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Level 39 Artisan Alien

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    10/29/2012 4:39 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    I am assuming that you do not speak English as a first language.
    10/27/2012 10:23 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    It's never stopped being active. We are simply looking for more java developers to increase speed of production on the DWCM.

    I hav to ask you to Please do not discuss the mod on this thread as this thread is specifically for applications
    10/26/2012 9:23 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Since minecraft has kind of gone to the side of fantasy game I think it would be better to add a loch ness monster style boss to the seas
    10/26/2012 9:17 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    This is something we old infdev/indev players have been wanting for 3 years now but Notch, then all of mojang and now Dinnerbone & Jeb seems to not really want to add in stuff that the players have been dying to have.

    I think it may not be "exciting enough" for them

    However I know for a fact that several talented developers have produced some great mods for fish and other sea creatures / pond life if you wish to install mods to achieve this.
    10/25/2012 11:39 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    The problem with what they are doing is not so much what they are adding. For me the problem is what they are doing regarding the code.

    Each new update brings drastic new changes to the base code. The Jump from 1.2.5 to 1.3 was big enough that it caused alot of developers to not be able to update their mods because what they used Mojang removed.

    The jump to 1.4.2 is going to be even more drastic and developers arent going to be able to update really big mods. Best case scenario for mods until the API is released (if it ever releases) is to rewrite your mods.

    I think what they are adding in terms of content is only half the problem. The major problem comes in what they are doing to the code.
    10/25/2012 11:26 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    I do believe that Mojang is making minecraft into "Generic Dungeons and Dragons Game #12422"

    I believe that Dinnerbone should be working on the Modding API like he was hired to do, not be developing the entire game.

    As a player of minecraft since infdev and indev as well as a player of the game minecraft originated from, Infiniminer I do not like the direction Mojang has taken the game and I believe that all the things that once made Minecraft so appealing to us long time players originally is gone.
    10/23/2012 4:46 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    [center][size=125][b]TheiKing, what are you opinions about Other Doctor Who Themed Mods (if any others exist?)[/b][/center]

    As much as many people would like to have Doctor Who minecraft mod in your hands at this very moment you have to think of what the quality would be like and what the people who would be developing it would be like and would go through.

    So in terms of quality I think you all know that the iKingsSGC Mod Division and myself in particularly are very anal about the quality of the products we put out. I have been vocal in the past about the practice of "developers" putting out "mods" that are so uncreative and uninspired. Most mods only adds some items, blocks and badly textured mods that use the bipedal model (steve),
    Now when we create new things for the DWCM, or any iKingsSGC product in general it goes through several stages of picking and choosing the best features out of generally hundreds of ideas for one feature or smart entity etc. Once the first model is produced for a specific smart entity we typically revise it anywhere from 5 to 25 times before we get it top quality. It thenhas to go through the texturing phase. I spend anywhere from an hour to 3 hours texturing a single model depending on the texture map after that I spend sometimes whole days developing a very specific feature set for that smart entity.

    It is this type of creative thinking and our need to make things top quality that makes the DWCM so unique and its also why I think we are "streets ahead" of any competition we may every get.

    For other people to develop a Doctor Who mod it would be like him jumping into a field where 99.9% of the market-share is already taken by a single competitor.

    He/She/They would need to both compete with the DWCM in terms of features and in terms of popularity as well as the quality of their features. If He/She/They decided to develop their mod they would be essentially drowning from the very start.

    The Doctor Who Client Mod currently holds the 2nd most diamonds for a mod on PMC and the 16th most viewed mod on Planet Minecraft not to mention it ranks In the top 10 on the Minecraft Forums on both most replied and most views. We already have over 600 features and counting. Not just items, blocks and mobs. We have legitimate new systems that really do revolutionize minecraft. We are building a game on top of minecraft which is the prototype for our other projects (Stargate Chevron 7.)

    Keep in mind that all of this is is during our Pre-Alpha development phase. Imagine how much more popular it will become when once we start our closed alpha phases and even more so once our first public beta is released.

