goodbye o7
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    • undooo
      August 11, 2024, 10:12 am to Public

      I can't believe it would happen but I'm leaving the site. it's not rlly related to the recent events happening on here but to my well-being. I've been feeling so bad lately that sometimes I feel like I'm going to run away from home or self-harm myself. all I want is to just sink into the ground. to isolate myself from everone and everything. I don't even feel like eating or drinking. I know, topics like that are hard but I thought if I'd tell about that on here I would feel a little bit better because just one 'everything is going to be okay' from my therapist isn't helpful at all. besides, I don't have anyone to support me. my mom just yells at me, and my brother told me straight to my face that he hates me. as for my friends, I have no contact with them, except messenger or instagram so you could say I'm completely alone.

      I loved the time I spent on here. the ppl I met are wonderful and I wish I could meet some of you irl. thank y'all for everything and I'm so sorry if this post made your mood worse.

      - undooo
      PsioPsia0012024-08-16 07:19:34
      Goodbye... That's really sad to hear, I hope that you will get some help
      Ender Sparkle2024-08-11 12:19:07
      Goodbye. May we meet again someday... Or not, if you don't want to. It's up to you. Real life will always be more important than PMC.
      Sus-Sus2024-08-11 12:02:09
      I wish you with best wishes.
      lacuna2024-08-11 11:57:38
      goodbye ;0; i hope u will be ok and get to access the help u need w/o anybody making u feel ashamed <33
      BroccoliTheGirl2024-08-11 10:44:01
      Goodbye. I hope you get better and I wish you peace. But I hope you know that you are never alone on here. I don't think that'll change or help but you are not alone. As always, put your mental health first and a website of just talking to people second or third or whatever.
      Hope you have a great life!
      -XoXo Rachel :)
      pumpkinpvtch2024-08-11 10:28:29
      bye, wishing you the best in life, hope things get better <3
    • undooo shared Spongie's post
      August 9, 2024, 7:13 am with Public
      August 8, 2024, 8:29 pm to Public
      I am leaving this website.

      I didn’t think I’d ever have to make a post like this, but here I am. I’ve considered my options and decided that the best thing for me to do is step away from all of this entirely, so I will be (most likely) permanently leaving. Before I go, there are a lot of things I need to address. Trigger warning for mentions of pedophilia, sexual assault, etc.

      A few days ago I was informed about a Discord server. This server is full of people who are saying disgusting things about me. Almost all of the people on this server are members of this site. There are a few members in particular who are greatly involved in this, however, I cannot name them as it would create more of a commotion than there already is. I will be addressing their actions though. These people have been creating rumors and accusations, all of which are false.

      These things include but are not limited to: being called a pedophile, saying I am attracted to children/babies, being accused of sexually assaulting one of my friends, having used my ex-boyfriend for sex, etc.

      I want to start by saying how disgusting it is to even consider accusing someone of something so major, especially without proof. Pedophilia is an incredibly serious crime, and to toss around the term as if it isn’t is not okay. For those of you who don’t know what pedophilia means, “sexual feelings directed toward children” (definition from Oxford Languages). The amount of you who seem to not understand the depth of this word is shocking, and the reason why I included the definition. I am not sexually attracted to children/babies in any way, shape, or form. I have never said or done anything that could make someone possibly say this. There’s an edited screenshot circulating - someone edited a comment of mine to make me say something about loving babies. This image is fake, along with any other images like this that exist.

      I have never sexually assaulted anyone. This is, again, an incredibly serious crime to be accusing someone of. An anonymous user in the hate server said that I “SAed (sexually assaulted) them when I met up with them IRL (in real life)". This is not true. I have met up with online friends before, but I have never sexually assaulted or harassed any of them or anyone.

      To address the last point, I have never manipulated or used anyone for sex. This is an entirely baseless rumor, just like the others. I can go into more detail on why this isn’t true but I’d rather not publicly talk about my sex life just to prove some deranged lies incorrect.

      This is beyond harassment, this is defamation, “the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel” (definition from Oxford Languages), and it is a crime. At this point and time, I have decided not to pursue legal action, but if any of this continues, I will not hesitate to. There will be consequences to the actions of those who are spreading such malice.

