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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    February 21, 2023, 4:23 pm to Public
    update to that internet battle royale i was writing
    a lot has happened

    here's what I just wrote
    -the yellowstone supervolcano has erupted
    -the US nuked the Death Star, Moscow, and Hogwarts
    -Russia responded by nuking the White House

    so yeah
    suggest things for me to include here:

  • Kypickle's Avatar
    February 13, 2023, 8:11 pm to Public
    update on what i've been doing recently
    so idk if anyone here was around when I was doing this but over a year ago I was talking about this book I was trying to write
    well that sort of failed, I stopped liking the idea, and I took a long break

    Well, now I'm back, and I'm trying to write a science fiction book
    It's set sometime in the 2200s, where humanity has colonized the solar system, and there are now countries on other objects in the solar system. A war has broken out between Earth loyalists and Earth separatists
    I've made some maps too

    Red = Earth Loyalist
    Blue = Earth separatist
    other color = neutral

    first map is Earth, second is Ceres, third is the Moon, and fourth is Mars

    I spent a lot of time on these maps, so every single country you see has a name and a history. I can tell you exactly what they did every single year from their founding to the war

    so yeah, maybe I'll update people on my progress here every once and a while
    GlitchWraith said 2023-02-19 13:25:55
    GlitchWraith's Avatar
    This is so cool, I'd definitely be interested in reading the book
    Kypickle replied to robonate135's comment below 2023-02-16 18:16:46
    Kypickle's Avatar
    the last part of your message is kind of how i went about it, but i used straight lines as well. On ceres, there’s straight lines, and there are some other straight borders. There’s two reasons the borders are so rough.
    1, they were claiming entire land features, like craters.
    2. Multiple treaties by the UN were put in place, most importantly the Lunarian Agreement, that prevent any nation from claiming land or formally establishing a colony until the land is settled. Basically, you must already have a presence on the land you want to claim before you can actually claim it. This makes sure no country gets too powerful or arbitrarily cuts up land (because that’s obviously gone very poorly in the past) and also has the side effect of borders following natural boundaries.
    robonate135 said 2023-02-16 17:49:48
    robonate135's Avatar
    I feel like for other planets, the borders wouldn't be so rough. for conflicting countries, sure, but from a country to the wilderness, not so sure, it would feel more like how people split up Antarctica. Straight lines out from the poles, with debated territories in stripes and whatnot. Or maybe one country has a claim on one plain, while another has a claim in one crater etc.
    MJ_mcMaster said 2023-02-13 20:24:22
    MJ_mcMaster's Avatar
    This is really impressive
    Kypickle said 2023-02-13 20:12:23
    Kypickle's Avatar
    Just realized now that the colors on the second map are reversed. the New Delta Coalition (NDC) is supposed to be blue, and Free Ceres and Leonov (CFC and LE) are supposed to be red
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    February 9, 2023, 6:45 am to Public
    update on my last post:
    SoapSoapSoap said 2023-02-09 07:17:16
    SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    How ironic as my school finally allowed to use your personal computers to go to school and we are no longer using the stupid crappy computers!!

    Also today we finally learned JavaScripts
    OrderOutOfChaos said 2023-02-09 06:50:47
    OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    February 7, 2023, 3:30 pm to Public
    I am outraged
    i was just at school playing tetris and out of nowhere EVERYTHING was blocked
    and I mean EVERYTHING
    they blocked every single game
    cool math games
    every single io
    they even banned cookie clicker
    genuinely there is no games left
    they got every single one
    (im at home now, but they even blocked planet minecraft)
    kids at my school are going crazy
    people are factory resetting their chromebooks, writing petitions, and people are genuinely saying we should protest

    in the comments someone suggest any game and i will tell you if its blocked or not
    so far the only unblocked games i can find are an obscure 2048 website, wordle, slope, and the google snake game
    FyreOmegaWolf11 said 2023-02-08 20:22:05
    FyreOmegaWolf11's Avatar
    try using a proxy?

