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Planet Minecraft Interviews Campestral

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Level 101 : Transcendent Cake
This interview was featured in the PMC Weekly Volume 99! In this volume, we interviewed Campestral!

Campestral: skin creator, official contest judge, community contest host, builder & (digital) artist!

Their HD Shading Contest is featured in the community events and contests section above. In this interview you get to know more about their creations and inspirations, some great tips on how to get into HD skin making and how to be a succesful competitor in skin contests, and there are pet pictures!

Make sure to hop over to Campestral 's profile page to view their content! Here's a couple of creations to give you an impression:

Planet Minecraft Interviews CampestralCampestral's Art Blog II New and Improved

Minecraft Questions
Can you share a recent screenshot from your Minecraft game, and share something about it?

For sure! I love sharing the build projects I work on, esp since it’s not what I am known for making. I’ve been working on building for about 5 years now!

My friend Spirit Boston and I joined the PMC server 4 months ago and spend a lot of time building there. Probably the biggest project we have ever taken that wasn’t creative mode! The city we are creating is based on Venice and Château de Chenonceau (A French palace that started construction around the 11th century). If anyone ever sees me online, ask for a tour!

If you could decide what the next Minecraft update theme should be, what would you pick and why?

Honestly, the one update I always hope for is really small. I just want HD skins in java. But if I had to add a theme, I’d love to see a third dimension that is a much lighter theme compared to the nether and end. It could also strengthen potion making and alchemy, with new ingredients and abilities (Like avoiding mob agro or a potion to help you find ores easier). Could even go as far to make witch huts better and add new items like dried food and placeable potion bottles…

... That and rotatable slabs

Which skin do you currently use in Minecraft, who made it and why do you use it?

Currently I use this skin that I created:

Ange de Chenonceau // OC by Campestral

She was actually made as an angel to go inside the French palace we made. I mixed the idea of the religious practices that took place there with one of my OCs. She’s a reminder to me of the strong women who have worked on the palace throughout the years too!

PMC Questions
HD skins sure are a specialty of yours.
Do you have any tips for default skin-makers on where to start if they want to have a go at making an HD skin?

Yes! One of my biggest things; don’t treat it like SD skins. Treat it more like a painting! Also, it’s easiest to start off with base colors and focus on just the shadows. Save the highlights for the very end, trust me on this one guys.

If anyone ever wants more in-depth help and critiques, my DMs are open. I’m happy to help.

How long would you say it normally takes you to make an HD skin?
Did you get faster over time?

I’m a wee bit of a perfectionist, so it will always take me a long time. Straight working it’s at least 6-8 hours, or several days because I don’t do skins full time. Definitely haven’t gotten any faster...

You’re a judge in Planet Minecraft’s official skin contests.
Can you share a bit about the things that you enjoy the most in entries when you’re judging in a contest?

So happy you asked! I think I am a little different. Of course overall I am looking for an easy to read skin that’s complex and shows color. BUT, I also am a softy for effort. Pictures, drawing, detailed descriptions, YES PLEASE! I read every single one of them, it always makes me happy to see it. That mixed with a creative ideas *chef kiss* I love people who go above and beyond, regardless of the quality of their work.

Last wednesday you launched your HD Shading Contest: I don't think we've seen one of those before on Planet Minecraft!
What inspired you to create the two original characters in this contest?

These characters are newer ones I have made. I picked them specifically for this contest because of pride month and their interesting outfits.

Te’Knorr I feel like reflects myself personality-wise and style-wise. They were one I created a while ago when I was first ready to start telling people my gender identity. I find their self expression to be super comforting and hope others might as well!

The idea for Cheory is that she might be a girl with a lot of “basic” interests, but she has a lot of struggles just like you and I that are 100% valid. She also represents some of my own issues with feeling certain ways about gender and represents a very small group of women who really do not have it easy.

Do you have any tips for participants in your HD skin contest who are going for the win?

Yes! Take your time first and foremost. HD skins do take a lot of me, I imagine it will be the same for others. Also, don’t be afraid to push the limits. I did mention anyone entering can change the character up as long as they are still recognizable.

On top of that, I do like to see time with trying to shade in details like anatomy and clothing details (like folds and wrinkles)

Fun Questions
You seem to be great at many creative things! Do you do art or content creation for school/work/professionally or is it just your hobby?

It’s just a hobby! As much as I would like to make it a profession, it doesn't seem doable at this current time :’)

What and/or who inspires your creativity?

Can’t say there’s a single who, but def a what! I like to base my art and creations off of experiences. Whether that be games I like to play (Like all my fanart character based works) or the world around me. On top of that, my friends are one of my biggest inspirations of them all, esp when they make my life so much more comfortable and enjoyable.

Last year you shared some pictures of your horses. How are they doing?

They’re doing well! They live at my old job and unfortunately this year due to health issues I cannot go back. (I have been fainting and you can’t do that around horses!) But my friends keep me updated on them. I also have a part time job right now taking it slow and cleaning my neighbors horses that are smaller, so introducing:

Smokey (the mini) and Bonnie (the haflinger)!

Do you have any other pets? (Pictures please!)

I don’t have my own pets, but my parents' pets feel like mine haha


Bridget and her stray cat she adopted

What's your favorite ice cream flavor? (Assuming everyone likes ice cream.)

Ez pz. Triple chocolate moose tracks ice cream. This is the only correct answer and all other answers are wrong

Anything else you wish to share?

Yes! I’d like to thank the community for my years of not only being a member who has been made extremely comfortable, but also for being able to have fun while being here! And thanks to PMC and the team for all the support they’ve given me personally as well. It really is a nice place to be :)

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02/24/2022 3:28 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
BusyanBX's Avatar
Good pets]
Nordic Studios
02/23/2022 2:59 am
Level 78 : Legendary Creator
Nordic Studios's Avatar
awesome interview!
02/18/2022 11:19 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
bblow_dart10's Avatar
02/18/2022 2:19 pm
She/Her • Level 44 : Master Botanist
dandelionss's Avatar
Great interview, super entertaining and cute pets :0
02/18/2022 1:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
theminecraftproo's Avatar
o la la
02/18/2022 12:15 pm
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
oooh nice! :D