      From my understanding, this all began because I blocked a group of individuals. Blocking people is not a reason for harassment, especially on this level. Everyone has the right to block whoever they want, for whatever they want, and they do not have to specify why. If you get upset from being blocked, take that as a time to self-reflect. Think about what you could've done to be blocked, instead of blaming the other person.

      Now that I’ve addressed this and explained my side of the story, I hope you all can believe and trust me. To those who are spreading the rumors/accusations, I hope you realize how disgusting you are for doing this. Nothing I could’ve done to you would’ve warranted this level of harassment. I understand that the intent of all of this was to upset me, and while I admit that it did, I am not backing down. I am leaving the site for my benefit and because I can no longer be bothered to deal with such ridiculous things.

      Planet Minecraft is supposed to be a joyful and welcoming community, and after my four years here all I have to say is I am greatly disappointed it has come to this. I must specify that this isn’t the only reason I am leaving. I’ve had to deal with countless kinds of harassment on this site, prior to this - lots of which was left undealt with, despite my reports. If Cyprezz/Paril are reading this, you and your moderators need to do better. Do better to ensure that your community is a safe environment for everyone.

      Sometimes we need a reminder that there is a real person behind the screen, behind every screen. We're all human beings with feelings and thoughts that deserve to be valued and taken seriously.

      The last thing I want to say is thank you, to all of my friends, mutuals, and supporters. I am so genuinely appreciative of all the members who have stood with me through this and all the other hardships I’ve faced over the years.

      If you wish to stay in contact with me, DM me, and I will give you some of my other platforms so we can stay in touch. I've drafted all my content and closed my guestbook so your best (and only bet) at contacting me would be via on-site DMs. I will stay logged in for around 24 hours after I’ve posted this so I can reply to messages. After that, I am logging out without the intent of returning.


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    • undooo shared Prince Ren's post
      August 9, 2024, 7:10 am with Public
      Prince Ren
      August 8, 2024, 10:02 pm to Public
      A lot is going on currently. I want to make sure people still feel safe on a website that should be lighthearted and fun.

      If serious and/or criminal rumours are being spread about you resulting in defamation (Specifically libel. Not slander), and/or if you are being harassed, threatened, etc. on PMC, and if, for whatever reason, you are unable to receive help from those on the website, PLEASE talk to trusted adults in your life--And if necessary, contact your local law enforcement.

      Please never be afraid to speak up.
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    • undooo shared Silabear's post
      August 9, 2024, 7:09 am with Public
      August 9, 2024, 4:01 am to Public
      After recent events have happened on this site, I want to emphasise how important it is to speak to a trusted staff member if you have any concerns about what any user might be doing to harm you/others.I am really upset to see how the actions of certain users have affected this community so much that valued long-term members have been forced into leaving the site.

      Blocking users exists for a reason - you have every right to block people who are attacking or harming you. If someone tries to take that right away from you, tell us - this is a form of harassment and is not tolerated.

      If people are spreading disinformation about you (I say disinformation and not misinformation - this is referring to if it’s intentional) to make you seem like a bad person, this is illegal. Nobody deserves false rumours being spread about them. Please tell us before it gets worse and If it’s harming you in real life, you have the right to get law enforcement involved.

      Sometimes it’s really easy for things to get lost in tickets or reports, which is why I encourage you to message a staff member for bigger cases. You can message any staff member on-site or on Discord,

      I’m sorry to see the growing lack of trust in our staff team. We try our best to address every concern in as much detail as we can, but we could not do this without you telling us about what happens. As much as we try to monitor every area of the site, for stuff that happens in private (or just things we miss) we rely on your reports to us so we can deal with it properly. You will never be punished for reporting something and you will remain anonymous to the public.

      To the members affected by recent events: I’m sorry that your time on this site has had to end like this. I’m sorry that you had to go through this alone. I’m sorry about the lack of action we could have taken, and not prioritising it enough. Had we been given more information, I am sure something could have been done, and the the lack of information is evidently due to not enough trust being placed in the staff team. It’s nice to see the community try to deal with it themselves, but the staff team are here for a reason.

      Feel free to speak to me privately if you want to discuss this.
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