    ο»Ώ CroxyProxy
    6ProUp4 said 2023-02-08 08:05:13
    6ProUp4's Avatar
    Try hoodamath, or roomrecess, these websites are considered school websites but they do have games...
    ZappyGru said 2023-02-07 17:51:41
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    I was considered the hacker in my school. I stopped because the later grades get progressively more difficult and take more time to focus on.
    Nitgo replied to Kypickle's comment below 2023-02-07 17:44:20
    Nitgo's Avatar
    Naaahhh, what? Your school is on another level man lmao
    Kypickle replied to Nitgo's comment below 2023-02-07 17:39:14
    Kypickle's Avatar
    doesn’t work, it’s blocked
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    January 10, 2023, 5:57 pm to Public
    i propose a new reaction emoji
    instead of reacting with “πŸ’€” react with “πŸ—Ύ”
    for no reason other than itd be funny
    so anytime you’d use a skull emoji use πŸ—Ύ
    just every time you see something goofy it’s just japan
    (not meant to be political in any way this is just a random emoji that’s funny lol)
    6ProUp4 said 2023-01-11 07:55:13
    6ProUp4's Avatar
    Scrifty said 2023-01-10 20:23:44
    Scrifty's Avatar
    comedy 100 πŸ—ΎπŸ—ΎπŸ—Ύ
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    January 6, 2023, 3:39 pm to Public
    this is a website everyone should know about
    this is a website run by NASA that has daily images of Earth. When you click that link, you’ll see what Earth looks like today. You’re in that image, and so is everyone and everything you know.
    And it’s daily. You can see how Earth changes every day. You can also go back and see how Earth looked years ago, and even see some solar eclipses from space.
    Go check it out
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    January 5, 2023, 7:37 am to Public
    kypickle’s space fact of the day: day 22
    there are asteroids from other stars inside the solar system

    they’re called interstellar objects, and we’ve detected quite a few of them. They are objects that were somehow ejected from their systems and were captured by the sun. The most famous of these objects is ‘Oumuamua. It came from another star, and has just recently flung past the sun and is currently flying back into interstellar space.
    But i think the most interesting part about this is we actually know which star most interstellar objects come from.
    It’s called Beta Pictoris, a star 63 light years away from us. Beta Pictoris is very young, only 26 million years old.
    That means dinosaurs on earth were already extinct before Beta Pictoris formed.
    Because it’s so young, the planets inside it (which there are two we know of) are still forming out of the disk of gas and dust that orbits the star.

    Because there’s so much material, and two planets stirring it up, a lot of the material is ejected away from Beta Pictoris and toward the Sun.

    so, it is possible that ‘Oumuamua and potentially millions of objects came from a star that you could go outside and see right now.
    LeLovesJazz said 2023-01-05 12:53:51
    LeLovesJazz's Avatar
    Kypickle replied to LeLovesJazz's comment below 2023-01-05 10:01:00
    Kypickle's Avatar
    or maybe its just you keep talking about things nobody cares about lol
    im not saying what you do is bad just not everyone thinks its interesting
    LeLovesJazz said 2023-01-05 08:30:17
    LeLovesJazz's Avatar
    Didn't ask thing is the most anoying thing in internet
    Kypickle replied to LeLovesJazz's comment below 2023-01-05 08:03:04
    Kypickle's Avatar
    sir i am going to be completely honest with you i didn’t ask
    congratulations i guess
    LeLovesJazz said 2023-01-05 07:51:15
    LeLovesJazz's Avatar
    Im good with space. I have even made theory about black and white holes
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 29, 2022, 9:13 am to Public
    kypickles space fact of the day 21
    this one isn’t a space fact it’s a biology fact but whatever

    mushrooms are more similar to humans than they are to plants.

    so how evolution works is everything has a common ancestor, going up to LUCA (The Last Universal Common Ancestor) which all life is descended from. All life you see today, everything from you, the trees outside, and all life you see, is a descendant of LUCA, but since earth is such a big place life diversified to fit its environment.
    Things split off to form new species at different times. That’s how new species are created.

    So, the common ancestor of plants and mushrooms, basically the organism that separately evolved into both over time, lived before mushrooms and animals split off.

    to put this simply: green plants existed on earth as mushrooms and animals were the same thing.

