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And back from Hu Tao Syndrome
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    • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      July 26, 2024, 9:27 pm to Public
      Forgot to tell y'all, but I came back from Corpus Christi. I had an amazing time!
    • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      July 26, 2024, 7:25 pm to Public

      Elytra'd | Fanskin Minecraft Skin (planetminecraft.com)
    • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      July 25, 2024, 2:28 pm to Public
      Whataburger >>>>>>>> Any fast food
      GanderBeam said 2024-07-25 17:35:13
      GanderBeam's Avatar
      A true Texan right here.
      Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-07-25 17:08:31
      Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
      Dude, I tried the spicy chicken sandvich. It was pretty good, but not as good as KFC.
      BlueBoyBuilds said 2024-07-25 15:04:26
      BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
      I got Whataburger with Khaki, the milkshakes were SOOOOO GOOOD
      KhakiKayaks said 2024-07-25 14:53:30
      KhakiKayaks's Avatar
      I just had it for the first time when I went to Texas, it was great
    • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      July 25, 2024, 12:29 pm to Public
      This is not AI-generated, I just like including notes.

      I have to say something, so might as well say it now.

      This upcoming election, I'll be supporting...

      Kamala Harris. I'll be going in-depth and explaining why I'll be supporting her.

      Deportation Risks: If Trump does win, most ethnic minorities apart from those of European descent have a high risk of being deported. A lot of idiots can't see this and still support him. I'll be referring to Vivek Ramaswamy bc he's an actual puppet for the Republicans, and as a Tamil Indian, he is not a person I'll personally support.

      If Kamala Harris does come, she'd not only be a good representative of Indians, she'd as well implement more changes I've always wanted to see in this government.

      Rights Risks: Even if people aren't deported, we'll be degraded in one way or another. This as well applies to the LGBTQ Community, which are also on the high risks of losing rights
      ( enfyys is a GOAT for bringing this up). Most of the Republicans could care less about minorities, only using token Black and Indian people to bring "diversity" to the party.

      Kamala Harris seems to be more focused on opening up new policies to help with even more rights. There are people that dislike her and heck, people might dislike me on this, but I do think that it's worth getting the message across.

      Concern for the Middle Class: Most Republican supporters seen to rant about how the Democrats will cause this nation into going into bankruptcy and allow the "elite" to take over. The problem here is that most Republicans are rich as hell. Trump is Trump. Vivek comes from India's top caste[​1], and there are more examples (excluding JD Vance however [​2]).

      Kamala Harris however has more concern for the Middle Class than the Republicans. Another good person would've voted if I could would be the Teamster's President at the RNC tho :(

      Situations around the world: Ukraine, Palestine, Armenia, etc. What do they all have in common? They're all at risk if Trump gets elected. I'm neutral when it comes to these situations (or at least silent) when it comes to this, but I know if Trump does indeed come, it'd spell the end for all of them. Donating to them or boycotting companies would be a good idea if you're into that. Though I'm not, it's up to you.

      Bonus reason for me: First, Vivek isn't a Tamil to me, Kerala can have him. As well... JD Vance's wife is a Telugu, and js bc Tamils and Telugus always have a battle over who's better back in India, might as well see it here >:D (Kamala Harris is a Tamil)

      [​1] Vivek is a Brahmin, India's highest caste. Irrelevant enough, I am just below him, being a kshatriya. Thank goodness India doesn't use it anymore or our grandparents would still be arranging our marriages T^T

      [​2] JD Vance was abused as a child :(

      Really sorry for getting silly at the end. I know I should be more serious
      PsioPsia001 said 2024-07-26 04:04:03
      PsioPsia001's Avatar
      thank you for sharing your thoughts!
      I don't know much about it, apart from the fears that Trump would ignore NATO and make the situation in Ukraine even worse.
      Your post told me a lot.
      Elightin_elytra replied to content_inc's comment below 2024-07-25 17:39:02
      Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      Amen brother
      Ayanoaishi said 2024-07-25 15:26:00
      Ayanoaishi's Avatar
      Hell yeah. When I heard about the 2025 project I was even more determined to not have trump be our president than before, since my parents are LGBTQ. I’m glad you somehow managed to talk about politics shout angering a lot of people. I don’t know a lot about Kamala Harris, but she seems like a respectable individual and I would be glad to have her as our first woman president,
      Sus-Sus said 2024-07-25 14:13:18
      Sus-Sus's Avatar
      Even tho I'm 14 and am not 'into' politics I agree.
      I read the Microsoft news post about her and I'm like, "YES FINALLY A FEMALE REPRESENTATIVE." I think it's good that now we've had a person of color (Barack Obama) as president, I think that Harris might have a chance because of this.
      If you don't like politics, don't click it; I don't blame you.
      Papa Enny said 2024-07-25 13:55:03
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      it is the strangely a peaceful conversation regarding politics. Something smells suspicious
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    • Elightin_elytra's Avatar
      July 25, 2024, 11:20 am to Public
      Nvm y'all, my dumb ahh brain didn't work and my mom found it inside the suitcase like I'm a 7 y/o. ADHD rly need the attentiveness update 😭😭💀
      ajthepeach said 2024-07-25 12:18:43
      ajthepeach's Avatar
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  • Love's Unknown Bliss

    #1-Keep topics about the LGBTQ Community to a moderated level

    I'm not saying none at all on my profile! I will be more than happy to engage in conversations with you and see your view on everyday life! I put this rule in place so that I don't have to deal with controversy on my view on life. But feel free to post about this rule or something related to the LGBTQ Community. I'd be more than happy to learn about the community even more!

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    Nothing else!

    Genderbent version for you Discord Mods T^T

  • 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 /குறித்து

    This is some info on ELIGHTIN

    Started Minecraft: January 13, 2013
    Playing MC: 11 years straight
    Nationality: American (also Indian/Tamil)
    Interests: War, aesthetics, history, theology, songs, communism, and my friends
    Disorders: ADHD
    Scratch: Elightin on Scratch (mit.edu)

    Religion: Christianity
    Favorite song: How Great Thow Art
    Fav movie series: Star Wars
    Shoes: Nike/Converse
    Game(s): Minecraft, Rise of Nations, War Thunder, Crash Bandicoot, Legend of Zelda (BoTW), Mario games, SSB, ANY GAME OF GREIEF
    Personality: ENFJ
    Favorite numbers: 3, 2, 21, 0

    You're not worthless. God loves you and we do too. If you want to talk about God and haven't trusted Him in your heart yet, talk with me and the many other Christians on the site!

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