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Level 21
Expert Mountaineer

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    07/25/2013 12:41 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    No proof of any of the claim made in this app, I expect pictures of you "very experienced" builds (if you are actually very experienced what so ever) You're to young, and the time you can spend is to low.
    07/10/2013 11:56 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Just so the one who's doing this is VERY clear, don't be the dick head to decided wither or not an app is decided if you aren't actually the one deciding if the app is accepted or not, honestly if I were to EVER see that on a forum that was posted I would instantly deny that person's app because it's just a dick thing to do an the person who's doing it know exactly who they are and should know that their app was the best either.
    07/10/2013 4:51 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: Ndilba

    Skype: cosmictooga

    Age: 16

    Work: (pictures please) Unlike the rest I actually have proof of my builds, so this should place me ahead of everyone else.
    07/10/2013 12:57 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Well you let in this guy who gave a shitstorm of an app...soooo
    07/10/2013 12:53 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    but you do need more kings
    07/10/2013 12:49 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Ign: Ndilba
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    What kind of ruler you will be. A harsh Viking King
    Can you recruit people for the kingdom and your castle? Yes I can.
    Why do you want this Position? I wanna rule over my kingdom with a harsh iron fist and conquer others who are in my way.
    What can you do to make this server funner? Add a bit more of a challenge by making people defend themselves AGAINST MY VIKING EMPIRE!!!!!

    Anything else? I'm Swedish and i'd like to have my friend (Barschkopt) to be My Viking Thane to my kingdom.
    Skype: cosmictooga
    07/09/2013 7:33 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    IGN: Ndilba
    Skype(required): cosmictooga
    How long do you play minecraft a day: Almost all day, everyday of the week. A lot of times with my friends.

    Will you be active on the forums: Yes, I love chilling around on forums and socializing with people.

    Will you follow our staff rules: Yes, all of them.

    Have you been Head admin somewhere else: Yes on two, the others i've just been admin on.

    ^If so what servers(Put spoiler):
    Click to reveal
    Path of Iluithi
    Click to reveal
    5 Diamonds

    What makes you a good admin: I believe i'm a good admin because I enjoy helping players. I like watching players slowly advance to be a powerful figure on a server, this is part of the reason i like watching a server grow. the players are apart of a server as much as the staff and this means the staff and players go hand in
    hand with each other. I've seen a distinct pattern when im on staff with good staff
    members and bad staff members. If the staff members are good then they'd be able to let the players advance and it would be more fun. I'm not saying that the players should have staff spying on them at all times. I believe that the players should have freedom but not spied on with every move they take. This is why i consider myself a mix of strict and layed back admin when I come on servers, yes I like to watch people, but that's just some of the fun you get by being a admin. I like to watch players work out problems without the help of any admin, that's why when i'm on staff I don't always give people straight answers, I will give them hints and clues at time to help them solve out their problems to that they can have sometime of benefit of being on the server not only because of the fun.

    Do you have patience: I've got a lot of patience

    Do you work well with others: I do work well with other.

    Why should I allow you to be mod: I make it an obligation to be on yourself and make it the best I can. My dedication and work ethic is the main reasons to make me a mod.

    Mature 1-10: 8
    Commands you know: Most of the Essentials, factions, Towny, VoxelSniper,
    Worldedit and a lot more!

