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Level 39 Artisan Farmer

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    06/19/2022 1:18 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    A lil secret
    I don't completely either :'D
    06/18/2022 4:15 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Nope, would not appear so from everything I've so far seen! It would be "won't". TLDR of why: Old English.

    Reworded/Summarized of what I've read:
    This is because the old English verb "willan" (which it's meaning was Wish or Will) had two forms. Those were wil- for present tense, and wold- for past tense. As time went on though, pronunciation changed; as it does. It went from "wool" to "wel" to "woll" to "ool", and by the 16th century, there was finally consensus on what the preferred versions were for the word. Wil- became the familiar "will" and wold- became "would". The most popular form of the negative verb became "woll not", which then became "wonnot", and modern English transformed into our beloved, "won't".

    Plus willn't and willint is kinda hard to pronounce and English is its own tongue twister at times without imo.. :'3


    I went with several as I was uncertain how known they - other than Merriam Webster - were for accuracy.

    Readers Digest Here's Why The Contraction for "Will Not" Isn't "Willn't"

    Motivated Grammar Preposterous Apostrophes VII: Why Won't Willn't Work?

    Grammarphobia Why "won't" isn't "willn't"
    Quora "In English, why do we say 'won't' instead of 'willn't'?

    English Language & Usage "What is "won't" a contraction of?"

    Little tidbit! According to www.merriam-webster.com the first known use of "won't" was in 1562.
    06/10/2021 6:55 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Whichever you prefer.
    Personally I prefer Java because of (frankly) nostalgia and being able to use it on a notebook and linux (for those rare times I've been limited to either of these...)
    06/09/2021 12:34 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Where do you manufacture?
    06/09/2021 12:32 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Literally, my actual obligation.
    06/09/2021 12:29 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Ok then.
    02/17/2021 12:39 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Prefacing this with I haven't really played any of them...I think people should play what they enjoy. Point of games is to have fun, if at least one person has had fun, then yay.
    I have bias towards CoD because while I don't play it, occasionally my gf does and while sometimes it can suck, they have fun with it. So thats good enough for me.
    02/05/2021 12:06 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Cause sometimes you have to select to see the reply, so it looks better.
    not PMC though...
    ...better to just edit on PMC...
    02/05/2021 12:05 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    I do it a bit but its usually because I think of more to add or forget to add something and can't edit or think that just replying might be better for format purposes
    02/05/2021 12:06 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Cause sometimes you have to select to see the reply, so it looks better.
    not PMC though...
    ...better to just edit on PMC...
    01/21/2021 8:31 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    i grew up with a malamute and I miss her. So Malamute and Pitbull, as I have a pitty now.
    01/14/2021 10:15 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    more mushroom themed things for mushroom biome. its my favorite biome so thatd be neat
    01/11/2021 3:33 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Playing a lot burnt me out if I'm real. It's difficult getting back in.
    01/08/2021 3:12 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Same here, its nice and a change of pace :3
    01/08/2021 2:13 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Unfortunately that is true, but doesn't hurt to hope one day it's different.

    I didn't mean it as though you did say to do so, I mean in your example of comparing leaving Windows to the leave Fortnite situation, as an addition as to why it wouldn't be particularly fruitful anyway. It bars some people from doing what they enjoy, in addition to this just isn't the place to discuss that.
    Apologies if it did seem like I was saying you were saying that; I wasn't, just trying to add a little slice of not particularly necessary information to the example presented.
    01/08/2021 12:31 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar

    thats all i got im sorry im very "O" based
    01/08/2021 12:29 pmhistory
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    That l*tt*r is dang*rous. I propose w* Q inst*ad.
    01/08/2021 12:19 pmhistory
    Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
    Mishkia's Avatar
    Also a fun fact, though not completely important to this but I need to spill my knowledge lol as this ended up a big deal in my family.
    Some games choose to use anti-cheat on purpose that prevent Linux users from playing their game.
    Not because of compatibility, but because of the ability to run an instance of Windows as well as Linux. Why this is a big deal is that you can run hack/cheating software in the windows instance, and the game on Linux, and your hack/cheating software goes completely unnoticed, so often companies that use an anti-cheat will choose or have theirs block Linux-users completely. A few bad eggs ruined the bunch. While its possible to get around this, its actually very risky to do so. My dad attempted to do so, and the program / method that allowed him to do so corrupted somewhere, making him lose everything on his PC as he had to hard reset his PC to fix the problem, and because of how it corrupted he couldn't backup anything. So that was fun.

    Anyway, this is often more so for games like Black Desert Online, Tera Online, so on so forth, but tying into our example of yours, its another reason why it's just not practical for everyone to boycott Windows because "Ew its so cringe" more than an actual reason. Some people, like myself (Though not Tera Online for me personally, as at some point unless they changed it their anticheat actually installs Spyware and doesn't actually stop running on your PC after you install it) actually enjoy games with an anti-cheat that doesn't make playing the game on Linux possible.

    "Ew it's so cringe, stop playing it" is a bad reason for people to stop playing something they enjoy, because the whole point in the first place of Games is to be something fun. Not everyone have the same tastes, everyone has their own opinions.
    We shouldn't make that a reason to bash and hate on each other.
    Differing opinions, where it doesn't cause danger to someones life, is good. It makes us unique, not copy paste clones of each other with no individuality.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramblies and this isn't particularly aimed at anyone, was originally supposed to just be a reply about the whole changing to linux thing!
    Cheers, Hebgbs, you have really strong points. Hopefully "Game v Game" trends or "Game is better than Other Game" trends chill out soon lol.

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