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    TrustyBiscuit_ shared Sumjih's post
    February 24, 2022, 4:06 pm with Public
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    February 24, 2022, 12:42 pm to Public
    9 subs away from 200 🎉
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  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 22, 2022, 11:52 am to Public
    My friend just got into this video game I play because he found out it has lore and he'll really just play it with me.

    But a few days ago he was playing it by himself and I forgot to warn him about people randomly screaming in their mic and the funny thing is they were yelling at him because he chose the person they were gonna play and the person got mad and stupid stuff.

    Anyway, the next day were talking and he goes, "Yea. Yesterday someone yelled at me." and I was like, "Oh yea, people do that." and I said it so normally like its a normal thing and he was laughing at me and said, "ItS a NoRmAl ThInG?"

    I thought that was funny, Hope yall are having a good day! Stay safe! -Biscuit <3
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    TrustyBiscuit_ shared Meiolki's post
    February 22, 2022, 11:27 am with Public
    This seems fun.. eheh
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    August 26, 2020, 10:28 pm to Public
    I've seen people doing this so I thought I'd try it out lmao

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  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 22, 2022, 10:26 am to Public
    HAPPY TWOS DAY 2/22/2022
    Ebsidian said 2022-02-22 13:03:02
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  • ~=Mushroom=~
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    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar TrustyBiscuit_ 2/21/22 4:14
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 21, 2022, 10:25 am to Public
    I finished Fnaf security breach, It was really fun, I think I made my friends deaf but they're fine :) I think I'm gonna play it again because I want to get a different ending.

    There was a lot of glitches though But I think they made the game quite funny.

    At one point I fell through the world and it put me back in my last saved spot and I have to do everything again o_o... Overall it was a very fun game.
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 21, 2022, 10:10 am to Public
    I'm not sick anymore yay! But I did twist my knee and I can't walk on my leg now ;-; and the sport that I play is about to start so hopefully its better by then.

    just a little update lol.
    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to Mellie's comment below 2022-02-21 10:40:29
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    Thank you! <3
    Mellie said 2022-02-21 10:30:59
    Mellie's Avatar
    Aww! :( Hope it heals soon <3
    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to Toastia's comment below 2022-02-21 10:19:14
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    Thanks!! <3
    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to Minibabu's comment below 2022-02-21 10:19:04
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    Thank you! <3
    Minibabu said 2022-02-21 10:16:19
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    I hope it gets better soon
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    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar TrustyBiscuit_ 2/18/22 12:18
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  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 17, 2022, 11:56 am to Public
    I think i'm sick... yaaaaay ;-;
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    TrustyBiscuit_ shared dandelionss's post
    February 15, 2022, 2:02 pm with Public
    one moreeee
    dandelionss's Avatar
    February 15, 2022, 12:27 pm to Public
    199 subscribers... I think I'm gonna be sick lol
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    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to dandelionss's comment below 2022-02-15 14:39:25
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    dandelionss said 2022-02-15 14:34:04
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    eEP thank you ;0
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 15, 2022, 10:47 am to Public
    Hello everyone! Hope your day is going great!

    I'm going to put this video in here and you can watch it if you want to I would say skip around to the 7 minute mark and just see what happens this is the female experience for valorant they do say some bad words in it and its not bleeped out so, sorry.

    but all the things she gets called I've been called before mainly the one thing he called her that i've been called was around to 7:35 part but yea.

    Also she said if you get easily triggered you may not want to watch the whole video. But yea enjoy the female experience for valorant...

  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 14, 2022, 12:59 pm to Public
    Hello everyone! Hope your day is going great! Happy Valentines day!

    So I just watched a video of a girl playing a video game and the whole team was making fun of her and stuff and just saying stupid stuff all because she was a woman.

    They were calling her names and telling her to go back to the Kitchen, I think its really stupid what women go through while just playing a video game.

    I'm not saying it just women because I know all kinds of people get bullied on the internet and stuff and I'm really sorry if that's happening to you.

    This happened to me around the end of January I was playing a video game and this kid was at least 14, 15ish and he told me to go make him a sandwich and go back to the kitchen. I just don't get why people take time out of their day to go ruin other peoples day.

