Leghorn chicken | White Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Chickens

Leghorn chicken | White

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Bird Fans Club
Level 44 : Master Club
The Leghorn hen is a bird of the Phasianidae family.
It is one of the most common chickens in the world, with a lively character, it is native to Tuscany and central Italy. It is found in the majority of farms around the world.
It exists in several colors and in different morphological varieties. The majority are large but there are two dwarf subspecies.
They lay around 280 eggs per year.

My experience with this species

I have had this species myself in the past. As described, a very lively character... but each still had their own distinct and friendly character. They fly very high!

Photo from : Unknow
Leghorn chicken | White Minecraft Mob Skin

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