    Due to my ankle injury and being unable to goto college for the forseeable future the DWCM and iKingsSGC & the iSGC Mod Division are basically full time jobs for me, of course I dont get paid for the work I do but I have nothing else to do but watch netflix and work on these projects. I think that in order for others to compete with the DWCM and me personally they would need to be constantly coding and constantly thinking of ideas and constantly texturing (and I am a graphic design student who will be getting a certificate in web design and Degree in Applied Science.)

    I just dont think that in minecrafts current state of trying to kill the modding community that it would be wise for ANYONE to try and start or continue to develop another DW mod besides the iKingsSGC Mod Division. Minecraft being an unstable platform to develop on and because the DWCM pretty much satisfies every Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures fans and it brings much much more content than just Whoniverse stuff and it is the highest quality you have ever seen in minecraft in regards to art, code, and sounds.

    Personally I think it would be extremely difficult for anyone to compete with us and I dont want to see someone work hard on a project and not see it succeed. For anyone to try and compete with myself and the rest of the iKingsSGC at this point would be trying to run to catch up to something that is in warp speed factor 10.


    [center][SIZE=5][b]If you would like to watch the podcast version of this post please click the video below![/b][/size][/center]
    10/22/2012 7:22 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar

    This post is the iKingsSGC News Daily Report

    Site Wide News Podcast Edition for Wednesday and Thursday

    October 17th & 18th, 2012 .

    Ok so No written text in this post however there is a video that contains a few of the things I could fit into a 5 minute video. I had to keep this video short in order to make sure my new internet connection doesn't freak out (waiting on verizion to raise my upload speed). I will be making additional iKingsSGC News podcast type things updating everyone of what has been going on the last month and a half in the next week. Until then, enjoy!

    Past Daily Reports Can be found on the iKingsSGC Forums-

    - Or you can memorize the link
    10/19/2012 9:15 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Of course they will and have in the past. Mojangs constant delay of the modding API has caused. 4 month delay in production on the DWCM.

    However once the modding API is released we will be splitting off of minecrafts vesion system and developing the DWCM with our own ecosystem and version system
    10/19/2012 7:15 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Working hard on texturing these models for the mystery planet

    After that Ive got to make all the terrain textures and then build a crap ton of structures....long night ahead of me folks. Keep me busy by asking me some questions
    10/18/2012 9:48 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    I remember you lol.

    The TARDIS interior is viewable in the May 15th iKings Daily Report I believe. It has changed alot since then but I am not ready to make a new video on it just yet.
    10/18/2012 9:33 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    ChronalgaThis seems like an amazing mod. After you guys finish this mod, can you take this idea and make it into a mod/plugin?

    Hi there, thanks for the feedback

    Unfortunatley the iKingsSGC Mod Division only works on projects we are deeply passionate about. Nothing about vanilla minecraft makes us passionate enough to modify vanilla items.

    Doctor Who Client Mod is the prototype of sorts for our other project such as the Stargate Chevron 7 Client Mod. DWCM acts as a testing ground for our advanced systems that allow massive projects that could be described as games being built on top of the minecraft platform
    10/18/2012 9:30 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    We do not have any limits to how much we will add into the DWCM so at this time we cannot say how far into development we are.

    However I can say that at the current moment in our Pre-Alpha development phase we have already completed 700+ features.
    10/18/2012 9:04 pm
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Thanks for the feedback

    I hope you didnt start with season 7, its not that great lol.

    If you have netflix I suggest watching from season 1 of modern who, it really makes you appreciate how much the show has grown in both mythology, quality and fandom over the last 8 years. I cant believe I was 11 years old when I started watching it lol, and now Im about to turn 19 in about 6 days. So Ive grown up with DW basically and its something that I think everyone can enjoy
    08/07/2012 7:00 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Lol, I wonder how many of you know/dont know about the Doctor Who Client Mod ... ikingssgc/
    06/11/2012 3:10 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Lol ok,

    Do you need me to PM you my IP address or is it already on file or something lol
    05/30/2012 8:46 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Well there is the fact that minecraft isnt as interesting as it once was.
    03/14/2012 11:41 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    Opening today at 5pm Eastern Standard time
    03/10/2012 8:26 am
    Level 39 : Artisan Alien
    TheiKing's Avatar
    The 1.2.3 update has delayed actual RP but the server will open on the 14th of march as like a Tour of sorts

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