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    • skythrusters's Avatar
      February 18, 2024, 12:57 am to Public
      Today RGAP Creative (SkyThrusters) released the Randy Dreammaker World. This world is built in Survival mode without cheats to allow you to earn and achieve Minecraft experience points.

      Designed with Player VS Player battles in mind, this map has multiple bases throughout its various regions where you and your friends can take up residence and modify in preparation for war.

      But also for those who just like to explore new worlds and build your own things too.

      Unique to this world, is that it can be uploaded and played with your friends on your Minecraft Realms account, your own private Minecraft Server if you have one, or play via bedrocks native networking with your friends, or enemies.

      Download the map here on Planet Minecraft (HERE)

      Download this map from RGAP Creative Studio website (HERE)
    • skythrusters's Avatar
      February 16, 2024, 3:20 am to Public
      2024 Re-release of the Abandoned House Trap Project and Tutorial!I'm happy to announce that after considerable effort, RGAP Creative is able to re-release the our free download #Minecraft files that correspond to the matching Tutorial Videos. These world files allow you to see exactly in real time, what is shown in the tutorial videos so you can try building each of the three projects on your own.
      RGAP Creative's Abandoned House Trap Tutorial and World Files

      You'll learn how to create a Chest that self clones the contents, how to make the chest trigger other events, how to make an invisible mob, how to how to give a mob a different weapon, how to rotate a door, window or block, how to kill a mob using a timer, etc.
    • skythrusters's Avatar
      December 17, 2023, 12:24 am to Public
      Well, here we are at the end of 2023, and sadly no work on the Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Adventure has occurred since March. Hoping 2024 will allow the time and motivation to reboot the last of the final beta testing.
    • skythrusters's Avatar
      January 6, 2023, 7:45 am to Public

      As previously promised and discussed, today I began work on a ZORK like Minecraft Adventure.
      Because the eleven ZORK series of text-based 1980's adventures are now owned by Microsoft I won't be able to do a clone of ZORK, since there could be copyright issues.
      INVERSE will follow the same concept, has similar features, and the same coding I designed and planned to use in ZORK to pull off some of the fancy challenges that ZORK presents that other Minecraft Creators failed to pull off.

      This is the early photos (only 3 hours of work on it so far - Building the first infrastructure)

      INVERSE Minecraft Adventure by RGAP Creative Minecraft Studios is a ZORK like Adventure

      This is the early photos (only 3 hours of work on it so far - Building the pathway to the underground world)

      INVERSE is a dungeon like adventure for Minecraft Bedrock. By RGAP Creative Minecraft Studios
    • skythrusters's Avatar
      January 2, 2023, 3:17 am to Public
      2023 Update
      Excited to announce, that on New Years Eve, 12/31/22 we completed the Washington Has Fallen new coding and redesign, completing 3 years of development on this massive adventure for Minecraft Bedrock.
      Next we'll do a new round of beta testing play through to find any new bugs and spot anything that needs cleaned up. Hopefully, nothing major, since we spend a whole year cleaning up the previous bugs. If all looks good, we'll do a multiplayer play through since multiplayer minecraft game play tends to introduce different kinds of bugs that do not occur in solo-play. Fix those, and then we'll finally be able to release it for free to the public. The game depends on Life Boat's Washington DC world. Our adventure is an overlay with entirely new coding and lots of new buildings, worlds, etc. Life Boat's Washington DC provides the mods and some of the main infrastructure. Since this was our first time designing a massive adventure, we used the Washington DC world to cut a year off the project so we could focus on coding, testing concepts and trying out ideas that will be used in future adventures.
      One thing we created was a multi-triggering system that allows a single triggering event like pushing a button, to give a different result each time it is pressed. We use this in two different missions of the Washington Has Fallen adventure, and it is what will allow us, if we decide to do it, to create a ZORK like adventure in the future. Anyone who has played ZORK before, knows that one of the complications with designing an adventure based on it in Minecraft, is there are several areas in Zork that return a random result, sending the player to more than one possible different area. Also, there is the Lurking Grue that appears if your candle burns out and anytime you do into the dark who steals your stuff and tries to kill you. These can all be resolved with a rotating multi-triggering system we designed for Washington Has Fallen.
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