Minecraft Mods

Infinite Abyss [New underground dimensions] [1.16.5] [1.18.2] [1.19.2] [1.20.1]

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dreamCritting's Avatar dreamCritting
Site Moderator
Level 74 : Legendary Modder

⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦

Ever wondered what lies between the Overworld and the Nether? Or what unexplored depths lie beneath the Nether? Well now you can venture deeper than ever before, though caverns of rock, crystal and ice, in the hope of finding what treasures lie deep beneath the surface. But be wary, for there are far worse creatures than any nether dwelling monster lurking in the shadows of the deepest parts of the world.

Infinite Abyss [New underground dimensions] [1.16.5] [1.18.2] [1.19.2] [1.20.1] Minecraft Mod

  • Layer 0: Overworld
  • Layer 1: large cavern, different kind of stone and full of crystals
  • Layer 2: Reddish stone, magma instead of lava, like a less hot version of the nether
  • Layer 3: The Nether
  • Layer 4: Filled with lots of mushrooms and mycelium
  • Layer 5: Made of Prismarine and has guardians, as well as glowing vines hanging from the cavern roof
  • Layer 6: An icy frozen cavern, with wind spirits and other frozen creatures
  • Layer 7: A bizarre shadowy cavern filled with strange clusters of glowing eyes
  • Charya: A humanoid tentacled monster, standing 4 blocks high, wielding a large sword and shooting toxic slime at players
  • Crystal Construct: A spinning collection of crystal blocks which attacks the player
  • Frozen Wither: A larger more powerful version of the Wither
More screenshots here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/infinite-abyss/screenshots

This mod can be used with the Immersive Portals dimension stacking feature (instructions on how to turn that on here: https://qouteall.fun/immptl/wiki/Dimension-Stack.html), however that only works in 1.16.5 and 1.18.2, (at the time of writing this at least) so the dimensions are instead accessible by normal dimension portals. In the 1.16.5 version portals can be disabled using /gamerule infiniteAbyssPortalsEnabled false so the only way to get to them will be digging. In 1.18.2 with 128 block high dimensions you need to edit some stuff in the dimension stacking settings OR it will have huge gaps between dimensions)

Dimension stacking is not on by default, you will need the Immersive Portals mod and to enable dimension stacking, there is a tutorial on that here: https://qouteall.fun/immptl/wiki/Dimension-Stack.html

Portal creation:
  • Layer 1 portal: Amethyst blocks and Amethyst Key (Key is craftable)
  • Layer 2 portal: Deepstone blocks and Pink Crystal Key (Key is craftable)
  • Layer 3 portal: Standard Nether portal (Flint and Steel is craftable)
  • Layer 4 portal: Layer 2 Red Deepstone and Red Crystal Key (Key is craftable)
  • Layer 5 portal: Third Layer Deepstone and Opal Key (Key is craftable)
  • Layer 6 portal: Deep Prismarine and Frozen Key (Key is a 5% drop from Guardian Knights)
  • Layer 7 portal: Blue Ice and Shadow Key (Key is a 5% drop from Wind Spirits)
Use JEI with this so you know how to craft things, or JER to get info on loot tables/ore generation, also for other info like tool strength needed to break blocks you can use mods like this or this

Mod wiki: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/infinite-abyss-wiki/

If you wish to include this in a modpack please contact me.

Will you made a Fabric version? No, I can't and won't.

Can I post this to another site? No. DMCAs have and will be sent to sites which reupload this mod

Will this mod be made to work in version X? I have no plans to make versions of this mod for older versions of the game, a 1.12.2 or 1.15.2 version would take too long to make and the workspace for the mod is not compatible with older versions of Mcreator. I might however update this mod to 1.21 when the update is out.

What version should I use?

