why so damn
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    • Monarque
      January 30, 2024, 5:55 am to Public
      I'm lvl 27! Fortunately I'm not a musician!
    • Monarque shared ItzOrangey's post
      January 28, 2024, 2:38 am with Public
      January 22, 2024, 5:39 pm to Public
      I see these "let's start a trend" posts all over the place, and they seem to get a lot of shares, likes, etc.
      So I'm gonna try one myself!

      Let's start a trend!
      Share this post with the following information:
      1. Your irl (full) name
      2. Your ssn
      3. Your house address
      4. A pic of you irl
      5. Your mom's credit card number
      6. Your pmc password

      DISCLAIMER (Only putting this because there is a very small chance someone might take this seriously and actually do this):
      Do not actually do this. You should never give sensitive personal info out online. This is only a joke and none of this is serious. Please don't screw yourself over.
      View original post
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