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tw: pastel goth
Level 29 Expert Strawberry Mage

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    01/06/2021 10:28 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    I don't play Fortnite, not my type of game, but that doesn't mean I'm going to try to stop others from playing and enjoying it. Thats disrespectful and rude of me.
    Lets just let people play what they enjoy and let them enjoy it, that'd be a real cool trend if people could get that to start and keep going! :D
    01/05/2021 7:01 am
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    believe in ponk
    it will keep you safe
    12/15/2020 5:23 am
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Please tell me you're moving to Linux or Mac too.
    12/10/2020 4:06 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    not gonna lie you think this is a joke, it seems like a joke

    but it actually kinda true doe in its own ways...
    12/09/2020 12:39 am
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Run while you still can... the sky is falling.
    Nah just kidding. Welcome back!
    12/09/2020 12:36 am
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    NGL I usually don't like participating in these polls because they end up a "Burn the witch" fest, and its become as obnoxious as people who use uwu/owo for cringe reasons. But here's my full thought I guess. Spoilered cause its long.

    TLDR; I see it as an emoticon, I use it as an emoticon, cause I like it, as an emoticon. Is like a cat face. It does have some eh usages but what I find most annoying/obnoxious about it, is the constant overreaction people have to even seeing it or hearing it even if it's usage has nothing to do with the obnoxious versions of its usage.
    I can ignore and avoid people who use it for cringe reasons, but there's not much I can do if I use it innocently as a face, and I suddenly start getting attacked and called names because of what the emoticon is also used for since people can't not overreact. I avoid those people too best I can but...the amount of people who do that grows everyday and it gets encouraged to act like that.

    I've honestly never seen it used as a proper "word," personally. So that's new to me.
    Or, well, I have, I've used it as a ""word"" I guess but that's for memes and not a genuine meaning lol. I usually keep my uwu-based jokes to myself and my girlfriend because, like above, its so easy to start getting harassed/attacked over using it. And I don't need dat negativity lol.
    And an important edit that I only like, just thought of: In terms of the "UwU" language, while I will use that (though it goes under "uwu jokes kept to my girlfriend/friend groups/family/etcetc) I somewhat see it...ah...separate to uwu the emoticon? uwu as an emoticon is part of the "language," the inspiration for it even, but I don't see it as you need the language to use uwu, and uwu on its own is an emoticon.

    keyboard_arrow_downMy full thought, lots of rambling sorry.
    To me? UwU/OwO/uwu/owo is a face; usable like :3 or :), but with their own meanings/feelings. I like Captain_Jek's explanation of it, but I def think that there's...a lot of ways to use owo/uwu than more than just a face, even if I don't personally like them or use it like that, they do exist.
    I personally find some uses of it cringy myself, and some things its associated with cringy, I personally try avoiding "those" meanings/usages lol, and when I explain it I try to steer it in a more..."wholesome" direction as it being an emoticon, a small thing to maybe hopefully get some things to calm down with it.
    But my biggest problem with the cringe uses is the overreacting over it, that those usages sparked.

    As it got more popular yeah, it def got turned into something..more than a "cute cat emoticon." It can get obnoxious, even to someone like me. But, when I see those usages I just roll my eyes and move on, I honestly find the people who overreact and turn hostile towards anyone who uses it even if its just as an emoticon is just as ridiculous and cringe as the "meh" uses of it.
    Its like people treating you with hostility because you play Minecraft, because its considered a "kid game." It sucks. I get where they're coming from, the people who use it for meh reasons can be annoying, but that doesn't make the harassment or hostility any less obnoxious.

    I try to encourage understanding that while yes it can be used for cringey/ew reasons, its not that hard to find those usages, but that doesn't mean that everyone who uses it means it like that.
    I don't think anyone should be harassed by their word/emoji usage whether or not its linked to something "Cringe" because... then all you're going to see is a "cringe" usage and you'll create your own anger even if the usage was far from what originally peeved you.
    And I do honestly run into being insulted/called names that were uncalled for, simply because I used it, as an emoticon and nothing more, like I would use a :) or a c: , and I run into that a lot. It's kinda tiring lol, and that shouldn't be encouraged. All 'cause all people see with it is the "cringe" and it angers them to no tomorrow.

    Soz for long message.

    Hope you guys have a good day; please don't harass people out of their emoji usage even if the emoji/emoticon is linked to something cringe-y (not saying that anyone is but...if someones thinkin' about it...don't. Lol.)
    Doing that is just as dumb and cringe to do as the ""depraved"" usages of uwu. Please don't encourage it..just encourage avoiding the bad usages of uwu lol.