    I think the world that we live in now and what our children will grow up in is gonna be really hard if people keep acting like this.

    I feel that men (Not all men) think that they are on this level on top of everyone and they think they can rule women and some women are to scared to speak up.

    I get scared to speak up because I don't know what people are going to say back or how they're going to react. I think its a real problem and I wish people saw one other as the same.

    I think that its so unfair to women that they go through all this and some don't even talk about it. Its really sad and there's really nothing to do about it either.

    I think its a real thing and people need to talk about it more because we end up just pushing it aside and letting it happen over and over again and its not fair.

    If this is happening to you please remember that the person is not on top of you and you can always talk to someone.

    Idk where this post was going but the video that I watched almost made me cry cause its a real thing and we do nothing about it.

    Much love, Biscuit <3
    Theotmt said 2022-02-14 19:32:24
    Theotmt's Avatar
    that's sad to hear, fortunately, most guys aren't like this for the most part, the ones who do are probably some edgy 14-16 year olds trying to be "edgy" in video games for no reason other than to brag to people.
    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to Karaoke's comment below 2022-02-14 13:31:56
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    I was playing with one of my friends when it happened and he said some things lmao, I said like one thing then never talked again.

    Thank you! <33
    Karaoke said 2022-02-14 13:10:56
    Karaoke's Avatar
    Sorry you went through that! I find it helps to surround yourself in support, and always block people that make you feel uncomfortable. I use to play with voicechat in games and stick up for myself/others (the best defense is someone ELSE sticking up for you and showing that person they suck in others eyes) but it's gotten so tedious over the years I find myself opting out of chats entirely.

    There are always girl gamer geared discords you can join that I think would help a lot. Keep that chin up and the crown on, Queen 👑
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews mshailz
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  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 10, 2022, 11:31 am to Public
    I just opened my Nofis after like a few months, I had around 2973 I think almost 3000!

    I think thats crazy and I just want to thank everyone for liking my stuff and supporting me!

    It really means so much so thank you to every single one of you guys!!

    Much love and stay safe! <3 -Biscuit
    Purple guy 1983 replied to Galaxium's comment below 2022-02-10 11:35:39
    Purple guy 1983's Avatar
    i will help you get the world record... i will try :-\
    Galaxium said 2022-02-10 11:32:48
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    Dang, and I thought I held the world record for most notifs.
  • ~=Skater Girl=~
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    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar TrustyBiscuit_ 2/9/22 9:48
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 8, 2022, 6:04 pm to Public
    Ello everyone! Sorry I haven't been as active lately as I use to be.

    Lately I haven't really been feeling myself and I've been feeling sad not necessarily depressed just sadness. Nothing has really happened to make me sad I've just been feeling like it.

    My friend has been going through some stuff with her friend and she's been telling me everything about it and its just drama at this point, If you know me well then you know I hate drama and I'm not really for it.

    I've just been going with it and letting her tell me everything about it but I can't take it anymore I don't even know who her friend really is. I don't wanna sound like a bad friend because she's really nice and everything but I can't help what's happening between them.

    I play this one game with her and every time I get on with her its always about her friend, there's never something else were talking about.

    Yes, I do feel bad that she is going through this and I do hope her friend and her get things fixed, But I've never talked to her friend but once and I don't wanna say that I don't care bc I do care, I'm just done talking about it.

    There are so many other things we could talk about but its always about this friend of hers.

    I don't want to say to her can we just drop stuff about you and her because I don't want to be mean or anything, I just don't know how to tell her that I'm done talking about it without it coming across mean or rude.

    Sorry I'm telling you guys about it I just feel like there's no one else I can really talk to about this.

    Much Love and stay safe! <3 -Biscuit
    Theotmt replied to TrustyBiscuit_'s comment below 2022-02-09 01:43:08
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    np :D
    TrustyBiscuit_ replied to Theotmt's comment below 2022-02-08 20:41:32
    TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    Thank you so much!
    Theotmt said 2022-02-08 20:34:16
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    that's very unfortunate, hopefully you'll feel better soon then!
  • TrustyBiscuit_'s Avatar
    February 4, 2022, 6:30 pm to Public
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