NoodleRat's Avatar
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  • What I am all about

    This is just my small corner of the internet, I cherish it, and I hope for it to grow much in the future!

    I am an Full Auto-tist that makes skins, banners, and I am thinking about posting images from my builds! Don't be afraid to post something in my guest book once in a while, I DO take skin requests currently, so if you have one, post it in my guest book, and I may choose to make it! If you want to have a higher chance of me picking it, then make it something creative, I have a less chance of "recreating your OC in my style" and more chance of making something crazy. (note that any and all skin request I choose to make will be posted to my profile.)

    I am just a player of games, and haver of fun times! if you have any questions for me, please ask, and I will try and get back to you. Thank You!

    Roses are red,

    My dad isn't near render distance,

    NoodleRat Commits the Nonexistentance
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  • All Trophies

  • Community Trophy Case

    Participation Skull
    Deep Dark Skin Contest Entry: Mothboy

    Pouch of Gold Coins (Participation)

    Walk like an Egyptian Skin Contest Entry: Desert Knight

    Participation Medal

    An Evil Glow Skin Contest Entry: "Things other then trees grown in the forest..."

    100 Remakes! Event

    ZappyGru gave me the amogus drip trophy.
  • Subscribers

    GalaxyCat24's Avatarblaynelee123's AvatarNitgoTest's Avatararianaaaa's AvatarDiiby's Avatargay_simp's AvatarPsioPsia001's AvatarLadyBerry's AvatarPop300's AvatarVibechecker's Avatarstring cheese's Avatarlukebutquiet's Avatar
  • Rattus noodilicus

    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Chordata

    Class: Mammalia

    Order: Rodentia

    Family: Muridae

    Genus: Rattus

    Species: R. noodilicus

    this rat has been known to be a close relative of Rattus rattus (Black rat) and has been misidentified for them for many, many years. however, R. noodilicus has much higher intelligence, and is better at learning, problem solving, and creativity. it has a longer body it can compress and elongate when stuck. it has had sightings all around Germany, Mexico, America, and China, so it is hard to pinpoint where its habitat is. it is extremely rare, and contact is quite rare the current only one in captivity is in a lab, and is currently under strict testing to determine which habitat it prefers.
