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  • Travisa Inc's Avatar
    Travisa Inc post by TravisaInc's Avatar TravisaInc
    June 19, 2024, 7:45 am to Public
  • Travisa Inc's Avatar
    Travisa Inc post by TravisaInc's Avatar TravisaInc
    June 19, 2024, 7:39 am to Public
    TravisaInc said 2024-06-19 07:39:48
    TravisaInc's Avatar
    The Central AI Chamber where Dr. Travisa is kept.
  • TravisaInc's Avatar
    TravisaInc shared Indraft's post
    June 19, 2024, 7:18 am with Public
    Indraft's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 5:24 pm to Public
    now that I am not an lgbtq+ youth, I just want to tell our community's lgbtq+ youth (and even lgbtq+ adults !) that you will always be accepted and loved for who you are here.

    looking back, I know that I am extremely lucky to have grown up in a safe, welcoming environment. however, I recognize that some of you guys may not have that luxury, and it pains me to see that we are still in an age where discrimination supersedes any attempt to accept someone for who they love. Planet Minecraft will always be a safe environment for you guys, and we will never tolerate discrimination of any form. we are a community for everyone.

    I want you guys to know that, despite everything, you will always have someone in your corner (me!), and I am pretty damn vocal if need be. my DMs are open for everyone and for anything.

    now go be good people
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  • Pretty wearables
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    Hammerchan 06/19/24 β€’ posted 01/01/24
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    Hammerchan 06/19/24 β€’ posted 04/01/24
  • Food is ready!!
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    Hammerchan 06/19/24 β€’ posted 12/28/23
  • EccentricEremite's Avatar
    June 19, 2024, 12:41 am to Public
    SoapSoapSoap said 2024-06-19 04:23:32
    SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
    this has been recommended to me 57 times
  • ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul's Avatar
    ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul shared AstroCat09's post
    June 18, 2024, 11:54 pm with Public
    AstroCat09's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 10:35 pm to Public
    cat 🐈

    cats are amazing if you don't believe it then you will be rickrolled 1000 times :))
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  • EccentricEremite's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 11:22 pm to Public
    Let me go "Society-Joker" mode for a minute here, cuz' there's been something on my mind for a hot minute:

    Everyone's been told that compassion is a sign of weakness. Every generation, boy and girl alike, at least in the West, has had this lingering ghost over their backs whispering "your kindness is a weakness. Squash it." Think about it. You see it in public, when dudes are laughed at for being compassionate and "unmanly" or something like that. You see it in the news and in arguments, when a woman being compassionate is a sign of them being a "traditional and submissive traitor" or something like that (I don't know if any woman in person has been told stuff like that offline; I'm a dude and can only really fully know one side of this situation, but my point is that it happens to everyone). Even when compassion is encouraged (whether sincere or not), like with children or environmental expectations, there's usually this sense of condescendence with it: "You're a kid; you're supposed to be stupid and nice to people. You're a young woman in a traditional environment; you're supposed to be submissive and loving. You're a man who's a bit scrawnier; you're supposed to be a pushover and weak."

    I just want to quickly say that this is a lie from the deepest pit of Hell.
    Compassion is probably the only thing keeping anything together right now. It's the folks brave enough to be kind that give us the courage to go on living, isn't it? It's the ones who are willing to be called weak in the hopes of making others stronger that really prove they're the Atlases of out society and our sanity. Kindness is not weakness, but rather the greatest strength under the greatest humility.

    Just wanted to thrust these thoughts somewhere real quick; it was on my mind, and if I got anything wrong about how it seems to feel right now for you guys, please do tell me. I'd love to hear some input on this (whatever this really is). Thanks for reading, friends.
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2024-06-19 02:13:37
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    EccentricEremite replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-06-19 01:34:20
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    You have a great point; I think I really am speaking of a loud minority when it comes to this. I just sorta wanted to talk about it for a minute because I’ve been noticing this minority of “compassion is a weakness” have sorta been given a pedestal when it comes to social media, with the algorithm fixating and spreading it when it does happen. I’ve noticed echo-chambers like that work both ways; I can lock myself in a room where the walls only disagree with me, and thus society is in decay from where I stand. I think I was more wanting to remind myself that this view isn’t anything new, and hopefully help other folks keep strong, because, man, that loud riot has a way making its ideas seep into your skull.
    ScotsMiser said 2024-06-19 01:15:32
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    I reject the premise; while I'm somewhat out of touch with current curricula, the idea of
    John Ruskin's “A man never stood so tall as when he stooped to help a child.” is still widely taught elsewhere if not in the classroom.

