Minecraft Mods

Bedrock Edition Hardcore Mode with UHC

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Level 39 : Artisan Miner
Adds Hardcore Mode to Minecraft Bedrock Edition. A Java Edition exclusive, Hardcore leaves you with only one life, and locks the game in Hard difficulty. It's the most challenging gamemode. If you've been waiting for Bedrock to get Hardcore for all these years, or you just want an extra challenge, this is the add-on for you!

As stated above, this pack adds hardcore mode to the game. This is certainly a challenge, but if you want even more, change the subpack to Ultra Hardcore to get one of the hardest gamemodes possible in a (mostly) vanilla experience. Ultra Hardcore makes it so that your health cannot naturally regenerate. Regeneration can only be done with things like potions, golden apples, and suspicious stew.

In addition, Hardcore Mode changes the appearance of the player's health bar.

Bedrock Edition Hardcore Mode with UHC Minecraft Mod

This is the default health bar. You can see the hearts have some kind of design on them.

Bedrock Edition Hardcore Mode with UHC Minecraft Mod

When poisoned, the hearts turn green, but still have the strange design on them. (All of them do.)

Bedrock Edition Hardcore Mode with UHC Minecraft Mod

Absorption and wither, shown above.

When you die, you will have a modified death screen, which says Game Over! and Spectate World. (It says Leave Game too, but that's boring. Bedrock Edition does not yet have support for deleting worlds from the death screen.)

Upon respawning, you will be invisible, unkillable, and unable to change the world. You will also be able to fly. (Bedrock Edition also doesn't support phasing through blocks unfortunately.)

(I would show a picture, but there isn't much to show of something invisible)

To add this pack to your world, make sure you turn on spectator mode in experiments. If you want to resurrect yourself, type in /function resurrect_self.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

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08/06/2022 11:46 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
UPDATE: Added spectator mode functionality. Also made standard hardcore the default when adding it to a world.
03/20/2022 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
i tried downloading, but it didnt work..
it says zip file not found or something
12/03/2021 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
umm, do you recommend this for PVP minigame worlds with 1 life?
02/01/2022 2:20 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
This pack certainly can work in such an environment.