    I am the best choice for Head- Admin.
    07/09/2013 7:24 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    I'd gladly be a Admin on your server.
    07/09/2013 4:20 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Minecraft Account Name: Ndilba
    Age: 16
    Timezone: Central European
    Experience in staff on any other servers? (If any): I'm A staff member of various different servers, i'm an admin on all of them.
    Have you run a successful server before, show proof? (If any): I've not been able to start up my own server because I cannot find the proper static Ip in order for players to connect to my server, also I don't want to deal with the constant hassle of paying for the server every month, this is why I have a lot of respect and patients toward handling things with a server admin because I know being the owner of a server can be a very stressful job.
    Do you enjoy helping players and maintaining servers? (Obviously a plus): I do enjoy helping players. I like watching players slowly advance to be a powerful figure on a server, this is part of the reason i like watching a server grow. the players are apart of a server as much as the staff and this means the staff and players go hand in
    hand with each other. I've seen a distinct pattern when im on staff with good staff
    members and bad staff members. If the staff members are good then they'd be able to let the players advance and it would be more fun. I'm not saying that the players should have staff spying on them at all times. I believe that the players should have freedom but not spied on with every move they take. This is why i consider myself a mix of strict and layed back admin when I come on servers, yes I like to watch people, but that's just some of the fun you get by being a admin. I like to watch players work out problems without the help of any admin, that's why when i'm on staff I don't always give people straight answers, I will give them hints and clues at time to help them solve out their problems to that they can have sometime of benefit of being on the server not only because of the fun.
    Do you expect to be paid or rewarded for your staff job?: I don't expect to be paid or rewarded for having a staff job. It's my choice to write this app. It's your choice to add me on staff or not. If I wanted to be rewarded then I would just make my own thread on server recruitment saying that i'd want to be paid. If i'm accepted onto your team then i'll make it and obligation to myself to make the server the best I can. When i'm confronted with a challenge I never just swipe it under the carpet waiting for someone else to bring it up. I'd face the challenge and tackle it the best I can. Your right, I cannot do everything in the world, but I will give it my best shot at trying to accomplish that challenge. If I fail, so what, atleast I tried, and i'd continue to find different ways to complete this challenge. If the challenge has some type if benefit for the players, of course I will continue to find a solution to the challenge because it's benefiting the player base which is the life blood of the server and I believe this action will create a great atmosphere for any server and I believe it's lacking in a lot of different servers.
    What staff section are you applying for? (Be realistic, don't just go straight for Admin if you know you can't or won't be accepted, the available staff roles are, Moderator, Head Moderator, Admin, Head Admin): I know it might not sound realistic but i'd like to be the head admin, mostly because I believe I have what it takes. I can provide the server with a good atmosphere. I can provide solutions to problems that players have in a way that they would benefit in the future from it. I also have a great understanding for the commands on a server through my own experience and being on servers since alpha. This would mean I didn't learn from a secondary source if knowledge in some guide. I learned all that I know from working out my own problems and finding a way to solve them so I can also benefit them in the future. That is also another reason why I do the same thing for the players, If I know how much it would benefit me then I'd like the players to benefit from the same experience that I benefit from because I know how helpful I am. I also believe that I can get a healthy player base on the server which I know is the life blood of any kind of mulitplayer server. The presence of a healthy player base would mean that everyone will benefit from it, this would mean that not only staff would benefit from it but the players will be able to grown and will not have a stunted growth by the amount of jerks who are on the server ruining the experience for everyone. This is why I believe I have what it takes to be Head Admin, I know it might sound unrealistic but It's what I believe every server these days need because I believe that it will benefit everyone.

    ******Contact Info*******
    The best way I'd like for you to contact me is if you PM me on Planetminecraft or add me on skype at Cosmictooga.

    I understand that RP is going to play a very strong role in the server. Luckily, I have tons of RP experience. I've RPed in just about every MMORPG i've played. This would include WoW, NeverWinter, DnD, and Rift. I've played all of these games for a good portion of my life and have Rped in these game for a good 47% percent of the time I've played them. I believe that RP experience would be something that is needed on this server because it's an RP server so If you don't have any RP experience then what is the point of being on an RP server.
    07/09/2013 2:41 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Admin Application -
    Age :16
    Global Time: Central European.
    Country: Sweden
    Skype: cosmictooga
    Why do you want to become an administrator?: ,I want to be apart of another server and help watch it grow
    Why do you deserve to become an administrator? I believe that my skill can benefit the server because all of the server i've been on had a dedicated player base of 60+ players and i'd like to see your server grow big.
    Why do you believe you can handle the responsibilities? I feel like i can do good with the abilities i'm given and believe it will keep the law around the server.
    Experience: I've been admin on 8 server 6 of which had a dedicated player base of 60+ players and all turned out to be very succesful.
    Plugin config abilities: I have little experience with pluggins, I can do little, but i'm willing to learn.
    Additional Information and abilites: I'm Swedish I can speak Fluent English because when my parents died i moved with Grandparents in Sweden, and i'm also a very experienced Builder.
    Scenarios : A user comes on the server and claims he is from planet minecraft. He asks to be opped, so he can perform a review. What do you do? I'd deny their request and tell them that for security reasons and tell them to do the review without Opp if they're truely doing a review.
    A user claims another user is hacking. What do you do?
    A user hacks in front of your eyes, and uses the excuse "we must be lagging". What would you do? I'd observe them thoroughly to make sure the acclaimed "lag" is true, if i suspect he's still hacking then i'd take more action with a temp ban of 30 minutes, if they continue to hack then i'll ban them for good.
    07/06/2013 12:55 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    App (ig name)-Ndilba
    How long have you been playing minecraft: Since Alpha
    Building skills 1-10 (be honest): 9
    YouTube channel name.Number of subscribers:None
    Have you ever been banned from a server. If so why? No, I've not.
    07/05/2013 3:11 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Name: Noah
    IGN: Ndilba
    Age: 16
    Skype(must have Skype) : cosmictooga
    Experience: I've been on 6 servers, almost all of them had atleast 30 dedicated players on as i was on staff, I'm a VoxelBox certified builder, an have great administrative skills as I consider myself to be a great problem solver.
    Maturity level (1-10): 7.5
    Why we should pick you?: I'm a Certified Voxelbox builder, I'm fun to be around, an i'm a well experience admin an minecraft player.
    What can you bring to this server?:I'm looking for a new server currently so that i can watch it grow up with me in the staff, also so that i could help it a long to achieving this goal.
    Time that you can help out the server: I can take out a lot of my time in order to place it into time needed to make the server grow.
    How long have you been playing Minecraft: I've followed minecraft since it's been in alpha.
    07/05/2013 2:52 am
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Out of character Information
    Minecraft Account Name: Ndilba
    Age: 16
    Timezone: Central European
    Experience in role-playing (If any): WoW, NeverWinter, DnD
    In character Information
    Name (Full): Durin Ironshield
    Character Age: 27
    Race (Human, Elf or Dwarf - More coming soon): Dwarf
    History (Make it up!): Durin was once a member of Clan Ironshield, a clan of strong an noble Dwarves that came from the Dwarven stronghold of Agartha, the Dwarven city had made some very bad relationships with the fellow tribes of trolls around the Dwarven stronghold, the trolls had attacked the city relentlessly, which had resulted in the fall of the city of Agartha, as this happened the Ironshield Clan had fallen apart an had been scattered all over the place, the clan had been destroyed at this point, their city gone and their pride an honor destroyed, so Durin is set out to find the rest of the Ironshields and restore pride an honor to the once prospering Ironshield Clan.
    Personality: Durin is a Stubborn and war test warrior, he is funny at times and usually always up for a drink, so in a sense, he's a Warrior with a light side.
    Skills: Fighting, Blacksmithing, Drinking.
    Appearance (Description, but a skin would be great too!):
    Other details (Optional): Durin is very agile, and strong for his race.
    Situational Role-play
    1. While in Newmond, you see a mysterious looking figure sprint past you, he appears to be carrying stolen goods. What do you do? I would turn around, look at him and chase after him, eventually he'd run past a guarded entrance to a city because the thief hadn't thought out his plan correctly, I yelled at the guards to assist me, the guards would tackle the man down and send him away, leaving me to return the goods to the rightful place, with a little help from the people in Newmond.