    So, mushrooms and humans are way closer relatives than you think. Mushrooms are more similar to people than they are to plants.
    ShhinySilver said 2022-12-29 13:48:52
    ShhinySilver's Avatar
    I’m just imagining mushrooms slowly becoming goombas
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 21, 2022, 8:48 pm to Public
    Having more fun writing the Internet Battle Royale
    Since the normal rules of video games don't apply, I just wrote a Pokemon battle, but instead of the pokemon attacking each other they just go straight for the trainers
    the battle lasts like three seconds its pretty funny
    GlitchWraith said 2022-12-25 09:21:55
    GlitchWraith's Avatar
    This is what Pokemon should've been all along
    OrderOutOfChaos said 2022-12-21 22:22:04
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 15, 2022, 7:27 pm to Public
    After taking a short break im back to writing my Internet Battle Royale.

    Some recent events:

    Dream has killed Peppa Pig.
    Gigachad broke Nyan Cat in half.
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 14, 2022, 4:18 pm to Public

    This is a very recent study that's going on. Scientists were mapping the ocean floor near Guinea (a country in Africa) and they found a crater from a meteor.

    The crater is thought to be 65 million years old, the same age as the Chicxulub Crater, which is the crater that was created by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.

    So, now we know of two craters from that time period. This can mean many things, but the most popular theory currently was that there was a second asteroid. It was possibly a moon of the larger asteroid, which killed the dinosaurs. This one likely struck right after the impact, sealing the dinosaur's fate.

    Another piece of evidence to prove this was a second meteor and not something else is we don't know if one asteroid would be enough to kill the dinosaurs. The if the asteroid, Chicxulub, struck anywhere else on Earth, it might've not killed the dinosaurs at all. But it's because of where it struck, near the gulf of mexico, that it killed the dinosaurs. It hit near a region of large sulfur deposits, which basically poisoned the atmosphere and killed everything off. But we don't know if there was enough sulfur there to kill the dinosaurs, so a second asteroid can confirm how the dinosaurs were killed.

    of course, there are some other theories to explain this crater. It could've been a fragment of the original asteroid, or a volcano that happened to erupt at the same time. We also don't know the exact age. The crater could've been made up to a million years after the first asteroid. So there's still a lot of uncertainty about this, since it's a very new study.

    So yeah, there may have been two, or possibly even more, asteroids that killed the dinosaurs. We just need to do more research to confirm it.
    Kypickle replied to anonpmc4072473's comment below 2022-12-14 17:43:43
    Kypickle's Avatar
    it’s really not that long
    also learning things is good for you
    being stupid is not cool, trust me (not calling you stupid just making a statement)
    Kypickle replied to anonpmc4072473's comment below 2022-12-14 17:03:47
    Kypickle's Avatar
    Firstly, not every land creature was destroyed. A whole lot of them were, but not all of them. The smaller animals, like the ancestors of rats, mice, and squirrels, survived by hiding in holes. Monkeys didn't exist yet, so they didn't need to survive.

    The reason mammals were so small at this time is because of the dinosaurs, they had to stay small, or they'd be hunted and killed. Then, once the dinosaurs were gone, mammals lost their biggest threat. We started getting bigger, smarter, stronger. From the mammals that survived came all the mammals we see today.
    (Also, we didn't come from monkeys. We came from a common ape ancestor. Monkeys and humans evolved at the same time.)
    A Lost Boy said 2022-12-14 16:58:50
    A Lost Boy's Avatar
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 13, 2022, 7:17 am to Public
    Guys i’m naming a planet
    that’s not a joke
    i am actually trying to name a real planet out in the milky way
    and the star it orbits
    ive made some posts about name exoworlds 2022, an international competition where the public can give official names to 20 real planets people have found
    (the competitions over now, names had to be submitted by december 11th)

    but i submitted my names
    Gadus for the planet
    Nephropidae for the star

    the names had to be culturally significant, so i chose names relating to Cape Cod, since i’m from new england

