Minecraft Mods


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Site Moderator
Level 75 : Legendary Modder
Adds many new foods, each with different uses and way to obtain them, such as wild crops which can be cultivated, and loot from vanilla chests, mobs and blocks.


Aims to be compatible with many other mods, with built-in support for Twilight Forest and Shadowlands, and heavy use of forge tags to ensure cross compatibility in recipes (for example, tomatoes from this mod should work in most recipes from other mods which use tomatoes)

Changing recipes:

Some recipes in the mod will change depending on what mods you have installed, for example if you have a mod which adds dough you'll need to use that instead of wheat to craft certain items, but you will be able to use wheat if there is no dough added in your modpack.

Special effects:

Some kinds of rare chilies will deal heavy fire damage but temporarily boost your health if you survive them.
Ice creams will heal 1 health in hot biomes, and do 1 point of freeze damage in cold biomes.
Chilly Peppers will deal heavy freeze damage in cold biomes but will heal you in hot biomes.
...More will likely be added in future.


Most textures are directly from or edited from ItemBound (https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/blue-haven-items-v11-item-customization-using-optifine/) by sixfootblue, used with permission. Massive thanks to them for that :D go check out their projects too.

Use guide:

Most non-vanilla ingredients will have tooltips explaining where they are found, some items such as Twilight Forest or Shadowlands specific food items won't be craftable without their respective mods, but may still generate in loot chests.


I have tried to keep the mod balanced, anything better than a steak will require several ingredients or be uncommon to find.

Future plans:

Porting to 1.20.4 and above
Adding food which generates in the Nether
Adding food which generates in other modded dimensions? Maybe?
Adding rice which can be grown in water
Porting to Fabric (unlikely to happen unless the mod like really takes off, since I'd have to learn how to use a whole new modding api)

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AllTheFood Minecraft Mod
CreditMost textures are directly from or edited from ItemBound by sixfootblue.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.1

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by dreamCritting 06/29/2024 5:12:59 pmJun 29th, 2024

Changelog 1.1

Fixed feature order cycle error when using Biomes O Plenty or Terralith
Fixed berry ice cream bowl recipe being broken

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03/06/2024 7:31 am
She/Her • Level 75 : Legendary Modder
Accidentally put the download link in the website part not the alternative download part 😭😭😭😭I did think it was getting surprisingly few downloads, that'll be why, downloads through the website button aren't counted.
03/06/2024 6:49 am
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Artist
I wish I had a moderator or a nice nickname color. Good mod