    2. You are fishing off a small pier which clearly states it is a public fishing area. A middle-aged dwarf approaches you and tells you it is his fishing area. (You find it funny that a dwarf enjoys fishing) What do you do? I would walk up to the dwarf, offer him a nice mug of ale an sit down with him an trade stories, hopefully being able to obtain some info about the whereabouts of the Ironshields.
    07/02/2013 11:53 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    This app is going to be an app for 3 people, we're a building team an we're looking for a new project.

    I am applying for the position: Builder
    Why we should select you for this position: We're a greatly experienced, creative, an creators of quality work who're seeking a new long term project, we've just finished building for a new medieval server an are now ready to apply our skills in a new server.
    Name + IGN: (Team Leader): Ndilba, Noah (Member): Pillaract, Kevin (Co-leader): Barschkopt, Kyle
    Area of the world(E.G China, Cuba, America (state), Australia, South Ameristralia, New Zanada): Stockholm, Sweden.
    language: English an Swedish. We're fluent in both.
    Are you mature: We're all mature being at the ages of 15 an 16.
    Age: we're 15 and 16.
    Past experience: We've all had diverse experiences in our building career, some of us have built for small servers an other have built on bigger ones, some of us are better building bigger things then small, But most of us are diverse in medieval architecture but our styles can be changed if needed by doing extensive research on the provided field.
    Success: We've had plenty of Success over the months we've been together, we've built for atleast 3 bigger servers an 7 smaller ones.
    Evidence (pictures or videos specific to the position that you are applying for):
    Cake or pie? Both, other pastries are available
    Additional Info(anything else you think we should know while considering you for this position?): We're well qualified in building, we provide quality work an are up to any challenge thrown at us, just tell us what to do an we'll do it.
    Do you have any experience playing MMO's? if yes please list which ones: All of us have experiences in World of Warcraft, Neverwinter and Runescape, along with other DnD games, including Diablo. Having wasted most of our teenage years playing them.
    Additional skills: We're funny. make a mean pickled gherkin, Have a love for terraforming on our down times, we're really good snowboarders as well, we also like to watch På spåret.
    Any past experience with plugins/ Voxel: Some of us have more experience then others, Ndilba an Barschkopt are both qualified to use both of those pluggins an have had plenty of experience with them.
    07/02/2013 10:57 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    This app is going to be an app for 3 people, we're a building team an we're looking for a new project.