    Gadus is another word for cod and Nephropidae is the scientific name for lobster
    last time this competition was run there were over 700,000 responses so idk what my chances are

    but maybe i’ll win
    Kypickle replied to anonpmc4374529's comment below 2022-12-13 15:16:51
    Kypickle's Avatar
    also, from one planet creator to the next, I feel obligated to scientifically pick this apart to see what would actually work and what wouldn’t

    firstly, rocky planets can’t get as big as saturn. At some point in their formation, they’d get too massive and become gas giants. Even if it somehow didn’t, the surface gravity would be waaaaay to high to sustain human life. We’d be crushed instantly.

    the biomes being in straight lines don’t make sense either. With an atmosphere, heat is better distributed around the planet. It’s the version earths biomes aren’t just in straight lines. Wind distributes heat and makes biomes varied across the world.

    2 intersecting rings would be a death sentence for anyone on the planet. An intersecting ring system like that would be highly unstable, and rocks from the ring system would constantly rain down on the planet. Even though most burn up in the atmosphere, that still heats up the planet and could raise the temperature to unbearable levels.

    only 2 moons for a saturn-sized planet? Saturn has over 80 moons. If the moons are similar in size to Saturns largest moon titan, there’s no way it’d support 17 billion people. But with lots of trading with the planet, I guess it could be possible.

    100 trillion years ago??? the universe is only 13.8 billion years old. That’s 10,000 times older than the age of the universe. At that age there’s no way this planet would still exist at all. It’s star would’ve burnt out long ago and killed off the planet. Plus, 100 trillion years is such a ludicrously long time that no structure, no matter how strong, could ever survive that long.

    Unless the center is volcanically active, it wouldn’t be volcanic wastes. Hotness doesn’t mean volcanoes. It means deserts. If there’s volcanism that extreme there, it should be everywhere.

    so yeah, this planet doesn’t work in any way, unfortunately. If you’re not trying to be realistic then carry on creating this world, but if you are, sorry lol

    then one small last thing. Every single planet in the universe is an exoplanet. An exoplanet is just a planet that doesn’t orbit the sun, so the classification wasn’t necessary.
    SoapSoapSoap replied to Kypickle's comment below 2022-12-13 10:12:14
    SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    Kypickle replied to anonpmc4374529's comment below 2022-12-13 07:58:58
    Kypickle's Avatar
    cool but the planet im naming is real
    Kypickle replied to SoapSoapSoap's comment below 2022-12-13 07:24:34
    Kypickle's Avatar
    you wouldn’t have
    the rules are way too strict for anything like that and you have to have a team of actual astronomers and scientists to help, and there’s no way they’d help you with that
    SoapSoapSoap said 2022-12-13 07:22:33
    SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    If I'm in that competition, I would name the planet "The Big Joe" and the star "Gigachungus"

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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 11, 2022, 7:02 pm to Public
    ShhinySilver made a comment on my last wall post about shooting Jupiter into the Sun, and it got my curious as to what would actually happen

    So, I loaded up Universe sandbox and shot Jupiter into the Sun, here's what happened.

    1. Mercury's orbit was significantly changed.

    2. Earth's temperature rose by hundreds of degrees for a little while before cooling back down, since Jupiter hitting the Sun heated it up significantly.

    3. Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, was eaten by Jupiter, and Jupiter's other moon Europa was swallowed by the Sun. Out of Jupiter's 4 largest moons, only two, Callisto and Io, survived.

    4. Callisto and Io began to orbit the sun in very chaotic orbits, both crossing the orbit of Saturn. Many of Saturn's small moons were destroyed, and some began to orbit Callisto and Io.

    5. Callisto and Io entered the asteroid belt, stirring it up and most likely causing several large asteroids to hit Earth.

    6. Callisto's orbit becomes more and more elliptical, until it begins crossing the orbit of Uranus. Eventually, Callisto enters the Kuiper belt, stirs some things up there, and is ejected from the solar system entirely.

    7. Io's orbit stabilizes, and it becomes a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. Earth is most likely pelted with hundreds of asteroids as Io clears its orbit.

