I don't buy it, I eat it. -TheBeast10918
  • FAQ

    Do You Have Any Pets?
    I have a dog, a wabbit, (what's up doc?) some shrimp and lots of fizh. (I know I spelled rabbit and fish wrong.)

    About Your Potato Obsession?
    It started about a week before the 2024 April fools update. so when the update dropped my obsession took off! now its just been down hill from there and I even ended up starting a team in a server called the Potato's.

    Who's Your Favorite MC Youtuber?

    I like a lot of them...

    About That Realm Your In?
    It's called MarkCubanSMP, I'm the leader of the Potato's and Rockceratops is also in it.

    Support Stamps?

    What Do You Play In Minecraft?
    I mostly play on a realm with all my friends (and Trey >:T).

    I've been playing some sky wars on Hive recently though.

    Ask me questions in the guest book and I'll put them here
  • Welcome To My Profile

    I'm a random person who has an obsession with Minecraft potatoes. Not normal potatoes, just Minecraft potatoes...

    (Old but I don't wanna get rid of it) If you're wondering what the heck my profile picture is, me and my friend had a pet pig named Mark Cuban in a bedrock realm.

    I first found out about PMC when I was trying to get in a lifesteal server for bedrock cause at the time Lifsteal SMP was the only Minecraft content I watched. I then completely forgot about PMC until I rediscovered it while looking for yet again a bedrock realm.

    I only have bedrock edition but hope to get Java.

    I started playing Minecraft way back on the PS3! that's all I remember...

    I mostly make player skins.
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