Ray_Savage's Avatar
Level 82
Elite Architect

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  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    August 4, 2020, 1:46 pm to Public
    Just for fun, thought I'd put down a list of planned full length Minecraft movies of mine and in order of production:

    1. My Undead City 3 - Currently filming, hope to release in less than a month.
    2. The Herobrine Entity - Currently filming, hope to release in less than two months.
    3. Wolfsbane (Werewolf Movie): Scripted and voiced, but needs set building and filming.
    4. Portal (SciFi): Scripted and voiced, but needs set building and filming.
    5. The Good Orc: Still needs scripting, sets, etc.
    Ray_Savage replied to TW15T3D5H4D0W's comment below 2020-08-04 20:26:26
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Yup! And probably many more!
    TW15T3D5H4D0W said 2020-08-04 17:35:23
    TW15T3D5H4D0W's Avatar
    SERIOUSLY?!!!!!!! My Undead City's getting ANOTHER sequel?!
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow said 2020-08-04 13:51:17
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
    So many coming along, that's awesome!
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    May 27, 2020, 9:48 pm to Public
    Working on a lot of new skins, because I"m updating my film-skin database. I want to have a huge collection of my own original skins to draw upon, because for my films I love being as original as possible, and doing everything myself if I can!
    Ray_Savage replied to PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's comment below 2020-08-04 13:41:24
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Good idea! And I've even got two films in production, "My Undead City 3" and "The Herobrine Entity."
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow said 2020-08-03 16:34:44
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
    I really admire that and wish you the best, your films are rally fun, too, and imma poke Cyprezz and PMC (please, neither of you kill me for that! <3) to see if maybe we can have another Movie Night sometime because that last one was awesome.
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    May 7, 2020, 12:04 pm to Public
    Gonna post is in forums too, but for now...

    This is a novel a wrote a few months ago, and it's my first. It's important to me, because it's my jumpstart into what I will do next, which is write unofficial Minecraft novels.

    My ebook is free until "May 10th", and you can get it here! Leave a review if you can, it helps!

    Just for fun, here's the prologue from the book!:


    A forest is a wonderful place to dream a fantasy tale—especially if it’s a forest like Raekaran. That forest is blessed with everlasting joy and happiness, brought by the long-lasting life and freedom from all doom known by those who live there. Raekaran was discovered years ago by the greatest of unicorns, he who was named chief. He was also called Terylus, or “finder of the territory.” Terylus brought his family and the other unicorns from the red lands far in the east. They sought new soils and greenery, as a terrible drought had ended their prosperity, and even put them in peril of death.

    The journey of these courageous unicorns persisted for nearly two years, until they passed through the Great Gray Mountains, forging a new trail. Their passage led them to a valley of green grass, which was on the outskirts of the forest of Raekaran. Raekaran was named after the brilliant rays of light that beamed onto this forest of redemption. This great crossing of the mountains ended all journeys for the unicorns, and they finally found the place they would call home. Never before had they known such security and such magnificent feastings, as they found in the wooded land which never ceased to give in its abundance to these new-welcomed guests. Even the squirrels and other small woodland creatures enjoyed their new visitants and found themselves at ease—partly because of the unicorn’s horn! The grand protrusion from the creature’s head looked as a brilliant armament, and they knew it would bring luck, for it would defend them if ever needed.

    But ne'er was there need for fear as the moons passed; there had not been any conflict for centuries in the forest of Raekaran. The unicorns galloped and flittered their time in peace and comfort, and so it happened for sixty and nine years. Terylus had passed away and a new chief reigned in his stead, and this new chief’s daughter, Miquoya, was about to celebrate her sixth birthday.
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    March 21, 2020, 6:21 pm to Public
    Movie is now released!:

    MarkSarmite said 2020-03-21 19:55:19
    MarkSarmite's Avatar
    Truly amazing, ngl
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow said 2020-03-21 18:46:06
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
    MOVIES not moves. :D
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow said 2020-03-21 18:45:47
    PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
    Loved it so much, thank you and I am totally looking forward to digging through more of your moves on your YouTube! <3
    Cyprezz said 2020-03-21 18:31:13
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    [ [] . o ]

    That was FUN!
    DinowCookie said 2020-03-21 18:22:39
    DinowCookie's Avatar
    Movie night was good fun. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜
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  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    March 12, 2020, 12:35 pm to Public
    Official Trailer is Out for Cyprezz! Release date is March 21st!

  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    August 16, 2019, 10:38 pm to Public
    I just enjoy making films!:

    Ray_Savage replied to Cyprezz's comment below 2019-08-19 10:02:52
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Thanks! Glad you liked it! Much of the story I'm leaving to the imagination of the audience, but mostly I just wanted a short film that used the texture pack and night sky making him really feel on the moon.
    Cyprezz said 2019-08-17 08:12:58
    Cyprezz's Avatar
    I could not stop watching! Suspense is real. What is the astronaut up to with all those animals and now the new ore... moon cliff hanger!!! aaAAARRR. Will stay tuned.