1.20.1 or 1.19.2 if possible

Are there any Incompatibilities? I do not know of any specific incompatibilities between this mod and other mods, however if you are using this with Immersive Portals then check here to see if other mods you want to use are compatible or not

Here are FTB Quests files for use with Infinite Abyss, feel free to include this in any modpack
Infinite Abyss [click to reveal]
Infinite Abyss [New underground dimensions] [1.16.5] [1.18.2] [1.19.2] [1.20.1] Minecraft Mod

copy paste into a text file called infinite_abyss.snbt and put it in the chapters folder of the FTB Quests config
default_hide_dependency_lines: false
default_quest_shape: ""
filename: "infinite_abyss"
group: ""
id: "01C7913CBB6E4450"
order_index: 0
quest_links: [ ]
quests: [
dependencies: ["2746E8AE2C2D02CF"]
id: "257E39951E104FE8"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:first_layer"
icon: "infinite_abyss:glowing_pink_crystal"
id: "2B344E740474E675"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 1st layer"
x: -9.0d
y: -0.5d
dependencies: ["16ECAB5087E802C9"]
id: "3A7F331F22AF22EC"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:second_layer"
icon: "infinite_abyss:glowing_red_crystal"
id: "24B32FBEFDB0AED3"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 2nd layer"
x: -7.0d
y: -0.5d
dependencies: ["76457A38E9410978"]
id: "757631A1521FC451"
tasks: [{
id: "1ABBDE83A6631C30"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:fith_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -7.0d
y: 2.5d
dependencies: ["7FF82203EFF19B2A"]
id: "76457A38E9410978"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:fith_layer"
icon: "infinite_abyss:fourth_layer_flowering_deepstone"
id: "50A6B33AA0E8F306"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 4th layer"
x: -7.0d
y: 1.5d
dependencies: [
id: "3B99C72847C45288"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:fith_layer"
icon: "infinite_abyss:deep_prismarine"
id: "6BE0995ED134A05A"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 5th layer"
x: -7.0d
y: 3.5d
dependencies: ["2E8E7D2F559D5944"]
icon: "infinite_abyss:tentacle"
id: "3641048B98A43E5A"
rewards: [{
id: "63F5DFCEE9B0A557"
item: "infinite_abyss:exploration_talisman"
type: "item"
tasks: [{
entity: "infinite_abyss:charya"
id: "6545A1532644545E"
title: "Slay Charya"
type: "kill"
value: 1L
x: -8.0d
y: 5.5d
dependencies: ["3B99C72847C45288"]
id: "2E8E7D2F559D5944"
tasks: [{
id: "52C09736DFD934D7"
item: "infinite_abyss:summoning_bell"
type: "item"
title: "Obtain summoning bell"
x: -8.0d
y: 4.5d
dependencies: ["3A7F331F22AF22EC"]
id: "3CA8CBA9B68C051B"
tasks: [{
id: "7949AE10AC110AE2"
item: "infinite_abyss:rainbow_crystal"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: 2.5d
dependencies: [
id: "1EEE4AA15BDBBC22"
tasks: [{
id: "06BB309646267032"
item: "infinite_abyss:crystal_heart"
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: 3.5d
dependencies: ["3B99C72847C45288"]
id: "7B7830C12595955E"
tasks: [{
id: "4A854E391DB94011"
item: "infinite_abyss:shield_breaker"
type: "item"
x: -8.0d
y: 3.5d
dependencies: ["7B7830C12595955E"]
icon: "infinite_abyss:enchanted_puffball_heart"
id: "0186A51A1B65A220"
rewards: [{
id: "32D18711BCC67D0F"
item: "minecraft:mushroom_stew"
type: "item"
tasks: [{
entity: "infinite_abyss:huge_puffball"
id: "15E46BF80187270E"
type: "kill"
value: 1L
x: -9.0d
y: 3.5d
dependencies: ["1EEE4AA15BDBBC22"]
icon: "infinite_abyss:dead_crystal_heart"
id: "41B8359A6D174F90"
rewards: [{
id: "5B9115B9FC116F90"
item: "infinite_abyss:exploration_talisman"
type: "item"
tasks: [{
entity: "infinite_abyss:crystal_construct"
