcher and click the “Installations” button (i think- listen i’m not much of a java player alr) and you’ll find the skins… somehow, idk, i’m not booting it up lol, and then you click “New Skin” and just fill that out and i think you can get it from there.)
Good call looking at what I could find on the ownership skindex-pro appears to have been created 06Aug24 although the domain age is estimated at 1505 days??? {h^^ps://whois.whoisxmlapi.com/lookup-report/6v2Y49oXRb} with the domain registrant information suppressed.
minecraftskins-com is more forthcomming about registrant info {h^^ps://whois.whoisxmlapi.com/lookup-report/JB203v8LRm} Of some concern is that the listed expiration date is 05Sep24 [Eeek!]