    Possibly things are far worse in your neck of the woods, or you're ascribing too great a currency to an idea held only by a small (but sreeching) minority [​all too common an occurance]
    EccentricEremite replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-06-19 01:02:48
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Heck ya, brother!
    TheGlitchedRobin said 2024-06-19 00:41:40
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    I've read the first bit "everyone's been taught... ... weakness" and I already can tell where it's heading. I was not taught this. I was raised in the states. Ive done my best to show compassion. I've never cared how people thought it made me look. Be kind. πŸ‘
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  • Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 10:55 pm to Public
    That one mf with the deepest voice ever
  • Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 9:48 pm to Public
    Making helluva boss references
    DoomStryker replied to Ayanoaishi's comment below 2024-06-18 22:15:01
    DoomStryker's Avatar
    C.AI, eh? Wonderful app to vent out on your hated characters. XD
    Ayanoaishi replied to DoomStryker's comment below 2024-06-18 22:07:35
    Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    Character I hate
    DoomStryker replied to Ayanoaishi's comment below 2024-06-18 22:04:31
    DoomStryker's Avatar
    My apologies. I couldn't understand, lol. :D
    Ayanoaishi replied to DoomStryker's comment below 2024-06-18 22:02:23
    Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    I called Douma a dumbass :D
    DoomStryker said 2024-06-18 21:55:49
    DoomStryker's Avatar
    We love to see it! I like making Hazbin Hotel references from time to time too! :D
  • Drawing challenge
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    Ayanoaishi's Avatar Ayanoaishi 6/18/24 8:57 β€’ posted 5/18/24 6:38
  • Felix Sculks (green)
    Minecraft Skin
    TravisaInc's Avatar TravisaInc β€’6/18/24 8:23
  • Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 8:03 pm to Public
    Am officially the tallest person in my immediate family
  • Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 6:35 pm to Public
    Spending 3 hours on a hashira drawing
  • Fatcqt's Avatar
    Fatcqt shared Indraft's post
    June 18, 2024, 6:26 pm with Public
    yes and can people stop using the f slur irl
    Indraft's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 5:24 pm to Public
    now that I am not an lgbtq+ youth, I just want to tell our community's lgbtq+ youth (and even lgbtq+ adults !) that you will always be accepted and loved for who you are here.

    looking back, I know that I am extremely lucky to have grown up in a safe, welcoming environment. however, I recognize that some of you guys may not have that luxury, and it pains me to see that we are still in an age where discrimination supersedes any attempt to accept someone for who they love. Planet Minecraft will always be a safe environment for you guys, and we will never tolerate discrimination of any form. we are a community for everyone.

    I want you guys to know that, despite everything, you will always have someone in your corner (me!), and I am pretty damn vocal if need be. my DMs are open for everyone and for anything.

    now go be good people
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  • Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 5:42 pm to Public
    Found this while searching for references for Sanemi
    Ayanoaishi replied to Random-guy's comment below 2024-06-18 18:09:26
    Ayanoaishi's Avatar
    *heavy metal music emerges*
    Random-guy said 2024-06-18 17:56:13
    Random-guy's Avatar
    Wait... What!?
  • Silabear's Avatar
    Silabear shared Indraft's post
    June 18, 2024, 5:34 pm with Public
    yes!! you can reach out to any of us if you want. don’t let anyone on-site or off-site try to censor and/or make you feel bad for who you are <3 <3
    Indraft's Avatar
    June 18, 2024, 5:24 pm to Public
    now that I am not an lgbtq+ youth, I just want to tell our community's lgbtq+ youth (and even lgbtq+ adults !) that you will always be accepted and loved for who you are here.

    looking back, I know that I am extremely lucky to have grown up in a safe, welcoming environment. however, I recognize that some of you guys may not have that luxury, and it pains me to see that we are still in an age where discrimination supersedes any attempt to accept someone for who they love. Planet Minecraft will always be a safe environment for you guys, and we will never tolerate discrimination of any form. we are a community for everyone.

    I want you guys to know that, despite everything, you will always have someone in your corner (me!), and I am pretty damn vocal if need be. my DMs are open for everyone and for anything.

    now go be good people
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  • Square Pirate's Avatar
    Square Pirate
    June 18, 2024, 5:33 pm to Public
    Today was ugjfjfb
    Had a rendez-vous, took more than half of the day
    Lost my phone outside
    Had to ' shave ' my sheep and got my hands all sticky ( because of some wool-protecting thing ) Had to hold him by the horns and it really was no fun because not only did it look like he wasn't enjoying it at all it also was pretty hard to control him
    Internet was really really bad today and could barely open any websites
    yesterday my mother accidentally unplugged my pc while it was on and now pretty much any game has very very bad performances ( managed to get 131k ping in a loading screen )
    a friend of mine lost his great grandfather
    the weather was Very bad outside and I weight my words: it was a constant flow of water and everything was soaked
    a fly decided to suicide under my foot
    it's 23:34 and I can't sleep
    but I still got a positive outcome
    1 - managed to watch some Spiritus Systems videos
    2 - My sheep looks so silly
    RocketStudio said 2024-06-19 04:48:20
    RocketStudio's Avatar
    Wow your day was sh*t
    Force à toi ✊
    (Yes i'm doing franglais but ik you're french and idk how to say this in english sooooo)
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