I'm not really on PMC anymore, I'm on twitter and Skype and DA if you wanna message me
skype: ChinaFox1234 or EnkiTehFox@gmail.com
DA: EnkiFox
twitter: @EnkiHusky
I met the devil in the hills last night. i was driving by myself alone. he said “boy what you running from?” i said “i dont know.” - EDEN
FRIENDS JordanTheActiveFox Monii MatchKittyPro EyeGuy Joseph
FAV MUSIC ARTIST Eminem, EDEN, Good Charlotte, TRISTAM, Muzzy, Puppet, STONEBANK, Corey Coyote,
FAV MOVIES Feild Of Dreams (1989) Zootopia (2015) Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) Antman (2015) Second Hand Lions (2003) The Secret Of Kells (2009) KNOW1NG. (2009) The Little Prince (2015) Wolf Children (2012) Forrest Gump (1994) 8 Mile (2002) SYNC (2012) ALL TRANSFOMER MOVIES (2009-2017)