    So, Earth is destroyed by asteroids, Mercury's orbit is destablilized, and Saturn loses some moons. Not totally disastrous, but still very, very bad for humans. This, of course, is only one possibility of what would happen, and it all depends on where Jupiter and its moons are when we decide to shoot it into the Sun.
    Kypickle replied to A Lost Boy's comment below 2022-12-12 06:45:22
    Kypickle's Avatar
    universe sandbox 2
    A Lost Boy said 2022-12-11 20:25:50
    A Lost Boy's Avatar
    interesting! what universe sandbox are you using? I'd like to try something like that...
    Kypickle replied to ShhinySilver's comment below 2022-12-11 20:17:07
    Kypickle's Avatar
    if aliens have the power to shoot jupiter into the sun just like that, we're already dead. All they'd have to do was throw a big enough rock at Earth and we'd be done for. They could just shoot the moon at us, or Mars, or maybe the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, Ceres. We'd stand no chance.
    ShhinySilver said 2022-12-11 19:56:05
    ShhinySilver's Avatar
    That sounds like an epic movie plot, maybe where aliens are shooting it into the sun and humans have to stop them.
    Kypickle said 2022-12-11 19:07:37
    Kypickle's Avatar
    I just did another test and this time Europa escaped and Io was sucked into the Sun with Jupiter. So yeah, it all depends on where everything is. No matter what though, it's bad.
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 11, 2022, 3:18 pm to Public
    Kypickle's space fact of the day: day 19
    Jupiter is personally responsible for the death of at least 4 planets

    When the solar system was forming, there were a bunch of planets that aren't around today. There were as many as 25 planets circling the sun, competing for a spot in the solar system.
    Jupiter is basically solely responsible for killing all of them

    1st death: A smaller rocky planet was eaten by Jupiter.

    2nd death: Jupiter's gravity took hold of Planet 9, or the Fifth Giant, kicking it out of the solar system entirely, dooming it to the eternal darkness of space. Planet 9 is still out there today, a planet without a star.

    3rd death: This one is only theoretical, but it is possible that after an impact with Mercury, the planet Liber was sent on a collision course with Jupiter and was eaten.

    4th(?) death: this one's the most interesting. So today, there is an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. When it was forming, the belt was waaaaay more massive, possibly massive enough to create 3 earth-sized planets. Well, Jupiter, being the jark that it is, basically destroyed the entire asteroid belt and ate all the planets forming there. The asteroid belt we see today has less mass than the moon, and is only a fragment of what it once was.

    Not to mention all the other "injuries" Jupiter has caused.
    1. Eating all the material Mars was using to expand, stunting its growth.
    2. A similar thing happened with the dwarf planets in the asteroid belt, Vesta and Ceres.
    3. The entire Late Heavy Bombardment, when Jupiter sent millions of asteroids toward the inner solar system, hitting every object in it. During this time, there was basically one asteroid big enough to kill the dinosaurs hitting Earth per week.ο»Ώ
    4. and possibly, it ate or destroyed MORE planets we don't know about.

    So yeah, if you ever hear anyone say "thank Jupiter it saves us from asteroids!" now you know that's completely false and Jupiter is the biggest jerk in the solar system.
    Kypickle replied to ShhinySilver's comment below 2022-12-11 18:46:30
    Kypickle's Avatar
    yes, it was called theia, and it completely destroyed earth and everything on it
    Jupiter would not be like that, it'd completely swallow earth
    and if any of its large moons impacted us then all life would be destroyed. Unlike the dinosaur-killing asteroid, there'd be zero survivors. Not even the continents or oceans would survive.
    ShhinySilver said 2022-12-11 18:43:12
    ShhinySilver's Avatar
    I know it would probably be possible if we used sun energy, there is a lot where that came from.
    also, apparently there was a planet that might have collided with earth and created the moon, I can’t remember if that was true or not.
    Kypickle replied to Kypickle's comment below 2022-12-11 18:37:53
    Kypickle's Avatar
    plus there’d be the problem with launching jupiter itself
    its an extremely massive object, if we shot it sunward it might take mars with it
    or earth, venus, mercury, and the entire asteroid belt

