Minecraft Mods

[1.7.10] Dragon's Radio Mod

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DragonbornSR's Avatar DragonbornSR
Level 48 : Master Modder
Dragon's Radio Mod adds a radio into the world. It is not simply a prerecorded sound player or dummy, It plays actual radio streams from the internet. For that you need a radio stream link that provides mp3 stream with m3u or pls extention. Audio stream will be client sided, so the radio does not cause any lag to server, and client side code is enough effective to play on any configuration and mod-pack without any troubles.

Radio has 9 buttons, and one text insert area. Buttons allow you to connect to stream link that is provided in text box, Play the stream, turn volume up and down, add stream to playlist, delete it, browse the playlist, clear the stream text-box, paste into it and exit the player.

You can use the radio remote to bind speaker to radio to extend it's range. Just right click on speaker with control and then do the same to radio! Speakers should be placed away (15 - 30 blocks for example) from radio to be effective. Speakers do not increase volume! Just remember that one radio can have max 10 speakers. Just to make sure people do not go crazy. However you can add dummy speakers around to make it look there are more speakers!

Just remember that one radio can have max 10 speakers. Just to make sure people do not go crazy. However you can add dummy speakers around to make it look there are more speakers!

Latest changes:

What's new in 1.7.0
+ Added Speakers that extend radio range
+ Added Dummy Speaker for decoration
+ Added remote to bind speaker to radio
* Changed Textures for blocks

* Fixed speaker crafting recipe!

example radio stream links:
Club etc -> http://listen.radionomy.com/elium-clubdance
Jazz -> adsi-e-02-boh.sharp-stream.com/jazzfmmobile.mp3
Classic Rock / Rock -> sharpflow.sharp-stream.com:8000/planetrock.mp3
R'n'B -> media-ice.musicradio.com:80/CapitalXTRANationalMP3
Dance -> stream.nonstopplay.co.uk/nsp-128k-mp3
Classical -> http://streaming.azpm.org/kuat192.mp3.m3u
Country -> http://provisioning.streamtheworld.com/pls/WPURFM.pls
NOTE! Those links MAY EXPIRE! Check them in browser first!

some more links can be found:http://www.listenlive.eu , http://www.usliveradio.com/ , http://www.australianliveradio.com/
If some links do not work, they are not mp3 format or with m3u/pls extention.

No need to ask for permission to put this mod on your server.

Please leave a comment if you liked the mod, I would much appreciate it. Servers using Dragon's Radio Mod: thesociety.eu, churroscraft.net

DEVELOPMENT VERSIONS (1.10.2 currently)
If you test 1.10.2 development versions, please send me feedback (info@thesociety.eu), if possible. I can not guarantee satisfaction, and please do not attempt to use them on your live servers :).

Older (1.6.4) versions here!
CreditDragonbornSR, Vulgarel
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

9 Update Logs

1.7.1 : by DragonbornSR 07/24/2015 4:48:29 amJul 24th, 2015

*Fixed speaker crafting recipe.

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04/02/2018 3:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Starman9005's Avatar
Nice mod bro but a Question? How I put my mp3. music on the Radio?
01/25/2017 1:21 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
DragonbornSR's Avatar
Developement version is out for minecraft forge 1.10.2. Feel free to test and give me feedback. Will fix any bugs ASAP when I have free time in Army. When it looks good and no bugs seem to remain, I will announce a stable version.
10/22/2016 6:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
ImSoFunny's Avatar
09/03/2016 4:56 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
DrBajaoGames's Avatar
Help! Some radio stations are not available in the country! I'm a filipino. Can you help me?
07/29/2016 3:50 pm
Level 48 : Master Modder
DragonbornSR's Avatar

I am not able to update this mod until july 2017 because I am in mandatory militart service. 1.7.10 versions and earlier are stable and I hope they remain so.
03/23/2016 5:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
notreallyokay's Avatar
can i use spotify?
01/07/2016 2:08 pm
Level 21 : Expert Warrior
reachmasters117's Avatar
can you update this to 1.8? would really appreciate it
01/06/2016 2:09 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Warrior
Markieyer's Avatar
1.8 please?
12/13/2015 10:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
crazydudes14's Avatar
I cant tell if you still update tis mod but if you do can you please add
a portible radio... ill offer an idea for the crafting recipy...
11/21/2015 7:54 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
InuYasha86000's Avatar
I would like to confirm something about this mod before downloading, hopefully i'm understanding this right. if someone has a radio stream link active in a radio, will any player around be able to hear that station as they approach? or is it only the client that added that played that link? I understand the code is client based for no lag, I just want to know if it's the client that added the stream only or public sound.
