Heya, it's me, Futsu. So, you ended up here, huh? I guess you can sit down and stay here to listen the nonsensical rambling of a young teen. Or, you can just leave, if you don't want to stay. I'm not forcing you to do either, broseph.
As you most likely noticed, in some of my stuff, mainly in the other spoiler thingies, I used to be a complete weeb. It kind of makes me cringe, but at the same time I find it kind of funny, and I guess you can kinda see what type of person I was when making this profile, on December 28th, 2014. It feels weird to think that it has already been two years since I joined Planet Minecraft, and now, we're going towards a third. Of course, I added stuff to the profile over time, but yeahh.
So, basically, to resume myself today, I'm just some thirteen years old social misfit who has no life, is really lazy, doesn't deserve their friends's friendship, and often claims to be dying inside. Most of my friends that you saw on the "My awesome friends you should check out" list are completely inactive, and I haven't seen them in ages. I miss them, but hey, at least I have another group of friends online?
Either way, the only reason I play Minecraft anymore is to talk to these friends, and role-play. Call me cancer for that, but I actually like role-playing, from time to time. So, I often make Minecraft skins because of those. After all, I'm not gonna have some random potato skin when I'm supposed to role-play as a human girl, ay?
Another reason why I make skins is because of this account. I would feel bad being inactive, especially considering the fact that I often check, nearly daily, if I have any notifications. Of course, since I'm really lazy, I only barely post skins. So, when I make some skins, whether it's out of hype for something, or to make my non-existant fans happy.
Because, if you noticed, while I may have 95 subscribers (some people unsubscribe, too, so it may get lower), most of my skins barely get attention, let alone downloads. When Five Nights At Freddy's was popular, I made Fnaf skins, and got a ton of downloads. When Undertale got popular, I made UT skins, and got a lot of downloads, too (especially on my old Chara skin, back when I believed they were evil).
I didn't make those skins just to get noticed, however. I was legit in those fandoms (and I'm still into Undertale) at the time, and so I enjoyed making these. Nowadays, I post skins of either less popular stuff, like GHOST's COMMUNICATIONS series, or my characters. You can see that they barely get anything. Even if it's an OC of a popular/once popular thing, like Homestuck, Hetalia or Creepypastas, they simply don't get much.
I find it kind of saddening, because I put work in my skins, I worked to get better shading, I made characters that I like, etc.
Then again, I'm not the only one in this situation, far from it. A LOT of people with talent, who work really hard, no matter the reason, people with potential, people that are actually original rather than being like"lol dis is mai undertzaile oc!!" barely get any attention, barely any advice to improve, barely anything. Then, on the other side, someone with less talent or experience makes something related to the current trend and gets all the love.
Then again I'm a huge hypocrite for nearly everything, as I also ignore someone's works and focus on the stuff I'm interested in. Just like how I hate over powered OCs or Mary-Sues, yet nearly all of my characters are like that. Congrats, me. Hypocrisy seems to be running in your family.
But yeah, now that's outta the way, another fun fact that was already obvious is that I write a LOT on here, on the Internet. If you saw some of my YouTube comments, you'd be like "wOAH GURL CHILL DOWN NO NEED TO WRITE A 30 LINES LONG THING" and you'd be absolutely right, but I have a problem with saying everything that's on my mind publicly on the Internet, so, yay for stupidity and length!
I guess that's a way for me to make up on the fact that I barely speak to anyone in real life.
But yeah, I'm becoming less and less interested in making Minecraft skins for this account. I procrastinate more and more, and when I finally post something that I'd say I post 3 months ago, the only thing I do is to say "sorry, i'm rly lazy lol i should post more often", even though I actually don't do it.
For example, you see all of my skins on the last pages? You know, the skins with disgusting or no shading at all from like 2 years ago? I was supposed to be re-shading them all, but I barely did anything. Heck, the re-shades were supposed to replace the originals, but when I think it looks "different enough", I post it as a separate skin! What's the point?
When I was younger, I played Minecraft a lot, I absolutely loved it, it was great. Now, while I may still go on it a lot, I don't exactly play it like I used to, with passion, loving to discover new things to do. Honestly, I wish that I could rewind, and feel the exact same way I felt about things when I first discovered them. I wish I could do that with a lot of things. OFF, Earthbound, Undertale, Fnaf, Homestuck, Minecraft, etc...
Welp, guess in a few years, after letting those things die, I'll pick them up again. Hopefully I forget most of what happens in those so I can kinda re-discover them lmao.