    ik this comment was a joke but i think it’s interesting to speculate on what would happen
    Kypickle replied to ShhinySilver's comment below 2022-12-11 18:33:54
    Kypickle's Avatar
    well we can’t now
    it helps the planets maintain their orbits
    some theories say that without jupiter saturn would begin a death spiral toward the inter solar system and earth, bringing a ton of asteroids with it
    not to mention if we only moved jupiter we’d now have 4 new dwarf planets with completely chaotic orbits that could impact earth
    ShhinySilver said 2022-12-11 17:54:59
    ShhinySilver's Avatar
    Guys let’s throw Jupiter at the sun with ion thrusters or something
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  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 4, 2022, 1:21 pm to Public
    Kypickle's space fact of the day: day 18

    In the early days of the Solar System, just as the planets were forming, Mercury was not the closest planet to the Sun. It was actually Venus at the time.

    Mercury was forming in the same area as threeο»Ώ other planets: Earth, Theia, and Liber.

    Mercury was much bigger when it formed, maybe even bigger than Mars. But it had a problem.

    A bigger planet, Liber, was approaching.

    Mercury grazes Liber, in an extremely lucky move. Had Mercury been just a tiny bit closer to Liber, it would've been totally destroyed, and Mercury would not exist today. But Mercury survives the impact.

    However, it's crust and most of its mantle was torn off, and any atmosphere it had was lost to space. Liber pushes Mercury toward the Sun, where Mercury settles down in the unusual orbit it has today.

    The ultimate fate of Liber is still unknown. In fact, it's unknown if it even existed, and some theories say it was actually Theia, the planet that hit Earth to form the Moon, that hit Mercury too. Other theories say Liber did exist, and it was ejected out of the Solar System as it approached Jupiter.

    Either way, this shows that the Solar System was a very chaotic place when it formed. If things went just slightly differently, Mercury wouldn't have existed, and in its place would've been Liber.
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 2, 2022, 9:02 pm to Public

    The amount of creative freedom I have when writing my Internet Battle Royale is insane

    I have never had so much fun writing anything in my life, and this is one of the most uninteresting paragraphs, it's just the one that I just wrote
    Kypickle said 2022-12-02 21:03:08
    Kypickle's Avatar
    The first sentence should say "out from behind" and not "out of"
    that's an error on my part

    there's also a few minor grammar errors in this paragraph, but I did just write it and i'm fixing it right now
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 1, 2022, 8:23 pm to Public
    I can prove to you that Ohio is not a part of Earth at all, and in fact orbits Jupiter

    Firstly, Jupiter has a large moon called Io. Io is an extremely volcanic, yellow moon who's ugliness rivals Uranus's moon Miranda. Io is extremely volcanically active and is constantly baked in radiation, making it basically hell.

    Then, of course, you have Ohio, which is just hell already. You can't go to Ohio, because you'd be attacked by demonic monsters. Nobody ever goes to Ohio. So how do we know it's actually on Earth?

    Then, let's say you're tying to remember the name of one of Jupiter's moons, and you say, "oh, io!"

    Ohio = io.
    io = ohio.

    Ohio was never even a part of Earth. It's been around Jupiter this whole time, and we never knew it.
    Grian___kronoss said 2022-12-02 16:06:30
    Grian___kronoss's Avatar
    Rob333 said 2022-12-01 20:27:23
    Rob333's Avatar
    Hey but Jupiter is very nice (LONG LIVE JUPITER SUPREMACY), i have been there, so there's no way Ohio would be orbiting Jupiter...
  • Kypickle's Avatar
    December 1, 2022, 3:35 pm to Public

    I'm designing a poster/cover thing for my Internet Battle Royale.

    This is an UNFINISHED version. Don't get mad that I haven't included something on it, because it isn't done yet.

    I haven't included 10% of what I want to include on this. I'll have the finished version soon.

    Come check out this forum to suggest things to include in the Battle Royale
    spookyshxdow said 2022-12-01 15:49:45
    spookyshxdow's Avatar
    I love it so far
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