id: "2E2958C331A197DE"
type: "kill"
value: 1L
title: "Slay the Crystal Construct"
x: -10.0d
y: 5.5d
dependencies: [
id: "08AD0B544F6E86C2"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:sixth_layer"
icon: "infinite_abyss:ice_spike"
id: "6D5DA7095359B97F"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 6th layer"
x: -7.0d
y: 5.5d
dependencies: [
id: "628EA56FB664FE03"
tasks: [{
id: "5A86A2BEF5788750"
item: "infinite_abyss:heart_of_restoration"
type: "item"
x: -9.0d
y: 5.5d
dependencies: [
id: "5692AFD7F45A3B9A"
tasks: [{
id: "6BBA4DC4AF50CA25"
item: "infinite_abyss:wither_artefact"
type: "item"
x: -9.0d
y: 7.5d
dependencies: ["5FDDB3A9ECD477C7"]
icon: "infinite_abyss:strange_pillar"
id: "12C96D633B111B13"
tasks: [{
dimension: "infinite_abyss:seventh_layer"
id: "075C0830A8214B38"
type: "dimension"
title: "Visit the 7th layer"
x: -7.0d
y: 7.5d
dependencies: ["5692AFD7F45A3B9A"]
icon: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:violet_diamond_sword"
tag: {
Damage: 0
id: "3DB92C4923CEE47F"
rewards: [
id: "506AC13D0E1ECDB3"
item: "minecraft:diamond_block"
type: "item"
id: "463944A3E7EA6A5B"
item: "infinite_abyss:warmth_talisman"
type: "item"
tasks: [{
entity: "infinite_abyss:frozen_wither"
id: "7A190089C94D3A03"
title: "Slay the Frozen Wither"
type: "kill"
value: 1L
x: -9.0d
y: 8.5d
dependencies: ["3A7F331F22AF22EC"]
description: [
"Needed when you enter the 6th layer."
"Make by brewing a Fire Crystal block with a potion of fire resistance."
hide_dependency_lines: true
id: "3C8A6847B8E8961B"
tasks: [{
id: "79735601D1BDF522"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "minecraft:potion"
tag: {
Potion: "infinite_abyss:cold_resistance_potion"
type: "item"
x: -6.0d
y: 5.5d
dependencies: ["3A7F331F22AF22EC"]
description: [
"Needed for the 5th, 6th and 7th layers)"
"Make by brewing an opal with awkward potion."
id: "4B713555D51792B4"
tasks: [{
id: "11CDD65DD9ED1C03"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "minecraft:potion"
tag: {
Potion: "infinite_abyss:depth_resistance_potion"
type: "item"
x: -5.0d
y: 1.5d
dependencies: ["76457A38E9410978"]
description: [
"Gives depth resistance so you don't have to keep making potions."
"Obtained rarely from golden crates in castles on the 4th layer (10% chance) "
"Optional but recommnended."
id: "05A16C3BF2C911AC"
tasks: [{
id: "5CC30DF38E8795B3"
item: "infinite_abyss:exploration_talisman"
type: "item"
x: -8.0d
y: 2.5d
id: "29EA653CBECBE59B"
tasks: [{
id: "3917AC9F62F3622D"
item: "minecraft:amethyst_block"
type: "item"
x: -11.0d
y: -0.5d
dependencies: ["29EA653CBECBE59B"]
id: "2746E8AE2C2D02CF"
tasks: [{
id: "2D6B8829BFFEF38C"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:first_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -10.0d
y: -0.5d
dependencies: ["3A7F331F22AF22EC"]
id: "7FF82203EFF19B2A"
tasks: [{
id: "5ACC67E6B0ED7CFC"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:fourth_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -7.0d
y: 0.5d
dependencies: ["257E39951E104FE8"]
id: "16ECAB5087E802C9"
tasks: [{
id: "23D8E892B391B284"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:second_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -8.0d
y: -0.5d
dependencies: ["3B99C72847C45288"]
id: "607152E46A8A1F9E"
tasks: [{
id: "68B8C178BB80209A"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:sixth_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -7.0d
y: 4.5d
dependencies: ["08AD0B544F6E86C2"]
id: "5FDDB3A9ECD477C7"
tasks: [{
id: "79B9FE6D39832B18"
item: {
Count: 1b
id: "infinite_abyss:seventh_layer"
tag: {
Damage: 0
type: "item"
x: -7.0d
y: 6.5d
title: "Infinite Abyss"

