SCP-682 Minecraft Skin
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cyc090706's Avatar cyc090706
Level 42 : Master Dragon
682 is an immortal, reptilian isolate, and researchers studying it are also working on ways to kill it. It is hostile to all and has the ability to summon a giant zombie hand, but shows kindness to 053 (a little special girl. If you try to see or attack, you will get killed. Eventually, you will die), and the ability of 053 is rather not to 682. It works. it's a minecraft mob skins.
ResolutionHD 2x

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08/07/2020 10:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragon
cyc090706's Avatar
682 is an immortal, reptilian isolate, and researchers studying it are also working on ways to kill it. It is hostile to all and has the ability to summon a giant zombie hand, but shows kindness to 053 (a little special girl. If you try to see or attack, you will get killed. Eventually, you will die), and the ability of 053 is rather not to 682. It works.
