Idol of Defense Minecraft Skin
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AJGray's Avatar AJGray
Level 39 : Artisan Mage
Because of the “Totem of Undying Palette Contest” going on, (depending on when you see this) I felt like making another skin themed after the Totem of Undying. To add some lore to it too, I see it as the Villagers harnessing the same magic as the Illagers, but rather than imbuing it into a totem which grants “immortality”, which they wouldn’t need in their lives, they instead created a protector to ward off those who would try to bring harm to them. However, they aren’t invincible, and as they take more and more damage, the magic that instills them with life drains away, visualized by their dimming glow.
ModelIron Golem

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05/14/2022 5:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EHXTheAdventurer's Avatar
I feel like this is supposed to have damaged variants, but doesn't.
07/22/2021 10:15 am
Level 45 : Master Zombie
Pumpkin's Avatar
Nice Looking and clean skin! Have a Diamond!
07/22/2021 12:36 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Mage
AJGray's Avatar
Thanks! :) It was fun making it.