    Minecraft Username(s): Pillaract, Ndilba, Barschkopt.
    Skype(If you have one): (I'll give you the Team Leader's name) cosmictooga
    Pictures of builds(At least one):
    Why do you think you are trustworthy: We've built on plenty of servers an all of them had had tons of people on the world, we're VoxelBox certified, an we're known on some servers that're currently under construction.
    Why should we choose you: We're VoxelBox certified, so you know that you're getting quality work for free.
    05/19/2013 8:50 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    Age: 17
    Name: Noah
    Time Zone: Central European
    Are you employed on any servers?: 2, Both of them are MMORPGs and are still under contruction as we speak.
    Do you work good with others?: I work amazing with others, it's even apart of my real life job to work well with others.
    What can you bring to Hyperion Legends?: I can bring immense skill in Building, plentiful experience in Terraforming, an VoxelBox level construction skills.
    What makes you're abilities unique in comparison to others?: I consider myself to be the "Swiss Army Knife" of Minecraft construction, I'm a great Builder, Terraformer an am well versed in many different styles of building. (I specialize in Nordic an Medieval). I'm extremely flexible and I can take on multiple big projects at once an tons of smaller ones all together.
    What is you're greatest weakness perssonaly?: My greatest weakness personally is pluggins, they make my head hurt a lot an that is why I stick to building an not any of this coding what not. This shouldn't conflict with my building what so ever.
    Position wanted: Builder, Terraformer, Admin
    Previous experience: VoxelBox, various different servers that have pieces of my work, (to many for me to type out as well as remeber.)
    Proof of work:
    What do you work best with in you're field?: I work best with Medieval, Roman, Arabic, and Nordic buidlign styles, these fields are expected to change according to the style you please for me to learn. I'm also good at making Densely compacted forests with massive trees, as well as mountains that reach the sky limit, I can make a plains biome turn into a tropical paradise, whatever you'd like for me to change I can do it with VoxelSniper an or WorldEdit.
    (tools and anything out of the ordinary?)
    What are you best at in you're field?: Like i've said many times in this app, i'm specialized in Medieval, Nordic, ,Arabic, an Roman styles of building, but the list can change within 30 minutes of me researching, I'm ,extremely experienced in VoxelSniper an experience in World Edit, ,i'm also VoxelBox qualified.
    (What themes are you good at building, voxeling, writing about? What can you do most successfully? As a graphics artist, what are you best at? Banners, websites, or anything else?)
    What is you're greatest weakness in you're field?: In these field i am unsucceful in doing some things in WorldEdit then i'm capable to do in VoxelSniper.
    Have you ever griefed: (Not a huge issue) I've griefed ,before, but It was on a PVP server with some of my mates from school.
    Level of awesomeness 1-10: OVER 9000000000000 (But really a 10 )
    ***I also have skype****
    05/15/2013 8:34 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    When exactly am I going to get the IP? I'm aware it was suppose to be given out this Wednesday but I've still now received it.
    05/15/2013 3:16 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    What is your IGN (In Game Name)? Ndilba

    How much time can you dedicate a week? Most of my week as well as my whole weekend.

    What are you applying for? Builder, Lore Writer an WorldPainter.

    What makes you suited for this position (Examples of your work)?

    Do you have Skype? Yes, Cosmictooga
    05/14/2013 10:00 pm
    Level 21 : Expert Mountaineer
    ToogaMau5's Avatar
    IGN: Ndilba (Terraformer app)
    How long have you owned Minecraft: Since Alpha
    How many servers have you been a builder on: A handful, including the VoxelBox Servers.
    Can you terraform: Yse, It's one of my specialties.
    What kind of building style are you more comfortable building in?: I'm comfortable with Medieval, Roman styles an Arabic Architecture, I can adapt an learn any style I need with some research.
    Can you work with WorldEdit?: I use worldedit for some of the most basic terraforming techniques, I learned out to Terraform via WorldEdit.
    Can you work with VoxelSniper?: VoxelSniper is a more technical Program to Terraform with, I'm well versed in terraforming with VoxelSniper, I honor my skills with VoxelSniper.
    How would your rate yourself? /10: I'd rate myself a 8.5 out of 10.
    Show me a picture/Video of one of your works: This is one of my projects with Shaders applied to it, I think it makes it look HD.
    Tell me about yourself: I'm 17, I'm Swedish an have just moved back to Sweden from America with the rest of my family as well as my girlfriend, I'm currently going for my Degree in Architecture. I've played World of Warcraft, DND an tons of other RPG's an RP games, I've RPed all of my life an I'd LOVE to be apart of your crew.
    Why should I accept you? I believe that i'd ,be good for yourself because I'd be able to make your landscape look pretty an make the Terrain of your dreams. I also believe that i'd fit into your crew. I also am willing to take apprentices if needed.

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