Want to enjoy my mod with friends? Choose BisectHosting for your server needs! New customers can use code Dreamcritting to save 25% on their first month off any gaming server.

Infinite Abyss [New underground dimensions] [1.16.5] [1.18.2] [1.19.2] [1.20.1] Minecraft Mod
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.1

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by dreamCritting 03/10/2024 2:09:18 pmMar 10th

1.8 Changelog:

Improved a few textures
Improved Crystal Construct model
Changed harvest level of Violet Diamond Drill from 6 to 5
Changed harvest level of Violet Diamond Pickaxe from 5 to 4
Changed harvest level requirement of Charium from 6 to 5
Added Mycelium Vines, Icicles and Strange Stems
Optemised the first load message
Improved Eyeball Frog loot, now works with fire and looting
Improved the Violet Diamond Drill model
Added Deepsilver to the forge:ingots/silver tag and Deepsilver blocks to the forge:storage_blocks/silver tag
Added Opal, Violet Diamond and Deepsilver blocks
Added useful tooltips to Opals and Fire Crystals
Reduced minimum entities in spawn group for Eyeball Frogs since there was a bit too many of them
Added Violet Diamond Axe
Added support for Immersive Engineering, Create and Mekanism - among other things ores can now be crushed or excavated with machines
Improved Warmth Talisman texture and Violet Diamond Drill model
Added items to the stone_crafting_materials and stone_tool_materials Minecraft tags
Removed an unused biome which was only still there because it used to break the mod when removed
Removed some unused textures
Fixed Charium Ore being minable with any pickaxe
Fixed lava pools generating on the Sixth Layer
Increased Tempest of Flame spawn weight from 2 to 3
Moved lots of items to the correct creative tab
Fixed Territe being called Deepstone
Made the Frozen Key less rare

Future plans:

Move off Mcreator (only once I've reworked the content of the mod and made it actually good)
Remove/replace/heavilly change the 2nd layer
Add cool mobs to the 1st layer
Add more structures

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07/12/2024 5:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_Apollo's Avatar
Is there a way to enable the portals to be immersive portals or is that not implemented?
05/30/2024 7:38 am
Level 73 : Legendary Engineer
WonderBoots's Avatar
very cool
02/18/2024 2:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mcdonals_master's Avatar
how can I download the two (immersive portals, infinite abyss) mods even though one is for foge and the other for fabric
02/18/2024 3:45 pm
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
Immersive Portals has Forge versions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-portals-mod/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 there is also a mod called Sinytra Connector, which when used with Forgified Fabric API lets you use forge and fabric mods together (although best not to unless there's no forge version you can use)
07/24/2023 4:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Juancaballo's Avatar
i want this to be update so bad bro
12/02/2023 3:19 pm
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
Been 5 months but it's finally on 1.20.1
01/30/2023 5:50 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
01/30/2023 6:04 pm
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
It should drop when using a Violet Diamond drill although only around a quarter of the blocks drop a crystal, if they're not dropping at all then I'm not sure what's happening there.
12/11/2022 7:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4401964G's Avatar
How do you craft the Violet Diamond drill? JEI Doesn't show the recipe for me. I'm using 1.19.2
12/25/2022 3:31 pm
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
I forgot to reply but that's fixed as of the 1.3 update