    End of the day, if they are avoidable and you really can't get over it, then avoid them ya know? If they're genuinely harassing you (such as finding you on several social media sites to spam you with it) then that's diff.
    12/07/2020 10:45 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    A stronger mob scaling for Hardcore, using the system (which at least was at some point already built in it just doesnt/didnt feel very strong) where instead of just spawning a wider variety of mobs in the biome the player stays in, also upping things like their health and damage and the quantities.
    An ai improvement would also be really nice especially for Hardcore, but I don't wanna ask of something too difficult.

    Honestly? On pure like..idea / fantasy i guess? It'd be cool if as you survive, along with the stuff above getting stronger/more difficult, the AI gets smarter. Like the AI would be smart in the first place, but as you go along and the AI learns your playstyle, the AI for certain mobs will act differently and gain new "Behaviors" to counter it. Like if you like using iron door + buttons, either the zombies will break around your door / any glass, climb things like walls/iron bars, or learn to use the buttons. So you'd have to come up with something more expensive and difficult, like a code lock, and build more securely. Stuff like that, maybe as their Strength grows the amount of blocks they can break does too... But I know that'd be real complex lol.

    But since thats not in the list, I'd say a biome update, specifically to update dark forests to make the trees and mushrooms larger lol. When I heard of Dark Forest I expected like, jungle tree height trees and super dark, really spooky. 'Stead they like, slightly thiccer and slightly taller oak trees. Gets that dark feeling though.
    12/07/2020 2:53 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    ...make bats larger and drop stuff
    11/30/2020 11:46 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    11/18/2020 11:57 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    When friends took (MC) RP relationships too far, and now witch hunt me on certain media when convenient for them to call me names I can't say here. Last time they came up was last year, I hope maybe I'll get some silence now.
    11/18/2020 7:12 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    My short answer is, "It's simple, but effective."
    11/18/2020 12:38 am
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    I like smaller houses, both simple and complicated through small detail, I just like small houses. They're more comfortable for me.
    11/11/2020 3:18 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Dark mode just because after using dark mode discord and other things for so long, white on black text causes a headache...
    which makes writing in google docs and reading wikis and such suck. not gonna lie.
    I also like the theme honestly. But thats my opinion and reason personally :]
    10/27/2020 5:37 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    10/27/2020 1:09 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Never tried, so..neutral
    think it adds to spooky aesthetic
    10/26/2020 7:12 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Frost, rain, cold winds. Going to get snow soon though...hope its not a blizzard, we can get those xD
    10/26/2020 7:09 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    My TL;DR is, No, they shouldn't, but all in all we'll just have to wait and see. What I say here is about all I'm going to say on this thread, I just want to get my thought/voice out there. I'm just going to say, have nothing more to add on my views of the situation, everything's in this reply, and I don't really have the energy to continue on it, apologies for that. I just ask that you respect that, you don't even have to read my full reply I just want it out there so it can float in the endless abyss of the Internet, even if it changes nobody's mind, it's better to get my thought out than to let it sit and boil and bubble till its nothing but vapor.

    With Microsoft, Mojang gets a more opportunities, and general ability to do more things with the game and updates that they want to bring out. An example of this being, the security of the accounts. As it was, they'd have to rebuild the accounts from ground up and it could cause issues with some people's accounts, merging with Microsoft has given them the ability to not have to worry about this.
    Guessing what the future will hold makes you paranoid of whats to come, we'll see how it goes with the Microsoft account merge; it very much so probably won't do anything people are fearing because its just an account merge, not a full client merge (IE putting Java Edition on Microsoft Store).
    But, guess what, we won't know for sure until the time comes.
    Microsoft's been pretty kind to the games they've bought, imho at the end of the day we're just going to have to see how it goes. I think for what it's worth, they probably shouldn't, because should best case scenarios happen they get a lot of creative opportunities and tools to make things faster/easier for them to do. Yeah they could do these things without Microsoft, but at the cost of it'd take a lot longer. And last time they took longer than like a month after announcement, people assumed the game was dead and the dev's abandoned it.
    There's always going to be a balance of going for money and going for what the community wants. Without money we wouldn't really be able to pay the game because they couldn't maintain their servers, such as login servers, which shuts down skinning as it relies on the accounts to give people their skins, unless you go through texture packs, but that's less fun. It's a necessary evil it's just really whats going to be prioritized more; its a balance. You either have more of one or the other, or a hard to obtain, perfect balance.

