I have a dog, a wabbit, (what's up doc?) some shrimp and lots of fizh. (I know I spelled rabbit and fish wrong.)
About Your Potato Obsession?
It started about a week before the 2024 April fools update. so when the update dropped my obsession took off! now its just been down hill from there and I even ended up starting a team in a server called the Potato's.
Who's Your Favorite MC Youtuber?
I like a lot of them...
About That Realm Your In?
It's called MarkCubanSMP, I'm the leader of the Potato's and Rockceratops is also in it.
I mostly play on a realm with all my friends (and Trey >:T).
I've been playing some sky wars on Hive recently though.
Ask me questions in the guest book and I'll put them here
Welcome To My Profile
I'm a random person who has an obsession with Minecraft potatoes. Not normal potatoes, just Minecraft potatoes...
(Old but I don't wanna get rid of it) If you're wondering what the heck my profile picture is, me and my friend had a pet pig named Mark Cuban in a bedrock realm.
I first found out about PMC when I was trying to get in a lifesteal server for bedrock cause at the time Lifsteal SMP was the only Minecraft content I watched. I then completely forgot about PMC until I rediscovered it while looking for yet again a bedrock realm.
I only have bedrock edition but hope to get Java.
I started playing Minecraft way back on the PS3! that's all I remember...
I'm re building Parkour Civilization as accurately as possible without using anything other than the movie. The amount of strange details I've noticed because of it is pretty cool... and scary... I need a life.
How would you suggest to kill a smart person with full netherite (who has blast prot) with a trap on a server? (they own the server but that's not important, they wont ban me)
There are some versions were one can use corner cases to accelerate arrows to extreme velocities and score a one-shot, but the set-up is massive.
Best chance vanilla-ish may be to lure him into a long drop onto slime during which he hits a tripwire that retracts the slime allowing fall damage, then retracts the landing block dropping him into lava in an obsidian lined pit (also closing the shaft up to thwart elytra/rockets).