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Me liek fishe.
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    Hope(fully) you enjoy my content and welcome to my page, enjoy your time here!

    P.s, This page is hella outdated aaaaaaaaa
  • Aboöt

    Just call me Theo :>

    Playername: Theotmtmc100

    I do History, A hell load of Architecture, and F i s h e

    Cake day on June 6th

    What is fishe status: noone knows

    PMC STATUS - a bit active maybe-

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    idk what to fill here so

  • Something to come in the future aaaaah

    Where I post some of my artwork, although they're sketches

    Art maybe hmm

    Also, usage of my (OLDER) content
    Regarding Maps and stuff

    Usage of anything in my submissions tab on social media posts or posts on this site are entirely accepted, as long as credit and a link to the original source is published along with it, this goes for all others on this site.

    Reposts of my content without any credit is against the rules of Planet Minecraft. If I see any post that appear very much like my builds/steals my builds or skins and does not give any recognition (or worse, claim it is theirs) will not be tolerated.

    (anything similar from my or your work may be a coincidence, I'll allow it if it is :D )
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    • Theotmt's Avatar
      Theotmt shared Spongie's post
      August 17, 2024, 6:26 am with Public
      Checked up on the site. 2 weeks have passed and a lot has happened it seems. Posting this as I have just seen and read this. Several other have also left as it turns out

      Stay safe, people.
      Spongie's Avatar
      August 8, 2024, 8:29 pm to Public
      I am leaving this website.

      I didn’t think I’d ever have to make a post like this, but here I am. I’ve considered my options and decided that the best thing for me to do is step away from all of this entirely, so I will be (most likely) permanently leaving. Before I go, there are a lot of things I need to address. Trigger warning for mentions of pedophilia, sexual assault, etc.

      A few days ago I was informed about a Discord server. This server is full of people who are saying disgusting things about me. Almost all of the people on this server are members of this site. There are a few members in particular who are greatly involved in this, however, I cannot name them as it would create more of a commotion than there already is. I will be addressing their actions though. These people have been creating rumors and accusations, all of which are false.

      These things include but are not limited to: being called a pedophile, saying I am attracted to children/babies, being accused of sexually assaulting one of my friends, having used my ex-boyfriend for sex, etc.

      I want to start by saying how disgusting it is to even consider accusing someone of something so major, especially without proof. Pedophilia is an incredibly serious crime, and to toss around the term as if it isn’t is not okay. For those of you who don’t know what pedophilia means, “sexual feelings directed toward children” (definition from Oxford Languages). The amount of you who seem to not understand the depth of this word is shocking, and the reason why I included the definition. I am not sexually attracted to children/babies in any way, shape, or form. I have never said or done anything that could make someone possibly say this. There’s an edited screenshot circulating - someone edited a comment of mine to make me say something about loving babies. This image is fake, along with any other images like this that exist.

      I have never sexually assaulted anyone. This is, again, an incredibly serious crime to be accusing someone of. An anonymous user in the hate server said that I “SAed (sexually assaulted) them when I met up with them IRL (in real life)". This is not true. I have met up with online friends before, but I have never sexually assaulted or harassed any of them or anyone.

      To address the last point, I have never manipulated or used anyone for sex. This is an entirely baseless rumor, just like the others. I can go into more detail on why this isn’t true but I’d rather not publicly talk about my sex life just to prove some deranged lies incorrect.

      This is beyond harassment, this is defamation, “the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel” (definition from Oxford Languages), and it is a crime. At this point and time, I have decided not to pursue legal action, but if any of this continues, I will not hesitate to. There will be consequences to the actions of those who are spreading such malice.

      From my understanding, this all began because I blocked a group of individuals. Blocking people is not a reason for harassment, especially on this level. Everyone has the right to block whoever they want, for whatever they want, and they do not have to specify why. If you get upset from being blocked, take that as a time to self-reflect. Think about what you could've done to be blocked, instead of blaming the other person.

      Now that I’ve addressed this and explained my side of the story, I hope you all can believe and trust me. To those who are spreading the rumors/accusations, I hope you realize how disgusting you are for doing this. Nothing I could’ve done to you would’ve warranted this level of harassment. I understand that the intent of all of this was to upset me, and while I admit that it did, I am not backing down. I am leaving the site for my benefit and because I can no longer be bothered to deal with such ridiculous things.

      Planet Minecraft is supposed to be a joyful and welcoming community, and after my four years here all I have to say is I am greatly disappointed it has come to this. I must specify that this isn’t the only reason I am leaving. I’ve had to deal with countless kinds of harassment on this site, prior to this - lots of which was left undealt with, despite my reports. If Cyprezz/Paril are reading this, you and your moderators need to do better. Do better to ensure that your community is a safe environment for everyone.

      Sometimes we need a reminder that there is a real person behind the screen, behind every screen. We're all human beings with feelings and thoughts that deserve to be valued and taken seriously.

      The last thing I want to say is thank you, to all of my friends, mutuals, and supporters. I am so genuinely appreciative of all the members who have stood with me through this and all the other hardships I’ve faced over the years.

      If you wish to stay in contact with me, DM me, and I will give you some of my other platforms so we can stay in touch. I've drafted all my content and closed my guestbook so your best (and only bet) at contacting me would be via on-site DMs. I will stay logged in for around 24 hours after I’ve posted this so I can reply to messages. After that, I am logging out without the intent of returning.


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    • Theotmt's Avatar
      July 26, 2024, 10:35 am to Public
      ight idk whats happening in this site anymore
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      June 26, 2024, 10:14 am to Public
      and I am still alive :>
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      April 8, 2024, 6:53 am to Public
      Cookin somethin
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      September 24, 2023, 8:01 am to Public
      f i s h e
      SoapSoapSoap said 2023-09-24 08:08:57
      SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      September 10, 2023, 7:35 am to Public
      Life go wee

      yes im kinda ded here :1
      Theotmt replied to SoapSoapSoap's comment below 2023-09-10 09:26:23
      Theotmt's Avatar
      SoapSoapSoap said 2023-09-10 07:57:32
      SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
      yo theo you are alive
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      June 26, 2023, 1:27 am to Public
      Guess what I've been doing :)

      _Plume said 2023-06-26 11:13:32
      _Plume's Avatar
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      March 24, 2023, 9:23 am to Public
      Is that something? o.0

    • Theotmt's Avatar
      March 10, 2023, 9:10 am to Public
      Ok its been 2 YEARS since I've posted a map

      yea ima make one this summer (I promise yes)
      ChronoFury said 2023-03-10 10:51:16
      ChronoFury's Avatar
    • Theotmt's Avatar
      March 10, 2023, 9:04 am to Public

      why am I so inactive here aaaaaaa
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