    Like I said, my honest opinion is that, no, they shouldn't, because even if we're not in "best case scenario," we're not in "worst case scenario" either. They're given more opportunities thanks to the partnership with Microsoft, which generally helps them out. They're not going to get rid of Java and merge it with bedrock; they can't. This would prevent Linux or Mac users from even getting on it, which is a huge portion of money. And Microsoft knows these alternative OS' exist, and the people on them are generally pretty decently stuck to them. Removing Java removes more than it'd give even them. Sure some MIGHT change to Windows because of it, but that's still a huge loss cause not all of them will. Linux will just use Wine or alternative programs they have to get on Bedrock. To add to this, they'd have to give Java users Bedrock for free anyway. If they don't, and they refuse refunds, they lose a really huge chunk of player base. Big no-no. To add to THAT, even if they DID give it free, they can't guarantee many people will actually play it, let alone use the shop. They've cut out HUGE communities because of it.
    If they did do this, they'd HAVE to make a compromise that makes the shop less prominent, and continue giving Java users the advantages Java has. (Free Mods, Skins, Etc, created by the community.) A merge would generally just be too difficult between Bedrock and Java, for a risk they probably really aren't willing to take. If they wanted to get rid of Java in the first place, why didn't they? They bought Minecraft/Mojang, they have Bedrock, if they were given as much power as we're scared of them having to even get rid of / merge Java with Bedrock, they would have if that was the plan. They don't need this account merge to do that, at the very least it wouldn't be JUST an account merge, it would've been a full merge with "Merge your account to get bedrock for free." Its pretty clear that this isn't the intent or plan, granted, at least right now. But I still think that they lose more than they gain, between what I mentioned above and also they're competing with Hytale so...they drop Java, Hytale wins easily. Can't lose if there's no competition. Just keeping Java separate and doing as they've been doing is so far working pretty well, it'd be a dumb idea to merge them. To add to this, having java gives them more. They have to split money gain with Mojang. If they get rid of Java thats 1 additional source of income gone, and at best they'll only recover half of those gains. Better to keep Java. If I'm wrong and they do it anyway, then I'm wrong, they did it anyway. I'm human, I can't tell the future. I just think its unfair to suddenly turn pitchforks and bonfire witch hunt when something small happens (my only edit: especially one as predictable as an account merge) when everything's otherwise gone pretty decent.

    I won't be replying to replies to this comment, because what I've said is about all I'm going to add to this and care to add, if my point doesn't change your opinion thats fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I don't particularly care about these conversations because I am very much of the mindset of "We'll see what happens."
    10/25/2020 8:52 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    Especially the pastel creepy-cute aesthetics that come out around Halloween (They can anytime but I always find them easier to find during this season??) as someone who, if they had the money, would be pure pastel goth themed I loooveee the pastel takes on Halloween.
    10/25/2020 8:20 pm
    It/It • Level 29 : Expert Strawberry Mage
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    This is my personal opinion, but I sometimes, depending on the pack, use above x128. The amount of times I do is granted limited as I don't like "photorealistic packs," I often actually use higher for that arent *supposed* to be pixelly or are made for a higher resolution. Such as PureBDCraft, and in cases like that, x128 is the lowest I'd go because anything lower, at least to me, doesn't look good and kinda ruins the pack, since it kinda relies on that cell shading to create the "Comic" look that PureBDCraft goes for, x64 is pushing it but ehhh still works, but x32 and x16 looks like a pixel mess and I'd rather use default.
    Again, personally, as someone who does use above x128, this isn't like every single pack. I don't want a x512 Jicklus, it looks great as the resolution it is, it would lose it's charm if it got any higher.. I still like packs below x128, especially when they're stylized, and "default inspired" or "default edit" packs can be really neat. My examples of beyond that are lessened even more as I don't really like "Realism Packs," the closest I get to "realism" is just "Modern packs" but those are still few and far in between as to which ones I'd use and they're typically very specialized, so...PureBDCraft still wins out as my best example of this especially because you can get that pack for (Edit: almost, as over x512 even exists but typically these are used for photorealism?) any resolution.

    For me, it has nothing to do with trying to make Minecraft look "as realistic as possible." It has everything to do with, if the pack just looks better like that, it looks better, screw it lets crank it to 11, I got the PC for it and it looks nice, Imma do it. I still like x64 and x16 packs. My most common used are all Jicklus, or "default edit" packs, but I do swap around between things as sometimes I feel going "default-esc" and sometimes I feel like changing the game without any mods. That's just my opinion on it though, figured I'd put my 2 cents in for the funsies. :3

    I still think some kind of grouping would still be nice, it sucks looking for a comic pack and seeing a repetitive 6 different versions of the same realism pack spammed one after another that I have zero interest in washing away the packs I might actually be interested in.

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