    Great map/stage along with texture pack and skin choice. I think my favorite shot was the astronaut looking down at us and into the moon mine as well as the rising earth. Is he trying to get home? The pause after discovery and rapid mining cracked me up.

    Oh and excellent music / sounds! Felt like 2001 : A Space Odyssey
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    July 21, 2019, 12:25 pm to Public
    As you know, I use to use an url shortner but moved away from it once it started using malware and pornography ads. I later chose another that had good reputation and google ads as a last try. It worked for a while, but now they're being shifty and place the "SKIP AD" link right into a google ad, which is against google's terms of service. I've noticed that most url shortners are doing this now and making it hard to click, tricking people into clicking malware, having look-a-like pop ups show up to go to a fake download, etc. So.....this basically means I've had it and that's the last straw! I really don't think I will ever use an url shortner ever again! So.....that also means i'm now in the process of converting all of my links, yt links, and my website links to just have their direct mediafire links. This will take a good long while so bear with me.......
    frazzleman10 said 2019-07-30 00:44:50
    frazzleman10's Avatar
    i agree
    Ray_Savage replied to frazzleman10's comment below 2019-07-26 11:21:23
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    It's crazy! I have to say I'm quite happy to be moving away from url shortners forever! They seem much too dishonest.
    frazzleman10 said 2019-07-26 00:40:07
    frazzleman10's Avatar
    i have to say that that has happened to me on adfly it automaticly downloads a flash player
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    May 27, 2019, 6:08 pm to Public
    After popular request my Trading Card Game has officially launched and is ready for purchase!:

  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 16, 2019, 4:43 pm to Public
    I don't just do Minecraft machinimas, I also do Mechwarrior!:

    The full playlist!: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK12hp374Ukc4inFB8Mcai2ekZFkRMNtS
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 15, 2019, 2:26 am to Public
    I'm still composing chiptune music! How do you like this one?

    Ray_Savage replied to anonpmc2054575's comment below 2019-04-15 12:29:38
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Mission accomplished! ;)
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 11, 2019, 8:19 pm to Public
    So the recent maps I have done, instead of just describing it with text, I have made a mission briefing video to show you what your missions is. How have people like this so far? Do you like the mission briefing videos?

    Map Examples:
    1. www.planetminecraft.com/project/chavolust-ceti-19-adventure-survival-map-with-mission-briefing-video/
    2. www.planetminecraft.com/project/vendolust-4-adventure-survival-map-with-briefing/


  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 11, 2019, 3:29 pm to Public
    Gonna do a link test soon with two packs to see how they perform. Checked them and they're completely safe. We will see how the test goes.
    Ray_Savage said 2019-04-11 16:49:05
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Tested them, didn't like them. Links are reverted back.
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 11, 2019, 2:38 pm to Public
    Looked again at that url shortener I use to use. Would you believe it, they went back to the malware and porno ads! That proves it, I can't trust them anymore. Goodbye to them, I have officially parted ways with them. If I use another url shortner in the future, here are my requirements:

    1. Must be safe (no malware or pornography).
    2. Can't lead you to a false download/link.
    3. Can't force you to spend a lot of time going through the link.
    Ray_Savage replied to Master_Bw3's comment below 2019-04-11 18:28:51
    Ray_Savage's Avatar
    Some of my links are long and annoying and it's nice to shorten them. Also, some of them offer a little compensation, but I don't want that if it puts my fans at risk, which is why I stopped using my previous url shortner because they changed and became dangerous. I may try the google one even though there's no compensation. Google is usually safe.
    Master_Bw3 said 2019-04-11 18:23:33
    Master_Bw3's Avatar
    do you really need a url shortener?
    eyhoffi said 2019-04-11 14:50:44
    eyhoffi's Avatar
    with a Googe Account u can use google shortener
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 5, 2019, 11:50 am to Public
    So the url shortener I used previously has apparently reformed and partnered with google again and gone back with their safe ads. There shouldn't be any problems with malware. Does this mean I will go back to using their links? For now no, as I don't feel like trusting them yet. I'll watch them and see how they behave. If they continue to be good I may test a few links, otherwise I will just never use them again. We will see.
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 2, 2019, 5:00 pm to Public
    Brlarhfaha!!!!!!! Ahhh, ok! Finally converted all the links back to their safe mediafire links! It took a while, but now I know you will all be safe, and that makes me happy!

    EDIT: If you happen to find any one of my links with an url shortener on it notify me immediately! I'm sure I got them all, but I can make mistakes.
  • Ray_Savage's Avatar
    April 2, 2019, 2:33 pm to Public
    I've initially used clk.sh for my download links, but I just discovered that they moved away from their safe google ads and are using unsafe ads! NOOOO! Ok, everyone please be patient while I revert all my links back to their mediafire links. It's not worth putting you guys at risk! Love you all too much!
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