Common Kingfisher Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Parrots

Common Kingfisher

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Bird Fans Club
Level 44 : Master Club
The European kingfisher is a bird of the Alcedinidae family.
It lives in Europe, observed most of the time around bodies of water, where it finds its food.
A solitary bird, it lives in limestone or sedimentary cliffs close to water, where it can dig its nest during breeding periods.
Often seen perched on a branch, above the water surface, its way of catching its prey is characteristic, diving into the water as soon as its prey is spotted and grabs it with its beak to eat it whole, on the surface.
It feeds on all kinds of aquatic animals, fish and even some insects.

Photo from : eBird
Common Kingfisher Minecraft Mob Skin

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01/20/2024 12:28 pm
She/Her • Level 41 : Master Loremaster Ranger
mmm bird, i like bird. good bird.
